Toe strikes


Q-School Graduate
Jan 31, 2012
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Right I can be playing really well ie -1 for 7 holes then I can start hitting everything out the toe.. driver goes left with the toe strike and irons can be the same or a weak slap. I’ve tried standing closer. And also not to come over the top but it happens a lot mid round. Any fixes cheers


Q-School Graduate
Jan 31, 2012
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Thanks for that I will check tomoz. I do feel the ball is sometime to forward in my stance


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Right I can be playing really well ie -1 for 7 holes then I can start hitting everything out the toe.. driver goes left with the toe strike and irons can be the same or a weak slap. I’ve tried standing closer. And also not to come over the top but it happens a lot mid round. Any fixes cheers

best ways would be to post a dtl viewpoint of the swing - as there can be a bunch of stuff that can lead to toe strikes

first port of call would look at set-up - posture & distance the butt end of the club is from the lead thigh - good ball park distance with long & mid irons would be with lead hand on the handle & in decent athletic posture should be able to 'fit' the trail fist with top part of thumb from knuckle between lead thigh & butt end of handle - this distance being a whole lot bigger gap can encourage toe strikes as the toe becomes the only part of the head that's 'able' to make contact

but conversely so also unhelpfully it's also possible to encourage two strikes if that gap distance to the handle is too small as there's 'no room' for the arms/hands club to swing to make center strike contact the only ways to do so is too raise the hands & handle upwards - doing this means pretty much again the only ways to make contact with the ball is with the toe end

but even from a decent posture at set-up & good ball park distance butt end handle to lead leg can still have toe strikes through the way the club is delivered to impact

- often times see toe strikes occurring from either an in to out or an out to in travel direction through impact because the player early in the downswing loses posture by losing the pelvic angle - hips thrust towards the ball target line with the hands arms moving out weight moving to toes - why does that not mean a heel strike or shank? - well that's because the player also simultaneously raises the hands/handle up a bunch - making the shaft into impact real vertical so the heel up toe down - so the dynamic lie angle is very much compromised this often combined with a hands/arms action that is actively trying to 'close' the face up into impact

at home if you just take hold of a club & simulate that impact condition by just raising the hands & handle of a club up as it nears impact 'heel up toe down' & then turn the hands arms counterclockwise to close the face up some - you'd be able to see then that the toe side of the face is the only part of the clubhead that remains available to make contact with the ball

even just for your own viewing if you record your swing from a dtl viewpoint on playback look at the angle of the club shaft at address then look at a still frame coming into impact

- if the shaft into impact is a bunch more vertical then the hands & handle have raised upwards -
& also look at the posture angles at set-up then again at impact look at halfways into the downswing has the body already started to straighten upright with the pelvic & spine angles being lost

- if all thats happening then you need to think more about the angle of the shaft being closer to the angle it was at address - the hands/handle coming into impact would need to be a bunch lower (not raising up a ton) - & the posture angles would need to be kept a ways better into the downswing - think keeping the backside 'back' so not moving hips towards the ball target line - having the weight stay more through the middle of the feet not goin out to toes


Q-School Graduate
Jan 31, 2012
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Thanks coach a lot to take in. Practice today with grip slightly closer to my body and didn’t allow the club to go around my body so much after strike more of a in to out swing and never struck the toe once. . Will do a Dtl vid when I can but I know when I’m playing really badly I stand up a lot in the down swing. High handle and club really close.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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I'm the opposite I can be closer to heel... my coach had me addressing out the heel and try to work away from it... think he said this is how Luke Donald addresses the ball... It can be easier than just trying to address in the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

Maybestand in normal set up but address out the toe then through impact try and hit more out heel and see where you are with it.