Fish, I know that - but my point still stands. I am without my device (a very expensive device) because I did not buy from a retailer. If I could take it back I know I would get a replacement. Because I bought direct from Sky Golf -I have no local support.
So I stand by my statement -lesson learnt buy from your local pro as they give better support.
To me - Sky Caddie should have offered me the option to take it to a retailer for exchange. That way they guarantee to get my device back and I am happy.
Now I have to return it by post for them to examine it to decide wether it is faulty and they will then replace it. This will take days (at least a week) so I stand by my criticism - not good service.
Personally it's no different to if you took it into a retailer you bought it from, they are not experienced or qualified to check it so 99% of the time they would also just send it, or any item back for it to be assessed and checked by the manufacturer where they have the right to repair it, replace it or offer a refund if it's deemed to be a manufacturer fault. This has to be done in what is only described within the sales of goods act as, a reasonable amount of time. So again, a retailer isn't going to give you another new one over the counter immediately only then to send it back to the manufacturer and find out its then OK and nothing is actually wrong with it as all he has then is 2 secondhand units!!
The only possibility it could have gone smoother was through a club pro who leant you a unit of his own or had a demo of any brand to use whilst it was sent away.