This is why we all like this game


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 5, 2009
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Quick scenario. Although I qulify for the over 50's I only joined my first club in March, and although I dont know anyone there I have been made most welcome by the guys I have played with in the competitions.

However on saturday my friend who was supposed to join me for a round cried out on Friday night. Because I had an early tee time I decided to go down to club and have a round by myself.
Any way off I went keeping behind the 2 ball in front. At the 4th a 3 ball called the 2 ball through and at the 6th the 3 ball called me through, they were on the fairway, and as usual when people call you through I cocked up the 2nd shot and the ball flew towards the trees. One of guys walked over and said,, do you want to join us and make a 4 ball, yes i said thats very kind of you.

At the end of the 9th one of the guys totalled up the scores to tell everyone what they had after 9 holes. They were only playing for a modest amount and asked me if I would like to join in for the back 9, why not I said. So 4 holes later and I'm standing on 13 points with a birdie to boot(h/c 26) and I state how embarrassed I am.
Later I'm standing on the 18th tee with 22 points and I thinking I cant take their money, any way I mucked up the 18th and didn't score.
As we walked off the green they shouted out to me ''see you in the clubhouse'' yes I replied. Later we all meet up and talked about our golfing abilities etc etc.

Any way they were telling me that they are a mixture of about 12 people who meet up every week (not all of them) and play, and they have asked me to join them. So phone numbers were exchange and I fill that I have made a lot of new friends who's company I am going to enjoy playing this game we all love.

By the way they insisted I took their money, but something tells me they are soon going to win it back.


Journeyman Pro
May 28, 2007
Awwwwwwwwwww bless, i'm nearly in tears man!! stop it :)

Its true though, name me another sport where complete & utter strangers will, after not knowing each other for more than 1 millisecond, offer and /or accept a game with each other?

I'm pleased you've found some new golf buddies though, nothing worse than having nobody to have a knock with.


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.
We've also 'picked up' a very nice chap at our club. Apparently he's played aginst Nick Faldo in their ameteur days. He's also played with and against pros in various tournements since. I'm sure he has some incredible stories.

He's also subtle, but good with the advice that he offers to us mere mortals, well me anyway! Not sure how he copes playing with me and my bad golf! Anyway it's been great having him around. It's made me try and up my game a bit.

Like a few other 'elitest' sports, it's a great way of meeting people that you wouldn't normally get to meet, and from such a variety of backgrounds.


Head Pro
Mar 31, 2009
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your correct there, this is why we like this game, because as KeefG said you can quickly go from being total strangers asked if you want to play through, to then playing the round with them and having a good laugh and good round


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Always good to see club members actually going out of their way to make a relative newbie welcome. I know many members (both in the senior bracket and ordinary club members) who would have blanked you completely just because you aren't part of their clique. Its sad that elitism is alive still at some clubs but good to see you're at a club with members in the 21st century