That was brutal.

I played a couple of weeks ago, and drunk a load of water on the way round, one of my PP didn't, and then wondered why his round blew up after 12 holes... I'm playing tomorrow, and I'm considering dusting off the cart bag, just so I can fill it with bottles of water and plenty of food.
OK, so alcohol is NOT ideal after a round like this but it's not the end of all things. Beer is still primarily water and is better than nothing for hydrating you!
In this hot weather I put a bottle of water in the freezer the night before a game then as it melts keep topping up from the course stand pipes as I go round, result -ice cold water for the whole game.
Played yesterday with 2 older guys in their 70's and not once did I see them have a drink except for a couple of bevvies at the 19th.
I always take a used Evian bottle of water (other brands are available) plus a flask of water & ice.
By the time I come off the 9th, it's a quick pop into the clubhouse to refill.

I'd much rather drink too much water than not enough!
Couple of 500ml bottles of water and then fill them both at the 2 water fountains we have on the course. Tend not to really bother with food. I can comfortably last 12 hours without eating so 4 isn't really an issue.
SIX litres of water, have the club asked you to water the greens as you go round!

I shouldn't jest as that sounds very sensible, I've just never thought about carrying that amount of liquid unless I was driving across Death Valley. I've in the past carried a litre tops which I thought was doing very well.

To be fair it was more than I needed as I only drank 3 but I let my friend have the other bottles as he didn’t have enough. Rather too much than too little.