Taking up golf


Oct 24, 2018
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Evening everyone, looking a bit of general advice as I have decided to take the plunge and take up golf. Unfortunately I am starting from scratch so was thinking that it would probably be best to get lessons to start with to get on the right path rather than try to learn on my own. My query is do I buy clubs at this stage or do I wait and seek advice from my coach after a few lessons to get an idea of which clubs would be best suited?

I am 6”2 in height so I’m not sure if I would be better getting fitted or if it would be a waste of money so early on? Although if I’m taking lessons surely I will need a club of some sort to practice with in between lessons.

Also if there is any tips/recommendations on things that are a must to do after taking up golf which in terms of items I should get or things make myself aware of it would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Don't spend a fortune would be my advice.
Ask your pro if he has anything suitable you could borrow to practice with or take a look on Ebay for something cheap and cheerful.


Oct 24, 2018
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Thanks Bob - just having a look around at equipment etc it looks like you could get easily carried away in terms of spend.

Don't spend a fortune would be my advice.
Ask your pro if he has anything suitable you could borrow to practice with or take a look on Ebay for something cheap and cheerful.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Welcome along. Speak to your teaching pro. He'll give you all the advice you'll need including whether you need the clubs extending. Ask him what type of clubs (or makes) he recommends. Plenty of second hand bargains to be had and places like Golfbidder have a huge range and offer a 7 day return policy as well


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Thanks Bob - just having a look around at equipment etc it looks like you could get easily carried away in terms of spend.

You could spend eye-watering money like you can on anything and then give up a few weeks later.o_O
But, would you buy an expensive made to measure suit and then go on a diet? No
Don't spend any 'proper money' on clubs until your swing has settled down and you're sure you're going to stick with it and lastly, if you want to get better, practice don't purchase


Head Pro
Jul 13, 2017
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Welcome mate, I'd go see the pro and talk to him about lessons, equipment, ect all should have some type of demo clubs you could use to practice/lessons and go from there, you can get caught up in the marketing and think this and that will work but until you swing you could be buying something that just doesn't work for you, good luck


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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As others have noted you don't need much to get going - as you haven't played before equipment shouldn't be at the forefront of your thinking - lessons should be. Indeed at first IMO you don't actually need any kit - other than maybe a pair of cheap shoes and a glove - if the pro you go to for lessons can supply for the duration of the lesson. But obviously after each lesson you'll probably be looking to practice on a range - so a few inexpensive clubs will suffice. Your pro/coach will suggest what you look to buy - but don't spend very much money at all. All you are looking to do on the range is to repeat what you have been taught and as a beginner just about any game improvement clubs will do.

Good luck - and welcome to the wonderful world of golf - it'll drive you mad with frustration and throw you into depths of despair - but every so often you'll experience a magic moment that tells you that golf is the 'real deal'. Because it is - nothing else compares. Really.


Medal Winner
Jan 15, 2017
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Every chance you’ve a friend who plays and we all have a budget,borrow your pals 6iron and spend any initial investment on a few lessons for which turning up with a smile and said 6iron should do fine to get you going,good luck ,it’s truly the best game on the planet,


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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My son is a bit taller than you. I got him a set of irons off ebay (2nd Hand) for a very reasonable cost . Just search using taller or upright lie.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Someone (not me!) is selling a lovely looking set of Wilson staff on the for sale forum.. hasn’t listed a price but they look decent


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Evening everyone, looking a bit of general advice as I have decided to take the plunge and take up golf. Unfortunately I am starting from scratch so was thinking that it would probably be best to get lessons to start with to get on the right path rather than try to learn on my own. My query is do I buy clubs at this stage or do I wait and seek advice from my coach after a few lessons to get an idea of which clubs would be best suited?

I am 6”2 in height so I’m not sure if I would be better getting fitted or if it would be a waste of money so early on? Although if I’m taking lessons surely I will need a club of some sort to practice with in between lessons.

