Swinging behind you


Club Champion
Oct 23, 2014
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Afternoon all. First time poster and relatively new golfer. I need some good drills or things to remember to get the club to swing around my body rather than up in the air. I keep my left arm straight, but it still results that the club goes too high and not smoothly behind me. (Sorry for the super long paragraph, it won't let me go down a line!).

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Afternoon all. First time poster and relatively new golfer. I need some good drills or things to remember to get the club to swing around my body rather than up in the air. I keep my left arm straight, but it still results that the club goes too high and not smoothly behind me. (Sorry for the super long paragraph, it won't let me go down a line!).

Welcome aboard :)

Got a video of your swing?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Afternoon all. First time poster and relatively new golfer. I need some good drills or things to remember to get the club to swing around my body rather than up in the air. I keep my left arm straight, but it still results that the club goes too high and not smoothly behind me. (Sorry for the super long paragraph, it won't let me go down a line!).

hey welcome

golf annoyingly is very counterintuitive, you don't really want to be swinging the arms/club behind you either.
but neither as you say do you just want to be lifting the arms up & away from the body independently.
the takeaway/backswing has to be a body turn (pivot) with a connected arm swing, the arms club should be in front of the chest as you turn to the top.
couple of things to look at that may help.



Club Champion
Oct 23, 2014
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This is my swing. Been playing about six months properly. Went round a par 70 in 110 today (I don't have a handicap yet). When I hit a shot sweetly then I have no problem with accuracy or distance. But occasionally I really slice it and I'm sure that's because the club isn't coming around my body.

Any tips or suggestions please?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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it's nothing really to do with your swing not 'coming around your body' - have a real good look at the previous vids I put up.

swing motion is reasonably tidy.
far more important to sort out the static positions & alignments which will immediately help you out some. so if you can get to a PGA pro before you pick up too many bad habits that the longer you do will make it harder to change.
you want your weight through the center of your feet, be careful you're not sitting back on the heels some. chin a tad low to the chest will make a shoulder turn a ways more difficult. try to look at the target by tilting/turning your head towards it rather than lifting it up as you do as that will also change your shoulder line.

if you can get your grip checked over.
looks to maybe something a bit funky going on with the right hand too far under the shaft- perhaps the handle lying a ways to much up in the palm rather than angled along the bottom of the palm & more in the fingers. possible that the left hand position a little weak too much rotated counter clockwise towards target.
face on angle would help but looks too as if the ball position is a little ways too far forwards. which is making the alignment difficult.

if you look at your address position you can see your left arms a good bit below/under your right arm, also, if you look, this means your shoulder alignment is a ways open to your ball/target line with a clubface that's then aligned to your shoulder alignment so it's also open to your ball target line.

so all this means you going to be swinging left a ways through impact, if the face is open you'll get the slice. the loft on the higher number clubs will to a certain extent help to negate the ball's curvature, but the longer clubs less more you'll get more unwanted curvature on the ball flight.
the right leg is straightening as you take the club back, try to keep some flex in the right knee as you turn to the top.

just freeze this vid at address & look at how the arms hang here how the shoulders are square, you can then see the difference.
also look at the angles at address here particularly the spine angle to the heads position.



Club Champion
Oct 23, 2014
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it's nothing really to do with your swing not 'coming around your body' - have a real good look at the previous vids I put up.

swing motion is reasonably tidy.
far more important to sort out the static positions & alignments which will immediately help you out some. so if you can get to a PGA pro before you pick up too many bad habits that the longer you do will make it harder to change.
you want your weight through the center of your feet, be careful you're not sitting back on the heels some. chin a tad low to the chest will make a shoulder turn a ways more difficult. try to look at the target by tilting/turning your head towards it rather than lifting it up as you do as that will also change your shoulder line.

if you can get your grip checked over.
looks to maybe something a bit funky going on with the right hand too far under the shaft- perhaps the handle lying a ways to much up in the palm rather than angled along the bottom of the palm & more in the fingers. possible that the left hand position a little weak too much rotated counter clockwise towards target.
face on angle would help but looks too as if the ball position is a little ways too far forwards. which is making the alignment difficult.

if you look at your address position you can see your left arms a good bit below/under your right arm, also, if you look, this means your shoulder alignment is a ways open to your ball/target line with a clubface that's then aligned to your shoulder alignment so it's also open to your ball target line.

so all this means you going to be swinging left a ways through impact, if the face is open you'll get the slice. the loft on the higher number clubs will to a certain extent help to negate the ball's curvature, but the longer clubs less more you'll get more unwanted curvature on the ball flight.
the right leg is straightening as you take the club back, try to keep some flex in the right knee as you turn to the top.

just freeze this vid at address & look at how the arms hang here how the shoulders are square, you can then see the difference.
also look at the angles at address here particularly the spine angle to the heads position.


Thank you for that. I'll definitely look at those videos.