Weight Transfer with woods on downswing


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Looking for drills to improve the above fault I have.

Basically I'm barely transferring to my left so not completing the swing with the associated results of slices and loss of distance

Did a forum search for last couple of years and came across the two tips below which I'll try but wanted to ask if there are any others (also came across the MC youtube vid but that was dealing with irons and isn't as relevant to woods due to the drill being about moving ball position)

SocketRocket posted this:
Address a ball normally with a mid iron. Keeping your right foot still move your left foot up against your right so both feet are together while taking the club to the top of the backswing. Make a slight pause and step your left foot back to its original position as you swing down and hit the ball. Pick up on the feeling of your weight moving onto your left foot through impact.

Bobmac posted this
Try this.....
Stand up straight and swing a club round your body as if you're trying to hit a ball at shoulder height. If you keep your head still, you should feel your body turning naturally. Then, keep swinging and gradually, bend from the hips until the club starts brushing the ground. That should help you feel the natural body turn.
I think you are over-thinking the turn.

Apologies to the guys above if I've taken their tips out of context on the original threads

Thanks in advance


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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The one that worked for me is, at the top of the backswing to feel that I've got a bottle of water under my left foot and, at the start of the downswing, I just press hard enough down on it to push some water out. It has to be the first thought on the downswing and I find that even a very subtle press down on the centre of the foot is enough to get my weight forward at the strike and, as a result, I take the ball first off the ground almost always, and drive better through off the tee with my driver.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Print the picture below and stick it to your golf bag

Then, every time you reach for a club try and copy his balanced finishing position i.e. almost all his weight on his front foot and the rest up on his big toe



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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no real difference in the weight shift for a full iron swing to a metal, to a driver - the perceived, imagined difference is taken care of in the set-up position to put the low point of the swing arc in the right place whichever club your using.

{let the wedge fall by 'rolling' the weight onto the inside of the right foot so the whole of the outside of the right foot peels off the ground as the right knee works towards target & the left knee, then the right foot works up to be at 90º on the toes, your right shoulder & right hip is the nearest part of your body to the target in a balanced full finish, chest pointing to the left of your target not pointing too the target}