Also if there is any tips/recommendations on things that are a must to do after taking up golf which in terms of items I should get or things make myself aware of it would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

The c200 in the for sale forum are £150 I think that’s a good deal for clubs



Tour Winner
Mar 3, 2008
sarf Lunnon
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Like others have said, if you've not previously had a go, its not yet worth spending wads of cash - except to buy the lessons. You will want to practice outside the lessons so you'll need a couple of clubs. If you don't know anyone who could lend you a couple, you can get individual clubs (Slazenger V300) for £12 each from Sports Direct. They wont be the best clubs in the world, but they will be fine for while you're getting the hang of things. A pair of trainers will be fine for going to the range. You may want to use a glove (left hand glove for a r/h player) but its not essential. Only when you feel ready to get out on a course will you need to think about buying more stuff.


Medal Winner
Aug 10, 2007
Yorkshire Coast
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I've set a few people going with basic sets of 2nd hand clubs, if you're lucky you can get a set of irons, a hybrid and a wood for probably £30.00 on facebook or ebay. Occasionally with a bag thrown in.

Only thing is to make sure you don't end up with a set from the 70's, although to be honest, there will be nothing wrong with these while you decide whether the game is for you. Best IMHO is any basic cavity back set.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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I got my first taste on golf day for a cricket team i played for, was hooked after that. i went out a bought a cheap crap set from Sports direct, which i grew out of almost straight away, esp the woods. I would def go with SH to start with and if you still like it after playing a few times then go with lessons. I also found joining a club was a great help instantly had a group to play with and never looked back from there.

Good luck and enjoy it


Q-School Graduate
Oct 7, 2014
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A lot of ranges will hold beginners group lessons. Great way to learn for a fraction of the cost. Plus, you'll likely make some golf pals.


Aug 15, 2018
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I got my first taste on golf day for a cricket team i played for, was hooked after that. i went out a bought a cheap crap set from Sports direct, which i grew out of almost straight away, esp the woods. I would def go with SH to start with and if you still like it after playing a few times then go with lessons. I also found joining a club was a great help instantly had a group to play with and never looked back from there.

Good luck and enjoy it

I'd agree with this. Lessons are needed to improve but if you don't like being out on the course then there is no point having the lessons. I bought a cheap second hand set, played a couple of park courses, enjoyed it, looked at lessons 👍


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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Evening everyone, looking a bit of general advice as I have decided to take the plunge and take up golf. Unfortunately I am starting from scratch so was thinking that it would probably be best to get lessons to start with to get on the right path rather than try to learn on my own. My query is do I buy clubs at this stage or do I wait and seek advice from my coach after a few lessons to get an idea of which clubs would be best suited?

I am 6”2 in height so I’m not sure if I would be better getting fitted or if it would be a waste of money so early on? Although if I’m taking lessons surely I will need a club of some sort to practice with in between lessons.

Also if there is any tips/recommendations on things that are a must to do after taking up golf which in terms of items I should get or things make myself aware of it would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

I would start with either borrowing stuff if you can or buy a second hand set.

Don't get too caught up with the equipment and while a coach might point you in the direction of what equipment to look at, in reality how you swing the club makes a far bigger difference to what club you are swinging.

a set of cavity backed irons 3 or 4 iron to SW (i.e. not blades)
a regular shaft driver and 3 wood
possibly a 5 wood or hybrid would be worth investing in (and better to use than a 3 iron)
Any perimeter weighted putter (google anser style)

This is all fairly neutral and will get you started. if you are a complete beginner your swing and technique could potentially develop massively over the next year or two and that would be the time to really take an interest in spending some serious cash on the equipment. But lets be honest here, the equipment makes such a marginal difference and golfers spend inordinate amounts of time and money on it it defies logic in many cases. Albeit some people just enjoy spending money on equipment and having new gear.

Luke Donald (not a tall guy at all) uses off the shelf mizuno irons with no alterations or adjustments - and he was world number 1 for the best part of a year.

You are in a great position with approaching a golf coach as you have not built up any bad technique or bad habits so I would imagine that most good coaches could get you up to some kind of basic ability sooner than you might think. Certainly much sooner than if you simply went out and started hitting balls and playing off your own initiative.