walked off the course like a ? end

It’s finally happened. A last minute decision to play with my social group and a rush to get to the tee off in time. First hole 3 off the tee, 3rd hole 4 putt. 4th hole thinned from 60 yards over the back never to be found. Stepped on to the 5th. See you later. 3 off the tee onto the 4th fairway.

An apology to my PP’s and made a sharp exit. We were a 3 ball so I wasn’t leaving anyone hanging.

Headed straight onto the range where the clubman (currently in process of getting his coaching badges) took some sort of empathy towards me and offered to give me a lesson out of his own generosity. Left feeling good.

Not something I am proud of and I am genuinely embarrassed for doing so but every man has their breaking point. And all this comes off the back of shooting one of my best scores at the weekend winning a society day.

From hero to zero within a couple of days.

Rant over.

Anyone done anything similar recently to make me feel less like a ? end ?
I once restarted after a cup of coffee, as a visitor, at a very expensive, posh, but empty, course after a disastrous 1st and a diabolical tee shot on 2, having rushed to make the tee time. Got a puzzled, but sympathetic, reaction from the Starter and the round was far more enjoyable after the restart!
I've walked off twice.
Once because I was playing so badly, the other because I was playing so badly and it was chucking it down with rain as well.
Do I regret either???
I've walked off a number of times, but not for a number of years. Each person deals with those BAD days differently. My goal when I play is to have a short relaxed consistent swing....when I lose that touch/feeling I get frustrated as heck. Others play just for the social aspect, they want to play well but just don't really care if they have a bad day. In my opinion, if you are trying hard to play well and you really just suck....you shouldn't be a happy camper. How you deal with that just varies depending on the personality of each person. Golf tries to make everybody act/behave exactly the same.....but in the real world that's not how it works. The vast majority of golfers I know don't bother to even practice a little bit....which to me indicates how hard they are trying to play better.
I've walked off three times, twice in Spain and once in England - all three were after 9 holes due to slow play. Approaching 3 hours for 9 is not my idea of a leisure pursuit, I have better things to do with my time.
All the courses agreed to allow us to complete the back 9 on another day.
Walked off just once. Was on a lads golf trip and was 'tired' after a heavy night before. I was playing very badly, the bag kept falling off the hired trolley, and it was tediously slow - I mean really slow. The lads knew I was getting a bit tense. And then I shanked one and hit a cow's arse - literally - and I snapped. A few choice words and I said I'd had enough and I was off. Ten years on and they've still not let me forget it and bring it up any time they fancy a laugh at my expense.
Some good replies here and also some amusing ones that I can relate. We are all human at the end of the day.

It really is like being in a toxic relationship. You try everything you can to work it out and sometimes even stay together for the wrong reasons. However you can actually be the bigger person by walking away which benefits everyone involved.

Having said that. I returned to the course yesterday to redeem myself (with pp I walked away from). I shot a fantastic round and played very well and PP came in with the best score he’s ever had!

And they say you should never return to your ex ?

Edit: stupid game!
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Ah! I take it you are a Mackem.
As an ITFC fan, I wish your team to crumble every week ;)

Only joking

Back on topic, I have only walked off once, and that was after 9 holes as a solo taking over two hours including being let through by no fewer than 3 groups (might have even been 4). At the 8th hole, I caught up with a group of 3 who said, "we would let you through but it's busy up ahead" (?!)

I went back and played another 9 a couple of hours later in the evening. Front 9 again, though, or I would've rejoined the same problem groups.
I don't understand why people walk off. Just play out the round and enjoy the company. Or practice what you're trying to do. Saves any embarrassing moments or people thinking you're a stroppy teenager.
There is a guy in a Saturday morning swindle/rollup that gets on me about this.....he thinks the same as you. The "just enjoy the day/walk" way of thinking isn't what I'm out there for.....it's not right or wrong, it's just not the way my brain works. I take it more seriously than he does, and I actually practice regularly. Our personal goals playing golf are completely different from each other. Neither goal is wrong....they're just different.
I don't understand why people walk off. Just play out the round and enjoy the company. Or practice what you're trying to do. Saves any embarrassing moments or people thinking you're a stroppy teenager.

I think I would be slightly worried if my PP’s idea of ‘good company’ was searching for all my lost balls for the next 4+ hours.
I think I would be slightly worried if my PP’s idea of ‘good company’ was searching for all my lost balls for the next 4+ hours.
If your round's dead just stop searching and leave them where they are. :LOL: If I ever lose two of my own balls in a round that's when the lost & found balls come out instead so I stop caring about losing one, ha.
If your round's dead just stop searching and leave them where they are. :LOL: If I ever lose two of my own balls in a round that's when the lost & found balls come out instead so I stop caring about losing one, ha.

Some bloody good golfers on here if your stop and search limit is only 2 ?
Only time I have ever walked in was when the chap I was playing with was just as frustrated as I was and we decided to can it after 12 miserable holes :D

Same here. Very slow, very hot, clubhouse in sight on the 10th. Conversation between me an pp went "Pint?" "Yep". 'nuff said:ROFLMAO:
I've walked off a few times due to illness or injury, and occasionally due to very bad weather when other members of the group had the same idea, but never due to my own bad play or hassles with playing partners.