Top 5 favourite albums of all time

Black-Wonderful life!!!!

good call, i'd forgot about that one.
may be a trip to HMV for that.

I think it's deleted, but you'll find it on eBay. I got a new copy there for a couple of quid.

Not a fan of Ebay, too many lairs and con artists on there for my liking.
my momma said Ebay's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get!!!

i may try or something similar.

Well, I've used eBay for 6 years with no problems at all. I mean, you're talking about a couple of quid for a CD, not 5 grand for a car!
yeah i know and i realise it's only a couple of quid, however if you went to a pub and they gave you dishwater instead of Stella you'd be pretty peeved wouldn't you??

no i like to see what i'm buying or at least for know for definite that i'll get what i pay for.

anyway back to subject.
can i add 1 to my list??

Tenacious D-Tribute.
Was going through some of my older stuff the other night and came across this one -


Can we change this to top 50 albums :D
1. Guns N Roses Appetite for Destruction
2. Artic Monkeys - Whaterver people Say I am thats what I am not
3.The Game - The Documentry
4. Razerlight - Razerlight
5. Nirvana - Black Album

~~I am going to have to drop one - I dont know which one - then add Outkast - Big Boi and Dre present Outkast - as long as it has the added track 'Get up Get Out'
Good Reminder,

Forgot to add 2001 by Dr Dre to my list, one of the best rap albums in my collection. Also Straight Out of Compton by NWA.
Straight outa compton!!!

Bought that on LP (yes LP!!) lasted all of 30 seconds in my house! put it on loud as soon as it got to "Straight outa compton a crazy mother named Ice Cube" my dad burst into my room screamed turn that off picked up the record and threw it against the wall!

Happy days :D
Good thread, not read all the responses but i'll throw my favs bands out as i like all the music they have done:

Arcade fire
Joy Division
Broken Social Scene
The Klaxtons
Stone Roses
Smashing Pumpkins
The Enemy

they are my top 10 (current) favs but who knows what may turn up.

Fav local unsigned bands:

Escape Pod
Palo Alto
...and justice for all - Metallica

The best of - The Cure

Exodus - Bob Marley

Hotel California - the Eagles

Love over Gold - Dire Straight
Good call on '..and Justice For All'.

First gig I went to was the Damaged Justice Tour at the Brixton Academy when Metallica were supported by Danzig (another great band)
Led Zeppelin I
Rainbow - Rising
Blue Öyster Cult - Fire of Unknown Origin
Jethro Tull - Aqualung
MSG - Unplugged

just didnt make it
UFO - The wild, the willing and the innocent
Queen II
Marillion - Scirpt for a jester's tear
Black Sabbath - Live eviL