The best month ever


Sep 3, 2007
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Whilst August may be remembered as being the wettest ever I can say that its probably been my best ever in regards to golf. After starting the game nearly 18 years ago aged 15 its only been from this year where i've been able to get the time into it, partly by joining a club.

In August I managed the following which for me is a major achievement !!

Scored my first ever hole-in-one.

Won a prize in the Presidents Day at the club (bottle of Malt Whiskey).

Won the August medal with a nett 66.

Now granted my handicap has been cut to 12.5 which means I've gotta play very well indeed to get even close now but its just nice to look back on a month and think "that wasn't so bad was it..."

Anyone else out there had good months recently...

Had a pretty good month in July. Having stuggled for over a year to play to my 27 handicap, I suddenly found myself getting placed in competitions and coming down to 23 - bit of a shock to the system for a 'mature' lady member, but gratifying too.
How did I do it? Mainly inproving my chipping, I think, and getting to grips with my mid irons .
Why am I failing to do it only a few weeks later?
That is the mystery of golf. I say, enjoy it while you can.
I had a great spell in july and early august. I came 1st on captains day,then won presidents day with my partner,and i am in the semi finals of the secretaries comp, so all in all a good year so far.It would put the icing on the cake to win the secretaries meaning that would be 3 Honours board comps in 1 year.But mustn't be greedy.I started to play 3 years ago, so getting my handicap to 10.6 and winning a few medals and some competitions just goes to show that with a few lessons and good practice(and an understanding mrs)this game has some great rewards.