Swing feedback


Club Champion
Oct 23, 2014
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Hi guys

Been playing and improving over the past two years. Recently joined a club which has helped no end.

I have just changed from a baseball to an interlocking after months of putting it off.

My bad shot is either a duff or a pull to the left.

My friend is also quite new to golf and would like some feedback too if possible.

He struggles with distance (for a big bloke he rarely hits irons over 150) and gets a lot of height on all irons. His bad shot is a duff or a slice to the right.

Both swings below. Thanks in advance.






Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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Do you have any face on views, its important to see both DTL and face on views to make more accurate comments.

There are far more qualified people on here to give comments than me, and Im hope they see this thread for you.

For me, I would say your weight looks a little too far towards your toes at set up. You do look to have a strong set up though. As you start your down swing, your hands move forward (as if to block your head from the camera), to me this looks to give you a very steep angle of attack into the ball which could be the cause of he duffs and also a out to in path which would cause the pull left if you have a closed (to target) club face.

Your friend looks a lot weaker in his posture (back curvature and rounded shoulders), as he brings the club back to the shaft being parallel to the ground notice how the head of the club is almost behind him (weight also looks to be on his left side here too), I think more width here would help (think club head more in front of the toe line). At the top of the swing the shoulders look a bit flat, if the posture is stronger at this point the upper body will be a bit more tilted which would result in a line down the right arm and through both shoulders pointing more at the ball rather than way out in front. As the club comes down, the weight seems to stay on the right hand side which makes rotation through the ball really hard. If you slow the video right down and pause at the point of impact, both feet are dead flat on the ground along with the shoulder and hip lines just looks like he is struggling or not committing to rotating through the ball. I struggled with a slice and getting the feeling of my right shoulder pointing at the target at the end of the swing really made me commit to rotating and helped massively.

If you can get DTL views that would help for those more qualified who will be able to break it down a bit more.

Hopefully what I have said makes some sense