swing change update.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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So I’m now 7 weeks into changing my swing. I have worked on this at least a half hour every day, and Friday, Saturday and Sundays a lot more. I am also taking the opportunity to change my short game from playing off the back foot, to a more neutral ball position. Might as well change it all at the same time, while I’m not playing. I might leave my putting as it is though.


I started out by changing my grip, and address position. Not too hard.


I then moved on to changing my back swing, so that I would have more of a one plane swing. It’s more compact, so I don’t get laid on at the top (always been an issue). Being more on plane means I can practice in my hall. My old swing would have damaged the light fittings, and possibly the ceiling. With my new swing, I am only damaging the skirting boards.


I have worked on my impact position, and then my extension through the ball, and club head release. Mainly in slow motion, to try to get a feel for how it should be when I speed it up. This is fine in slow motion, but when I try to speed it up, I shank the heck out of it. If I go even faster, I hit it ok, but due to an early release the ball just balloons up in the air.


I am really trying to build some lag into my swing, and stop coming in to the ball so steeply. This is not helped by my old habit of standing up a bit through impact, and an early lifting of my head (I really want to be looking at where the ball was, not where it’s going).


On Sunday, I went to the driving range, and hit the ball so badly it was almost comical. Great. 7 weeks work, and I’m not getting anywhere near where I want to be. I got home afterwards thinking the whole exercise is just a waste of time, and money, and how the heck do I get my old swing back.


Later in the afternoon, I have a few idle swings in front of the hall mirror with a spare 8 iron, and it just clicks. No idea why, but it just does.


I went to the indoor nets on Monday, and was just striping my 8 iron. There is a horizontal line half way up the net, and I’m always trying to keep the impact below this line. Most of the balls I hit were only just above the line, instead of into the top corner as usual.


I went to the range last night, and hit 90 balls, 40 8 irons, and then for a laugh, hit 25 6 irons, and 25 4 irons. Wow. So straight, such a nice contact, and plenty long enough. Loving it. Ok, the 8 iron could be a touch lower, (the 6 and 4 were really nicely flighted though), and I’m still lifting a bit at impact, but it’s chalk and cheese to how I was hitting it before. Even the complete stranger in the next bay commented on how well I was hitting my 6 iron.


Ok, I still need to sort my head out, and I’ve not seen it on video, but I know I’m on the right track, and it’s going to be good. I need to book another lesson, probably for next week, and heck, I might even try to play this weekend (weather allowing), and see how it goes on the golf course. I know I have a lot more work to do, but at least I can now see where it might go.


And yes, I am entered for the February Stableford on the 15th, but I may yet not go up to 10!


The only cloud on the horizon was that I was going to use my new swing as justification for getting a c/f set of Miura CB501s. From the start I have assumed that my two year old set of Pro combos with spaghetti shafts would be totally unsuited to whatever swing I end up with. This may not be the case.


Stuff it, I might just buy them anyway!


One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Cracking read that Murph :thup:

Sounds like your efforts are starting to bear fruit (?)

I spent the majority of my winter work refining my shortgame. Stripped it right back to the basics and started afresh. Felt so alien and 'wrong' and couldn't play even the simpleist chip well.

Like you, I practiced everyday, and didn't feel like there was any improvement, but then, like you, one night I had an epiphany and everything became so clear. I've moved on from there and haven't looked back. Played last saturday, shooting 75 and the score was mainly complied from insie 100 yards and green side where I chipped in once and left everychip I had inside 3ft.

I've had a similar Eurika moment with my full swing, so I'm hoping this goes in the same direction :thup:

I enjoy hearing about the progress you've made Murph', but one question:

Why Miura CB501's :mad: ???

I had you down as a Cooper CP45 type of guy :thup:


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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You all know that I stand up in the swing. I've given up a pursuit of radically looking to change this now and working much more on plane, club head path and angle of attack. Sounds a lot like some of the stuff golld old Murph is doing but without the dedicated effort he's putting in. Really happy with the ball striking and swing at the range (need to get onto a course soon) and a world away from the swing in December 2012 when we started to change my swing. Yes it's technically incorrect. Yes its flawed. Its mine, I understand it better now and I trust it. Let the season start and see it in action


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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Great stuff Murph, glad to see you are finally seeing some reward for your efforts.

I say get the new clubs, they are bound to help, and if they don't, they are new clubs, what's not to like :thup:


Tour Winner
Jan 2, 2014
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Thanks for the update, nice one on all the hard work.

As soon as I read the bit where you said you hit the ball so badly it was comical I thought to myself "Clearly the hard work is paying off"

Get the Miura CB501!!! Sex on shafts...


Tour Winner
May 16, 2011
South West Surrey
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Based on my experience and others in a similar boat, proper and fundamental swing changes take 18 months to become the norm, and this assumes that you do regular and excellent practice. The first 6 months are the hardest as you can't score for toffee and question why you are doing it, but occasionally you do have a Hail Mary moment when one or two shots show the light. I remember scoring single figure Stableford points one time. I was so depressed but looking back it was the right thing to do as I made myself do the new swing in this round...short term pain, long term gain as they say. :D

The next six months it gets better as more shots become the ones you want and you may play one or two holes with your new swing. The last six months, you notice that you can string more holes together, maybe a whole nine. Towards the end of the 18 months, the new swing is natural and you get to play the majority of the round in this manner. :)

The track to success is to ensure you are doing good and the rightpractice - using video is ideal. Good luck and have patience. :thup: