The Current Cinema Debate

Looks like they may have tried to cut their losses on the Bond film. Weekend rumours that it was being touted to the usual streaming providers for the bargain price of £600 million.
Looks like they may have tried to cut their losses on the Bond film. Weekend rumours that it was being touted to the usual streaming providers for the bargain price of £600 million.
I hope not. Bond needs to be seen on a big screen, proper sound, pitch black around you, no distractions. It is a proper night out film.
I hope not. Bond needs to be seen on a big screen, proper sound, pitch black around you, no distractions. It is a proper night out film.

With the smell of burgers, crunch of a dustbin full of popcorn right behind you for 2 hours, slurping of pepsi cola, people up and down to the toilet ??
With the smell of burgers, crunch of a dustbin full of popcorn right behind you for 2 hours, slurping of pepsi cola, people up and down to the toilet ??
Cinema goers are much more civilised up here. Most munching is finshed by the time the adverts and trailers have finished leaving the film clear. Going to the toilet during a Bond film :eek:. You daren't miss anything so have to sit in pain. You need to change your venue ;)
Cinema goers are much more civilised up here. Most munching is finshed by the time the adverts and trailers have finished leaving the film clear. Going to the toilet during a Bond film :eek:. You daren't miss anything so have to sit in pain. You need to change your venue ;)

Sorry, I was meaning at home ????
My cinema (cheap one) offering VIP private screen up to 6 people £55 all in..

If same household or bubble can sit together

If not they will sit you socially distanced apart

Going to look into it with my parents and sister