Tee booking


Journeyman Pro
Aug 8, 2007
Norn Ireland
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In my club we have a booking system,for Saturdays. There are guys in our club who have been playing together for 30+ years at the same time every Saturday. I was at a meeting last night and 2 newish members came to me about this topic. They thought it was totaly unfair to new members. The only thing I could think of at the time was "why did you join here knowing this"?
I'd love to hear how you're clubs work Saturday time sheet's. Some club's have an open draw some evening during the week. Other's just have the same as my club. I would like to see an open draw, say you fancied playing between the hours of 8 - 10 you put you're name down and so on. I think this would let newer members meet different people.
Another advantage would be to stop paople cheating. I'm not saying we have cheats, what I mean is, say some 4 ball have been playing 25 years together and 1 of the guys did something against the rules. I think the guys between them would sort it out. If the same guy was playing with total strangers he wouldn't do it, he would get a ruling before he did anything.
What do you guy's think is the best way for Saturday time sheets?
I dont know about the best way but one of the clubs i play at have no booking system at all and you just que up for the tee. (first come first served i suppose) Good thing is the first and 9th tee's are next to each other so if its busy, people make two ques and play either way round, back 9 first then front. Works really well too.
No pre-booking at my club. Turn up and wait your turn on the tee. I think this works well to be honest and stops certain people/groups monopolising the course at certain times.

A guy I know used to belong to a club where there was a 20-strong swindle that went out every saturday morning. They thought they owned the tee from 08.45-09.45 and he told me it was woe-betide anybody who tried to get on between these times.
I've come across most kinds of tee booking. I've played where u put a ball in a shute for your time (kind of first come) but guys have been known to get to the course at 4 and sleep in their cars after putting the ball in the shute so seems to defeat the object.

At Wimbledon Common you could book a time. You out your name down on a saturday and then booked the sheet for the following week - same problem people would queue and pick same time every week. They changed the rule so you could only book you and one other. If your buddies were late etc you ended up with 2 others in the group. Competitions were on a separate sheet and always drawn

At Royal Ascot it has always been roll up. We are having a problem where two or three of a 4 ball wil go out and queue and the other one will come along at the last minute. Not sure that is ethical. All in all works ok by just queing but you do have the same groups going out the same time.

Our comps are drawn so at least you get to meet and play with others. Apart from drawn times for roll ups I'm not sure how you stop anyone playing at the same time next week. By doing that you don't get to play with your mates so seems to defeat the object
At my home course they have comps where the same people play in the same group week in and out so discounting the social aspect of meeting new people, some even have a standby person for their own group!!

Tee off slots should be about first come basis with booking only a few weeks in advance, some I know play the same slots for years.
we have tee boking from 7.00am onward and you can play with your clique on non comp days and indeed on certain comp days (usually the stableford comp that is once a month and 12 winners compete in grand final) all other comps are drawn randomly,we did for a while put hcps groups together which meant for me for example I would always be paired with 2 x cat 1 hcps but that was done away with (rightly so I think) and now I can be drawn with anyone from plus figures to 28 hcp.I think we have a good balance as what we have found is that any new member seems to end up meeting someone he is paired with in the drawn comps and ends up joining up with them on non drawn (clique) days so everyone is happy.I cannot really recall in the last 15 years anyone leaving after a year because of not being able to get a game so I think it is a good system.

I for example will be playing with my mates (usually 8 to 16 of us) tomorrow in the 4 times we book for a knock about game,we shuffle up all the cards and draw out and have a £1 in the pot winner takes all sweep but Sunday I am playing in our March Medal in which I will be drawn with anyone (could be mates,could be people from the club I know or could be a total stranger)....as I say i'd say it's a good system I think.
Current course has no booking system and just roll up. As the membership numbers are limited this seems to work fine. Suits me as most of my rounds are spontaneous or arranged a day or two in advance.

The course nearest me has recently introduced a bookng system much to the distaste of the members. The course also has a hotel and it was introduced to allow block bookings for hotel guests rather than to make members lives easier. The main booking system is online so particularly harsh on the non computer literate (mainly the seniors)
I dont know about the best way but one of the clubs i play at have no booking system at all and you just que up for the tee. (first come first served i suppose) Good thing is the first and 9th tee's are next to each other so if its busy, people make two ques and play either way round, back 9 first then front. Works really well too.

