That was brutal.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Ave played in wind, ave played in rain. Ave played in both when it's blew a gale. Ave played in thunder and lightning. But today was Brutal.
I turned up today and was in me finest summer gear. If I had worn any less I would of been naked. I had me Brolly up for 18 holes. But as soon as I got on the 1st tee I thought " It's hot". It was damn hot. After nine holes I was hanging outta me back end. God knows how I managed to get 34 points in that. Focus, swing, the lot was a battle on the back nine.
when us four got in we were royally knackered. We had let a four ball and two ball through and waved another two ball through on the 18th whilst looking for my ball, and they said
" no thanks were having 5 mins".
When I got home I had a shower coz I stunk and jumped on the scales. I had lost four pounds from this morning. I was peeing Guiness and I don't drink the stuff. Thankfully five pints of Amstel and half an Easter egg has helped sort that out. But I seriously need to look at what am taking out on the course to eat and drink when looking for me balls.
Ave played in wind, ave played in rain. Ave played in both when it's blew a gale. Ave played in thunder and lightning. But today was Brutal.
I turned up today and was in me finest summer gear. If I had worn any less I would of been naked. I had me Brolly up for 18 holes. But as soon as I got on the 1st tee I thought " It's hot". It was damn hot. After nine holes I was hanging outta me back end. God knows how I managed to get 34 points in that. Focus, swing, the lot was a battle on the back nine.
when us four got in we were royally knackered. We had let a four ball and two ball through and waved another two ball through on the 18th whilst looking for my ball, and they said
" no thanks were having 5 mins".
When I got home I had a shower coz I stunk and jumped on the scales. I had lost four pounds from this morning. I was peeing Guiness and I don't drink the stuff. Thankfully five pints of Amstel and half an Easter egg has helped sort that out. But I seriously need to look at what am taking out on the course to eat and drink when looking for me balls.

I made the fatal error of taking no food or drink onto the course this morning. Had no breakfast either. Got to the 8th and had to walk back to the clubhouse to get a lucozade and a snickers. Wont be making that mistake again
5 pints of amsel afterwards ?

With serious dehydration you then go and drink 5 pints of amstel afterwards ??
5 pints of amsel afterwards ?

With serious dehydration you then go and drink 5 pints of amstel afterwards ??

Sorry cabby my mistake, it was five cans, there was only 440 ml in them. 😖 A lovely dinner by Missis T has helped. Missis T also said I have gone a few shades of brown darker.
Mother of all headaches coming your way. In all seriousness, heat and dehydration should be taken very seriously and not with 5 tins of amstel.
4 Amstel and half an Easter Egg ?!!

Well that’s the recommended diet for after a day on the course in sweltering weather

In all seriousness

If you have lost 4 pounds just playing golf then it’s going to be fluids and you really do need to rehydrate yourself through the night with water not Amstel - beer is the worst thing to drink before rehydrating yourself and can be dangerous - 4 pounds is a lot of fluid to lose. Get the water down you or you are going to be unwell in the morning
It was proper holiday weather in Mansfield today mate, was thinking while at work, I really wouldn’t fancy walking 5 miles with clubs in this weather. I was melting while on the phone outside 😂
In all seriousness, dehydration is very nasty, I suffered with it about 3 weeks ago with terrible constipation

No laughing matter, never been in so much pain & discomfort. Never again 🤞

However much water you think you should drink - drink twice that!
Mother of all headaches coming your way. In all seriousness, heat and dehydration should be taken very seriously and not with 5 tins of amstel.

Not very often Cabby and me agree on something but he is 100% right here, trying to re hydrate with beer is a really silly thing to do!
On the water now, the half an egg was one of the grandkids, which may be outta date. Chocolate orange.
not done a pee for four hours.
On the water now, the half an egg was one of the grandkids, which may be outta date. Chocolate orange.
not done a pee for four hours.

Take some paracetamol as well, if you haven't got a headache by now you may be fine.

A note of caution, my partner is a renal nurse, she tells me serious dehydration can lead to kidney failure, you probably don't want to know anymore.
Take some paracetamol as well, if you haven't got a headache by now you may be fine.

A note of caution, my partner is a renal nurse, she tells me serious dehydration can lead to kidney failure, you probably don't want to know anymore.

Yep, which is another reason to avoid the beer, your already de hydrated under performing kidneys then have to work even harder to get rid of the alcohol.
Never leave for the golf course without drink

In the winter pack 2 litres of water .. come home with 1.5 maybe but it’s there

Today I took 6 x 500ml so 3 litres and a 750ml bottle..

Drank the lot

Plus a banana

Keep fluids up . Don’t drink when you need to keep topping up every few holes
I’m playing today at a hilly course, I’ve packed 6 litres of water, 3 bananas and some chocolate. I’ve also booked a buggy......
Tashyboy get the (ModEdit) beers in - love it :D

Had dehydration sickness once after doing a bleep test, many moons ago. Having your head stuck down a leisure centre toilet was not the nicest experiences I've ever had.
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Cheers for the advice boys. Got off the course and was shattered. Got Home and had a few beers and was on the water and tea after that. Deffo took some paracetamol before I went to bed.
stock up boys on yer fluids.
I’m playing today at a hilly course, I’ve packed 6 litres of water, 3 bananas and some chocolate. I’ve also booked a buggy......

SIX litres of water, have the club asked you to water the greens as you go round!

I shouldn't jest as that sounds very sensible, I've just never thought about carrying that amount of liquid unless I was driving across Death Valley. I've in the past carried a litre tops which I thought was doing very well.