Trying to fix my driving slice


May 8, 2014
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I watched a video on you tube about a drill to correct your slice. The drill was to bring the lead arm finishing with the palm facing up to the sky, basically to close the club face . It works but it can also be messy.

When do I begin to close the face? Any other drills to straighten your drive? Please help guys, I close to giving up :-(


Nov 16, 2011
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I'm not a great fan of these 'fixes' though some can be helpful if they happen to be the 'right' one. Much better to find and fix the real problem.

I'd suggest you get your fundamentals - Grip, Alignment, Stance and Posture - sorted out and make sure you stay balanced during the swing - and try only hitting 70% for a while.

Also important to try to not allow for the slice p- as the more you allow for it, the more the tendency is to slice!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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have you ever tried aiming right? I can imagine that you aim slightly left at the minute to accommodate this left to right movement.

trying aiming at the right rough and see what (if any) compensations you make to stop the ball going to the right. think topspin tennis shot.

give it a go at the range.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
If the relationship between the hands & arms remains the same throughout the swing you don't need to square the club face, it will be square when it returns to the ball. Don't roll the club face open on the back swing then you don't have to time the rolling square on the downswing. Much more reliable way of swinging the club.


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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I too am a chronic slicer with a vicious duck hook thrown in for good measure. The problem i had was over releasing the club face so my brain would automatically rescue it by chicken winging it. It feels weird but try and hold the club face open just before and durring impact. It sounds counter productive but it makes me turn harder into the shot and its worked a treat. Might be worth a go
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May 8, 2014
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Your right its better to hit 150 yards straight.

I don't think my hands change, should I have a tight grip? I can't wait till I can hit it straight consistently. I need to keep positive and I will get there.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I watched a video on you tube about a drill to correct your slice. The drill was to bring the lead arm finishing with the palm facing up to the sky, basically to close the club face . It works but it can also be messy.

When do I begin to close the face? Any other drills to straighten your drive? Please help guys, I close to giving up :-(

First place of call is to check your grip, aim, body alignment, ball position, as has been said before here & thats because it's true.

Kinda impossible to give a fix all drill, without seeing the swing as there are some many set-up reasons plus swing motion reasons you could be slicing.

Grip probably needs some checking, body alignment & probably the swing path will need to change as it'll be someways out to in & steep. thing is it's not something that just really happens with the driver, the same issues will be there with all clubs, the more loft the more the backspin helps a ways to straighten the flight out.

What happens with the mid to short irons, do you pull them often?

But the case is you are not presenting a square club face through impact, & your swinging on a path a swing direction thats to the left a ways, from out over the ball/target line to in as in to the left. That's what needs rectifying, the order & what exactly you need to do to change all of this totally depends on what you are doing now.

Get your grip checked & how you set up, then you need to feel you're swinging out to the right to change the path direction of your swing.
The club 'closes' throughout the whole swing down & through impact due to the swing sequence, there isn't a 'place' it suddenly starts to close, neither do you 'do' anything independently with your hands to close & square the club face up, would be very very difficult to play good golf that ways.

Get an 8i tee ball up on a low tee your going to make little swings at 70%, make a backswing until your left arm (RH golfer) is parallel to the ground, your ball/target line & your toe line at this point the club shaft should be 90º to your arm (& ground) thumbs pointing to the sky, put weight left swing down & through keeping head behind the ball swing through impact to have the shaft at 90º to your right arm when your right arm is parallel to the ground in the through swing your thumbs should again be pointing at the sky.

If you can do this & get solid centered contact & the ball starting straight away & staying reasonably straight, then you should start to get the feeling how the body turn works with the arms & the hands stay quiet to give you a square face through impact, without trying to independently manipulating your hand/wrists & arms.

If you can do this, this is the exact same feeling you need to take to a full swing with any club.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Am assuming there are some reasons why you're not able to get to see a PGA Pro. Always the best answer.

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May 8, 2014
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I have had a few lessons. The point I got was do not over swing and to keep the club head in front of the hands. He said I have a good swing with a few niggles.

Thanks so much for the help and advice. I am going to save the coaches advice and refer back to it.

Is there anyway I can show yours my swing?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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You can record the swing, view from behind best at 90º angle to target line, camera or phone (steady as possible) at hip height opposite where the hands are at address, framed so you see the club head in the frame at top of backswing, plus face on view camera/phone at hip height opposite your belt buckle again framed so you can see the club head at the top of the backswing.

You can either up load these to your own youtube page & post the links, either on this thread or send via PM. Or you can upload the video's straight to this thread.


Tour Rookie
Aug 23, 2012
I've developed a slice with my driver out of nowhere; up until three rounds ago, the driver was probably the best club in my bag and usually arrow straight... not any more. :(

I think I'm casting and throwing the club out across the line, but I can't seem to fix it.. for now. I will though. :D


Nov 16, 2011
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have you ever tried aiming right? I can imagine that you aim slightly left at the minute to accommodate this left to right movement.

trying aiming at the right rough and see what (if any) compensations you make to stop the ball going to the right. think topspin tennis shot.

give it a go at the range.

Seen that work a couple of times - to the significant surprise from fellow golfers - after the gentle fade on 1st hole has degenerated into an all-out slice off the trees on the left by the 4th!

The topspin solution has to be a 'down-the-line' one! Cross-court = Duck Hook Death!