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Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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Before you read on please read my post posted yesterday re PRO V1's.

I asked specifically about a 2 piece ball and there was not 1 reply.

Additionally I do NOT need to be lectured about buying from ebay which 3/4 people did. Obviously I would not have bought if I had known that the seller emanated from China. There was only one relevant reply which was who was the seller to whom I replied. It is bad enough when you have bought a pup and I certainly did not need my face rubbed in its dirt!

Think people should only make a comment when there is something relevant to say relating to the relevant topic.
I reckon The Tigers will lose by 25 points the next time they play the Ospreys, wait till Henson + Phillips are back! Cant wait!

JOKE!!!! Its just the way we are 3offthetee, we do like to go off on a tangent, go with it and im sure youe will get the replys you want.
I am not sure, short of cutting it in half how you would tell. The cover would look the same, assuming it was surlyn, and the big chunk of plastic in the middle would be similar, so I am not sure by looking, or bouncing it on something how you would tell the difference.

If you cut it open, there should be a thin layer called a mantle under the cover. For a 4 piece ball (ProV1x) there would be an inner core too.

If the cover is the wrong colour white, or the dimple pattern is different, or the alignment logo not aligned with the seam, or the gloss level is different, this would tell you it is a fake, but would not necessarily tell you it a two piece ball.
The difference in flight is harder to answer.

Most cheaper balls are two piece. This keeps the manufacturing costs down.

3 or 4 piece balls have more layers so the designers can do more with the ball. The cover may be soft so the club grips it to impart spin, the mantle can react for iron shots which do not compress the ball much, and the inner core can compress off the driver to give distance. For really big hitters there canF be a small core right in the middle (ProV1x).

On a two piece ball, the options are more limited. Soft or firm really. Most distance balls are two piece.

Play with them, you might like them anyway.

The flight is more likely to be influenced by the dimple design. Without seeing the ball, hard to say, but if you compare a new PTS carry with a PTS roll, you will see a clear difference in dimple pattern which will give you an indication of how it will fly.

Does your game actually need ProV1s? For a higher handicap golfer, they will slice and hook more than a two piece ball, so may not be the best option anyway. I am guessing you are not off scratch, as you would be less worried by the cost if you didn't lose many.
As has been said, Pro V1 is 3-piece, Pro V1x is 4-piece,
NXT Tour is 3-piece, Extreme is 2-piece

excluding the labelling, can you tell from the outside - No

all you can tell from the outside, if you have a known genuine ball for comparison, is that it has or does not have the right dimple pattern, colour, etc. ie it is or is not what it says it is but that cannot tell you how it is constructed.

If in doubt send one to Titleist at St Ives and ask.

Acushnet Europe Ltd:
Caxton Road
St. Ives, Huntingdon
Cambridgeshire PE27 3LU, England
Phone: +44-1-480-301114
Perhaps this is what the foxes and crows are doing to the balls on my course. Instead of trying to eat them, thinking they are eggs, they are testing for how many layers they are constructed from. Part of a survey done for the club to assess members ball preferences. And here was me thinking they were stupid dumb creatures.
guys your changing the subject again! we're supposed to be helping this guy out and tell him about two piece balls. From what i have gathered after several hours of googling is that a 2 piece ball has 2 pieces! much like a 3 piece ball has 3 pieces. I hope this helps
Back to topic, the other give away would be to get a used proV of equivalent design (ProV1, with similar looking alignment mark) and drill a hole in it. Then do the same with one of the new ones. Bet the core is a different colour.

Expensive way to find out, but if you have a couple of dozen, what's one ball?
Back to topic, the other give away would be to get a used proV of equivalent design (ProV1, with similar looking alignment mark) and drill a hole in it. Then do the same with one of the new ones. Bet the core is a different colour.

Expensive way to find out, but if you have a couple of dozen, what's one ball?

don't forget the health and safety aspect,

goggles, gloves, mask, rcd, bench vice, safety assistant, . . .

it all mounts up,
Fire extinguisher (of the correct designation for use with molten plastic combined with electrical appliances, probably CO2, but powder would do at a pinch), plus first aid kit (already needed apparently), safety shoes in case one should find the vice is insufficiently attached to the bench, fully charged mobile phone(with suitable emergency service pre dialled), and a hard hat.

Should be safe enough to open the box up once all this is in place.
sorry, not good enough murph.

Avoid:TEMPERATURES OVER 325C - hand drill only?

and that's just the cover!
But we're drilling down to the core.

Obviously you are quoteing materials from Titleists site, but what if it is a fake? Who knows what we are getting into. Could even be storing melamine in there (if they can put it in chocolate there is no telling what they will do with it next). Definately need full breathing kit.
I'm not getting involved with this, it didnt go down to well in armageddon, i'm sure there was atleast 3 die in that, i cant deal with any more loss of life.