Titleist DTR Irons vs a more modern iron

OK, here comes another "black and white" post from RGuk.

I remember DTR irons and played more than a few rounds with a set, often borrowing them from mate (when I didn't have my set). He'd moved up to C_F DCI.

I would describe them as not as good as my Tommy Armour 845 Silver Scots from a similar period. I got a set of Macgregors last year (a 2006 model, 565 V-foil) and the difference is remarkable. I'm not kidding.....the Macgregors are far superior to the old 845s. Just in case anyone is wondering if I'm comparing like-for-like, it's interesting to note that on the Maltby Playability factor (MPF) the two were within 3 spaces of each other on the list, which includes over 500 irons, new and old....in other words, the forgiveness and h'cap standard of the two is supposedly the same. Truth is, the MacGs go further (which can be put down to loft) but also are MUCH more consistent for distance and flight.....

So, I conclude, the DTR were not as sweet as the 845, and 845 are MILES short of the 565s.

Get yourself a new set, you won't regret it. If you are on a budget, go to Direct Golf and get a set of 1 or 2 seasons old for a bargain.
thanks for the info guys, it does seem like the age of the clubs means that there are advantages to be had with a newer set. technology does move on, i was just interested to know how much you guys thought it had. seemingly quite a lot! this just brings out the other dilemma of aiming towards ame improvement or 'players' irons. i dont feel that i strike the ball that badly, and am reasonably consistant with the DTR's, so dont want to go for anything that will be too forgiving, and not actually help me improve my swing. i guess the response is to go and try a few.

would you guys advise a local pro, or somewhere like American Golf or Discount Golf as a place to visit?

i too am suprised to see such a low handicapper rate the ratures. from what i had read, i too was under the impression that they forgave all but the worst hits.

in response to herb, i ride classic bikes in off-road competitions, 2 BSA's from 1960 and 1965, and a Royal Enfield from 1960.

Do you mean the classic trial riding? I love that, then again I like all things bikes as much as I do golf.
Do you mean the classic trial riding? I love that, then again I like all things bikes as much as I do golf.

Yep, I ride both Pre65 Trials and Motocross, have been doing trials since 10, and motocross since 16. I mainly ride in Essex and Suffolk at the moment.
In an ideal world I'd always try and support my club pro when buying irons and getting custom fitted but as he hasn't got a huge range (it is a members club so demand for new sticks isn't that great) I tend to go to my AG (where until recently I knew the manager there and got some very very good deals). If you do go to a store make sure the person doing the custom fitting knows what they are talking about and how to use the equipment and not just a shop boy trying to flog you a deal. If possible get onto a range where you can see the ball flight rather than trusting a machine.
I've just noticed you're from jolly old Cambridgeshire :D What course do you tend to play at? I live in Cambridge itself.

i tend to play at Lakeside Lodge in Pidley currently, as its only a 10 min drive away, and fairly cheap green fee's. am willing to listen to suggestions of other tracks to try though. hoping the weather is going to be half decent to try and get a round in tomorrow

Hi, and welcome. I'm 'just' up the road from you in St Neots.
Even an older set..last year or 2 http://www.discountgolfstore.co.uk/2270/Titleist-695CB-Irons---3-PW---Steel-Shafts.html like this would be a lot easier to hit consistently!

there are plenty of ranges with demo clubs of all types of sets would stick to titleist cos your familiar! try the lot. but like i said theres a ton of last season clubs great deals as manufactures are bringing out new stuff left right and centre

I see here that medwayjon has a set of 755's for sale. Now, this is partly a bit cheeky to even ask, being so new here, but would these fit into the above category as mentioned above, or are they too much towards a players iron? Does seem like a good price though...
Can't see you going too far wrong with a set of Titleist 755....ought to be a nice balance of forgiveness vs. shot-making. I play a sort of 1/2 and 1/2 club......when I finally pluck up the courage to get a set of max GI irons off Golfbidder and see what effect it has on my game, I'll pass more experience on.
Do you mean the classic trial riding? I love that, then again I like all things bikes as much as I do golf.

Yep, I ride both Pre65 Trials and Motocross, have been doing trials since 10, and motocross since 16. I mainly ride in Essex and Suffolk at the moment.

You will know the name Geoff Mayes then? Used to take groups down to him to do m/cross years ago, milden hall and that area. Anyway wrong place for this..ooops . :cool:
You will know the name Geoff Mayes then? Used to take groups down to him to do m/cross years ago, milden hall and that area. Anyway wrong place for this..ooops . :cool:

I do indeed mate, and raced against Freedy Mayes last year down at Stistead. Long time bike fan are you. (This IS going way off topic now, no more thoughts on the 755's?)
Thanks again for the advice guys. Just a quick update that after trying various different clubs out at many places, I ended up going with a set of Titleist AP2's.

Nice little Xmas prezzie for myself if they arrive in time!
Interesting Thread

I was searching to find out how old My DTR clubs were and stumbled across this thread :)

I have been using the DTR Iron for about 25 years. I used to play weekly and got down to an 18 Handicap. For the last 10-12 years I have been playing once or twice a year or so, and usually I go round in 11-15 over (go figure) - I put that down to not having played in so long I'm expecting a bad round so relaxing and just hitting the ball.. *shrug*

Anyway back to the Clubs..

Mine are still going strong, but I am also interested in playing more regularly again, and may consider a new set.. This thread has been very useful.. My old man (72 and still a 20 handicapper) keeps suggesting that new clubs will help my game, and this thread has certainly re-enforced that. I am about to move from London to a village about 1 mile from the course my old man and I used to play on every week, so hopefully I will have the chance to play again more regularly.. (Test Valley Golf Club near Overton, Hampshire)

On a side point, my dad also laughs at my driver, which I think is even older than the irons (pretty sure it was his club which he gave me when I got the Irons.. this must make it getting on for 30 years old.. The head is so small compared to current clubs, it looks like a 5 wood - lol...
Titleist DTR (Distance Through Research) were the first set of brand new irons I bought. They were brilliant. No doubt there have been advances in technology in the last 25 years though! Which reminds me that, because I loved the DTR's so much I ordered a Titleist driver, 3 wood and 5 wood with graphite shafts. Only steel shafts were available from Titleist at that point, but the pro had them sent across from the US. They were great too, for their time. I wonder what happened to them....