Money List Winner
Re: Fine fescue
That's it, you tell 'em mate!!!
(I hope the Mrs doesn't read this).
That's it, you tell 'em mate!!!
(I hope the Mrs doesn't read this).
Hi Vig am hoping to do the same but I think it needs major work and investment in equipment so may buy one of the putting mates and just lay it down on the lawn when I need it. Might be the easier cheaper alternativeThere is a mention on some course websites of the types of grass. I have noticed it before and on the back of this got a "quality" seed mix that included fescues and bent. I have over seeded a portion of lawn with this and am hoping I can persuade HID to let me cut a hole in it. Just a corner of the lawn, that's all i'm after, about 15'x15'. (hope she reads this
Tiger Wood has gone on record saying he dislikes meadow grass greens. A huge change is happening in greenkeeping and many courses are changing the grass species. This will effect your greens!!