What you think?


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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OK a few tips that will sort this out and get your handicap down

First you have a one plane swing so thats great

Next try changing your grip so your left hand is below the right this will change things alot

Next close your stance by about 45 deg and aim to the side of the range, this will take the left side out of play a treat

Finally wear shorts as this will free up your legs and hip movement so you can get better distance as that shot looks very short for a driver.

After that advice go straight to the Pro for a swing re-build as the above will destroy that beautiful swing you had already

In all seriousness a great swing do not change anything !


Aug 5, 2011
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Looks like my shoulders are very open at address.

Any other comments?
Currently off 5.8 and never had a lesson so would be interested in feedback.
Generally hit a straight ball with a baby draw.

nice swing- good app that swingreader- I placed a few lines on it and it highlighted some tweaks, early extension and chicken wing after the strike being 2 minor ones. You were on plane coming back down with some 'casting' from the top but only slight- hold that wrist set longer if you can. A video from the front would be good also. That strike looked like a baby fade rather than a draw? nice posture and I agree you look slightly 'twisted', just go back to basics and ensure feet, knees, hips and shoulders are square.
Disclaimer- this is just my opinion as a golfer and not to be confused with people that study the swing to the 'nth' degree. I might be way off but you asked for comments.
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Head Pro
Sep 16, 2007
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Has anyone got any tips to help with shoulder alignment?

I often check alignment with tour sticks for lower half but cannot think of a way to check upper body.

I think the baby fade in that shot was more of a result of a stront left to right cross wind last night at the range.
Generally I hit a staight to 5 yard draw with my bad shot either being a big push right if i "fall" off of a swing or a larger hook.


Nov 16, 2011
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Given your level and status (never had a lesson) I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry to change much, if anything.

But your shoulders do look a little open and the ball looks quite a long way back n your stance.

Swing would seem to rather dependent on pretty solid timing. If it's off, does the ball occasionally stay right? If that swing is typical, I'd see a block as the more common 'bad shot' rather than the (more destructive) pull/hook.

Back-swing seems quite 'armsy' (also quite low and inside until the shoulders turn and set it on the 'correct' plane) and down-swing rather torso driven - with arms seeming to rather 'hang on' a bit. An observation, not a criticism.

Did notice that your head moves forward quite a bit during the back-swing, almost acting as a counter-balance for the arms and club at the top. I'd be interested to see what happened if you stopped at the top - would you fall forward? That might account for the early extension. Weight does seem to shift back towards the heels on the down-swing, though there's a bit of lost connection, possibly as a consequence. I wouldn't call the follow through too much of a chicken-wing. The swings of Darren Clarke and Lee Westwood seem to have at least the same (Westwood's more). Compared to theirs though (and I think at least certain parts of theirs would be good models) yours does seem a bit of a 'flail' It's quite possible that the balance issue (which I have to say is a bit of a hobby-horse for me) contributes quite a bit to that.

So if you feel your Driving is consistent enough, don't change. If it's not consistent enough, check out your balance and see whether being stable at the top of the back-swing lets the arms stay a bit more connected in the down-swing.

I do wish I could use my hips that well though!


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Has anyone got any tips to help with shoulder alignment?

I often check alignment with tour sticks for lower half but cannot think of a way to check upper body.

Just before you start your swing, keep your body in the same position but pick the club up. Hold it on your left shoulder with your right hand and your right shoulder with your left hand. The club will show you where your shoulders are lined up.

Early extension is something that I'm guilty of too. I'm trying to imagine my right hip moving into the space where the left one was rather than firing towards the ball.