Trollies and Competitions


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2018
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The recent downpours brought an issue to our weekly medal. The HKG declared no Trollies except for those holding Medical Certs - no issue with that decision. Communication of the decision was reasonable but some members were probably caught out, as we are some way from winter, and some members (not holding a med cert) turned up to play in the medal without a carry bag. The pro, who controls the competition entry on the day, allowed some Trollies to be used by non med cert holders. We can resolve that aspect.

However, some of our non med cert holders ended up at a disadvantage in that because of age, they couldn’t carry a full set, but they found that were playing against equal status ( in med cert for trolley terms) who were able to use a full set because they were allowed to use their trollies.

im looking for opinions on whether we can reasonably amend the Terms of Competitions to bring sanctions against competition entrants who do not conform to the temporary trolley decisions?


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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you want to bring sanctions against entrants because the pro told different people different things? sanction the pro and give a consistent approach to your members rather than sanctioning them for a mistake not of their making surely. if anything refund the entrant fee to those who were disadvantaged and apologise to everyone in the comp that it was so badly managed


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2018
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you want to bring sanctions against entrants because the pro told different people different things? sanction the pro and give a consistent approach to your members rather than sanctioning them for a mistake not of their making surely. if anything refund the entrant fee to those who were disadvantaged and apologise to everyone in the comp that it was so badly managed
We can resolve the mismanagement issues. But I’m also thinking that some competitors will use their Trollies without med certs in a Competition thereby gaining and advantage. The policing of the tees is not foolproof, particularly when we move to a two tee start in winter. So what I’m asking is, has anyone come across trolley clauses in the ToC?


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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We can resolve the mismanagement issues. But I’m also thinking that some competitors will use their Trollies without med certs in a Competition thereby gaining and advantage. The policing of the tees is not foolproof, particularly when we move to a two tee start in winter. So what I’m asking is, has anyone come across trolley clauses in the ToC?

no none, and if the pro who i assume is an authority at your club, has told them they can use the trolley in the comp then that should be the end of it imo, if you want to apologise to those he has supposedly disadvantaged then that would be a decent gesture

Colin L

Tour Winner
May 26, 2012
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We can resolve the mismanagement issues. But I’m also thinking that some competitors will use their Trollies without med certs in a Competition thereby gaining and advantage. The policing of the tees is not foolproof, particularly when we move to a two tee start in winter. So what I’m asking is, has anyone come across trolley clauses in the ToC?

You're asking how to deal in the future with players who use a trolley in a competition which has an embargo on the use of a trolley in a competition?


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2018
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You're asking how to deal in the future with players who use a trolley in a competition which has an embargo on the use of a trolley in a competition?
Yes. Well nearly. It’s when the embargo is only for non med cert holders, and someone breaks that embargo.


Head Pro
Sep 2, 2015
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When the club has banned trolley use from the competition, it applies to all participants except holders of current medical certificates. Players who use trolleys in violation of the ban will have their entry to that competition revoked.

Colin L

Tour Winner
May 26, 2012
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Yes. Well nearly. It’s when the embargo is only for non med cert holders, and someone breaks that embargo.

I'm a bit lost here. You have members with a medical certificate exempting them from temporary bans on using trolleys?

But I'm not lost on what you need to do. Put a penalty statement into your Terms of the Competition to make clear what the sanction is for breaching a temporary no-trolley rule.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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But I'm not lost on what you need to do. Put a penalty statement into your Terms of the Competition to make clear what the sanction is for breaching a temporary no-trolley rule.
I would suggest that cannot be a golfing penalty (eg 2 strokes) but rescinding their entry and banning entry to other comps for 6 months (say).


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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We currently only ban buggies in a comp without a medical cert and the penalty is DQ but it has been in the rules book for years.

We used to have a ban on trolleys without a medical cert but it was for all play and was brought in before any comps were played*.

I am with others unless you already had it in the terms of the competition your only choice is to cancel the comp for all players to be fair to all.

*We ran tests on our 9 hole course which showed that trolleys do no long term damage provided you control where they go and removed the rule.

Colin L

Tour Winner
May 26, 2012
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I would suggest that cannot be a golfing penalty (eg 2 strokes) but rescinding their entry and banning entry to other comps for 6 months (say).

And I would counter-suggest that a golfing penalty could be applied on the analogy of MLR 8G-6 which sanctions a golfing penalty for a riding a buggy when not permitted. Both riding a buggy and using a trolley have to to do with similar use of specific equipment - the objective being to reduce the physical effort and strain of getting round the course. What do you think?
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Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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And I would counter-suggest that a golfing penalty could be applied on the analogy of MLR 8G-6 which sanctions a golfing penalty for a riding a buggy when not permitted. Both riding a buggy and using a trolley has to to do with similar use of specific equipment - the objective being to reduce the physical effort and strain of getting round the course. What do you think?
Good point, I'm inclined to agree.