Using a glove


Aug 5, 2011
Widnes, Cheshire
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I have recently started to play and I suffer terribly with a vicious slice when driving. I have been browsing this forum looking for hints which I have noted to improve my drive.

One thing I have noted is as I do not currently use a glove my left hand (I'm right handed) gets blistered during a game. Could this be down to the movement of my hands during the swing which is causing the slice or would this be expected from not using a glove?


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Hi Phate, welcome along.

You'll find loads of good stuff on here, a couple of things:

1. Some people play without a glove, about 100% of pros and roughly 100% of good players wear a glove, so I'd say its worth the punt ;-) It'll definitely help with the sore hand, it wont cure your slice though! Not sure if the turning of the club in your hand is the cause, but when you start out if your grips are that way inclined they'll hurt your hands anyway.

2. You're only starting golf, and the vast majority of right handed golfers' bad shots is a slice. If you really want help with it, post a video of your swing here, there's loads of folk who will pile in with advise and whether its from a 28 h/c or a 3 h/c its usually good advise.

There will no doubt be someone far more qualified than I along shortly, have fun


Medal Winner
May 11, 2011
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Not wearing a glove could cause the blisters, but if you're also slicing your shots you might well be gripping the club too tightly. Gripping too tightly will put a lot of friction onto your hands and you're also inclined to tense your arm muscles too. If you just clench your fists now, you'll notice that the rest of your arm tenses too.

That kind of movement will affect the face of the club on your follow through, which could be resulting in the slice.


Aug 5, 2011
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the club is causing friction in your hands I feel due to a poor grip, not strenght but the actual placement of the hands.
There are many Pro's who dont wear a glove, Bubba Watson, Fred Couples are a couple of famous ones, its personal taste but you can get a better grip without using strenght by simply wearing a glove, get your hand placement checked out first I feel before anything


Aug 5, 2011
Widnes, Cheshire
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the club is causing friction in your hands I feel due to a poor grip, not strenght but the actual placement of the hands.
There are many Pro's who dont wear a glove, Bubba Watson, Fred Couples are a couple of famous ones, its personal taste but you can get a better grip without using strenght by simply wearing a glove, get your hand placement checked out first I feel before anything

Thanks for the information, I will have a nosey at the improving my hand placement


Tour Winner
Jan 12, 2007
. Some people play without a glove, about 100% of pros and roughly 100% of good players wear a glove,

I don't, never have done (Scottish and mean).

Yeah but you play off 17 Rosie....!!!!! :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

Hey, I pay off 6 and don't wear one. If it's good enough for Freddie then it's good enough for me. Seriously though the reason is pure vanity. I used to have one white hand and one brown hand because I simply can't be bothered with all the faffing taking it off, putting it on, carefully tucking in back pocket with the fingers hanging out like a knob etc etc :D :D Can't say my game has suffered one bit. Once the skin toughens up a bit there's no ill effects at all. Still need one in the wet and occasionally if it's really hot though.


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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I wear a glove even when putting(putting is the strongest part of my game. never 3 put often 1 put). Use to take it off to put so I could put it in back pocket like a nob. But found no diff on or off so leave it on. To lazy to take it off.


Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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If your getting blisters its likely to be due a bad swing path.

I used to get blisters on the inside of my left thumb due to coming across the ball (slice) at impact the club twisted in my hands.
Now with an in to out swing path the club naturally turns over, releases at impact = no more blisters :)


Journeyman Pro
May 10, 2011
Mungos Corner
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It's almost certainly down to a poor grip,and as stated already probably the placement of your hands rather than grip strength.
I don't wear a glove,unless its very wet,and/or very hot and sweaty.
Try standing in front of a large mirror and holding your club as you normally do,the V's formed between your forefinger and thumb,should be pointing towards your right shoulder (if your right handed) and when you look down on your grip you should see 2 0r 3 knuckles on your left hand.HTH's


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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If your getting blisters its likely to be due a bad swing path.

Fascinating. :D

I've been practising with a new grip, half of my shots with a 6 iron with a Leadbetter grip and half with my regular Callaway 6i.

I've worn a glove for all the time I've played golf. I got hot hands t'other day and tried swinging the Leadbetter 6i without and glove and discovered I could do it.....and then I started using my normal 6i without a glove. With the correct grip, it seems playing without a glove it certainly possible. No blisters or anything. :D


Aug 5, 2011
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I've been glove free for years, you could strike a match on my palms now, considered going back to one to lessen the tension in my grip but I like the no hassle factor of glovefree.........and the cost


Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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I've been glove free for years, you could strike a match on my palms now, considered going back to one to lessen the tension in my grip but I like the no hassle factor of glovefree.........and the cost

i say this from personal experience, it might not be the case here, for sure, perhaps i shouldn't have taken such a broad brush approah.

In my experience if you swing out to in and try to release the club at impact, let the wrists turn over, it can cause blisters, the wrists want to turn the club over but because your swinging across the line, and therefore in a poor position at impact, it can't properley release therefore the club twists in the hands and causes the blisters.

i agree playing without a glove should be fine providing the above is not happening, and the grip is correct :)

p.s. edit - lucas glover also doesn't wear a glove