What happens when the players who start on the back 9 get to the first tee if there's still a queue there? Sounds like it could be a recipe for big delays..?
I've played where u put a ball in a shute for your time (kind of first come) but guys have been known to get to the course at 4 and sleep in their cars after putting the ball in the shute so seems to defeat the object.
If you're keen enough to get to the course at 4 am, you deserve to go off first!
I've played where u put a ball in a shute for your time (kind of first come) but guys have been known to get to the course at 4 and sleep in their cars after putting the ball in the shute so seems to defeat the object.
If you're keen enough to get to the course at 4 am, you deserve to go off first!

Agreed! If someone wants it that bad, let them have it :)
TBH mutlee not too sure mate, alot of members only play nine, go back to club house for dinner and then come back out for the other nine. But i suppose if ya wanted to play the front nine after the back you would just have to que up, seems to move quite quickly anyway.
On non comp days it's turn up and tee off at my course.
OK,there's sometimes a queue (like the other week) but it seems to work.

There are groups of senior golfers who play the same time, the same day and tend to hog the course.
They do tend to pi$$ some people off with their slow play and you tee up at the 1st at their normal tee off time at your own risk!
Personally I don't care. If the tee is vacant then I'm entitled to play, I pay my FULL members fees.

Almost had a run in with a ladies 4 ball last summer. I was due to play in a three ball. Arived at the course with the other two players, got our stuff together and walked toward the 1st tee around 11:50.
There was one lady golfer in the car park close to the 1st who told us they were due to tee off at midday and we were welcome to tee off at 12:15. The rest of her 4 ball were still fannying around with their clubs and bags etc in the car park.

We collectively thought "Bollocks to that" and went up to the 1st informing her we would well on our way come 12:00.
With a look that could sour milk she told us they always tee off at 12:00, obviously not listening to a word we said.

11:55 saw us on the 2nd tee whilst they were still messing around in the carpark.
We saw them again some time later, we were on the 11th, they were on the 7th!!!

Thank God we got away before them as they are also well known to be reluctant to allow play through. :mad:
We run a booking system for the weekend members comps, a few regualr fourballs play together but the majority go with the flow-my brother and myself play together and get teamed up with a different pairing every week, great way to meet new members especially since we are only starting our 2nd year as members.

We have a new memebr who left his previous club because of the same groups hogging the early morning tee times-it was so bad members would turn up at 7 am this sat,put their name on the time sheet for sat week and drive home therby blokcing the slot for the guys who were genuinely playing the course that morning-that sharp practise should be outlawed.
Typical of women. Thinking they own the course.

I feel that if everyone takes their place there shouldn't be a problem.

We got stuck behind a 4 ball of cofin dodgers on Tuesday (7 bloody holes) they kept us back. Not once did they acknowledge we where behind them. Unless they are all blind it was total ignorance. I hope that if I ever reach their age I will stand back and let the faster players through.

I wonder if I open that course in the middle of the Irish sea should I let the old farts play along with the sheep and women?
No offence intended to women here but I have encountered similar problems/attitudes in the past.

There are certain ladies who have this persecution complex and they act upon it by behaving in an aggressive manner.

I play on a Thursday which is ladies day with the tee reserved until 13.30, I tee'd off at 2pm and as I passed a group of ladies on the adjacent fairway I acknowledged them politely, one then decided to moan about "bloody men" taking over the course on ladies day!

On the other hand, at my club I have met a couple of older ladies who are fantastic.
From this it is apparent that there is no system that will satisfy everybody (or indeed anybody).
Perhaps pre-booking should be allowed with the proviso that you cannot book the same tee-time within a stipulated period, two-weeks or a month.
It is also apparent that many would benefit from a strict starter system - if the entire group is not ready to play at a stated tee-time then the next group move ahead.

and champ, it has to be said, you are way out of line.
If you're refering to my coments about own course's for ladies, I was only winding up about that. As I said in an earlier post I played alot of mixed last year and was very impressed with their overall game.
I really enjoyed the 18th green when we get to give them a wee kiss, lovely