Tennis elbow


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Aug 10, 2021
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Does anyone currently suffer with tennis elbow and is still playing golf?
Over the past couple months my tennis elbow has got worse but I find playing golf isn’t the problem it’s more the job I do with repetitive strain
I have noticed actually my left elbow hurts when I fully straighten it. No idea if that's from golf or not. It doesn't hurt when I'm actually playing so I've ignored it.
I've had it for a few years now. It has lessened but I have just learnt to manage it. Based on a recommendation from here I bought a Theraband Flex Bar, green one for me, and that helped hugely. The sharp pains have gone now, I just get the occasional dull ache or pin prick hit.

If you use the search function on here then past threads come up which should help.
Does anyone currently suffer with tennis elbow and is still playing golf?
Over the past couple months my tennis elbow has got worse but I find playing golf isn’t the problem it’s more the job I do with repetitive strain
What’s your job.?
I used to suffer a lot.
Part of my job was pulling slings that were saturated with oil.
So I was putting strain on the tendons by gripping to tight than I would on a dry sling.
I wore a tennis elbow brace on my forearm while I was working .
This really helped , but at the end of the day if your job is causing a RSI you need to address it with your employer and find a solution.
Had it quite bad at one point, tennis elbow one arm and golfers in the other. The only thing that helped and tbh I hardly feel it now,vwas playing a lot less, esp over the winter had a few weeks off a few times and that seems to have done the trick. Mind I was playing a lot when it started.
Had it quite bad at one point, tennis elbow one arm and golfers in the other. The only thing that helped and tbh I hardly feel it now,vwas playing a lot less, esp over the winter had a few weeks off a few times and that seems to have done the trick. Mind I was playing a lot when it started.
I play 3 times a week atm.
It doesn’t really hurt whilst playing to be honest. Plus I’ve got my game at a good level so I don’t really want to stop playing lol!! I’m hoping to get the cortisone injection asap so hopefully that will help. The suns shining it’s summer time the comps are flowing I really don’t want to stop!!
I play 3 times a week atm.
It doesn’t really hurt whilst playing to be honest. Plus I’ve got my game at a good level so I don’t really want to stop playing lol!! I’m hoping to get the cortisone injection asap so hopefully that will help. The suns shining it’s summer time the comps are flowing I really don’t want to stop!!
Tbh I was playing a bit more than that, tried one of those braces on my arm, but it didn't really do much if anything to help. I didn't stop in the season, just winter maybe worth trying that... and hope for a bad winter?
I don’t suffer with tennis elbow but do get golfer’s elbow. It’s always at its worst if I do too much range work, as hitting from mats on solid ground really aggravates it.
I got in one arm and went to the docs as I couldn't lift my pint. He told me it was tennis elbow, and by the way you'll get it in the other one soon and I did. Cheer up though it only lasts about four years.
Had it on and off for years, tbh the main issue for me was hitting the ball in the nets before a round. Impact in general play not an issue. Soreness the day after discourages me playing the day after a round, but not as much as the wife does. Bought one of those straps which helps a bit.
Does anyone currently suffer with tennis elbow and is still playing golf?
Over the past couple months my tennis elbow has got worse but I find playing golf isn’t the problem it’s more the job I do with repetitive strain
Are you sure it's Tennis Elbow? Golfers Elbow is a similar condition, but pain is on the inside of the elbow as opposed being on the outside for TE.
Increased grip size can help /(both), but strengthening exercise is the best solution, provided swing mechanics are sound.
And if it it!
Btw. Those activities aren't the only ones that can trigger the condition(s). Gardening can trigger either as can repetitive work activities. Painters can also suffer from GE.
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I've had it recently and I was told by my chiropractor to find the actual spot on the elbow and agitate it for about 10 seconds to break up the scar tissue. It hurts initially but after a few seconds, that pain lessens - if you do this a couple of times a day, this should help it (the length of time to continue this depends on how vigouriously you agitate it and how long you have had the problem).
Me I had it and got rid of it through doing specific exercises. Google them. It’s boring but it worked. Got rid of it in the right arm and it started in the left. out of interest have you been diagnosed with golfers elbow. Some of the lads on here have already mentioned they have had golfers and tennis elbow and there is a difference ?
I had golfers elbow until a few months ago. Since I've gone to a half swing, concentrated on turning, keeping my left arm straight and not hitting down on the ball so hard (basically a better golf swing) it's disappeared.
And the ball is going further and straighter.
If you simply stop doing the thing that causes it, it heals itself, funnily enough.
I've had it recently and I was told by my chiropractor to find the actual spot on the elbow and agitate it for about 10 seconds to break up the scar tissue. It hurts initially but after a few seconds, that pain lessens - if you do this a couple of times a day, this should help it (the length of time to continue this depends on how vigouriously you agitate it and how long you have had the problem).
Yes my phisio said the same to me.
He also told me to get a housebrick ( the ones with holes in ) tie some string to the centre hole and the other end at shoulder height to a short round pole or stick ,about the diameter of a brush handle.
Arms out straight in front of you wind the brick up and down.
This is a great exercise for both Tennis/golfers elbow.
It hurts at first but keep going you will have forearms like Popeye.