Supplementary card


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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What are the rules for supplementary cards.

Today I played in a yellow ball comp. But asked one of my playing partners to mark a supplementary card for me. I ended up playing pretty well and shooting 9 over par (5 under my handicap).

I gave this card in but my pro wasn't sure if I could use it?? The comp was off the whites.
I need to clarify this with the pro tomorrow.

What sort of cut would I be expecting? The course is a Par 71 I'm not sure of the SSS?CSS (Never quite understood that)


Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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You need to declare it before you go out. Thats about all I know but someone more knowledgeable will be along shortly.


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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Is that declaring a card to the pro/club I take it. I went out with the intention to fill in a supplemental card due to the next few weeks being team events. My playing partners knew this.


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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No - your club is required to have a system to declare the round in advance to preclude the possibility of declaring after the event. Telling your playing partners on the course would not be acceptable.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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This is my pet hate.
Congu :mad: :mad: :mad:
You cant do this and you have to declare that and no more than 10 a year and not off the yellows and only if your not playing other comps and exceptional circumstances and blah blah blah :mad: :mad: :mad:
We (the committee) know best so won't cut you. It says so in the rules :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Under the old scheme, you could get cut in general play and that worked very well indeed for many many years.
SO WHY DID THEY CHANGE IT ????? :mad: :mad: :mad:

The player himself/herself is the best judge of how they are playing, (their current playing ability if you will)so if they declare to the h/cap sec that there h/cap doesn't reflect their current playing ability, the h/cap sec should take their word for it, accept the card and chop accordingly.

I just dont understand why in today's game when comps are being won on a regular basis all over the land with stupid scores, why did Congu make it almost impossible for players to get chopped in general play?

I'm off for a lie down now :D :D :D


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Correct Bob!

I have played in 2 competitions in the past few weeks and put in cards of 68 nett in both and because of css and sss I am only playing off .1 lower than I was before the good rounds started. I was 3 under on both occasions and would have been quite happy to lose at least 2 shots. CONGU seem to want to stop me from getting nearer single figures and, frankly, cant see who they are protecting!

The css means that I dont come down as much and as quickly as I want but ensures that the bad round costs me a + .1, its all so daft!



Q-School Graduate
Nov 10, 2010
But asked one of my playing partners to mark a supplementary card for me. I ended up playing pretty well and shooting 9 over par (5 under my handicap).

As long as the card marker knew of your intent prior to teeing off I can see no issue with the Handicap Secretary accepting the card. If he doesn't then he's an arse. The card is marked correctly and signed? No problem.



Medal Winner
Jul 18, 2011
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This is my pet hate.
Congu :mad: :mad: :mad:
You cant do this and you have to declare that and no more than 10 a year and not off the yellows and only if your not playing other comps and exceptional circumstances and blah blah blah :mad: :mad: :mad:
We (the committee) know best so won't cut you. It says so in the rules :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Under the old scheme, you could get cut in general play and that worked very well indeed for many many years.
SO WHY DID THEY CHANGE IT ????? :mad: :mad: :mad:

The player himself/herself is the best judge of how they are playing, (their current playing ability if you will)so if they declare to the h/cap sec that there h/cap doesn't reflect their current playing ability, the h/cap sec should take their word for it, accept the card and chop accordingly.

I just dont understand why in today's game when comps are being won on a regular basis all over the land with stupid scores, why did Congu make it almost impossible for players to get chopped in general play?

I'm off for a lie down now :D :D :D

Good Contender for rant of the month bobmac


Money List Winner
Jan 14, 2008
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A couple of months ago me and a mate of mine put in a supplementary card ,we went thru the process ,told the pro filled in the sheet for doing it,played of the whites then we were told the club weren't interested in looking at the cards.

Why did they have a notice on the board explaining the rules on this matter then,i work a lot of weekends and most weeks when i'm of theres no comps on so it works for me to get my handicap cut if i play well enough.
Our thought were the wee bawbag of a secretary would have to do some work instead of playing golf or hob knobing it with the R & A and every opportunity.

rant over. :)


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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We (the committee) know best so won't cut you.

The player himself/herself is the best judge of how they are playing, (their current playing ability if you will)so if they declare to the h/cap sec that there h/cap doesn't reflect their current playing ability, the h/cap sec should take their word for it, accept the card and chop accordingly.

I just dont understand why in today's game when comps are being won on a regular basis all over the land with stupid scores, why did Congu make it almost impossible for players to get chopped in general play?


1. The committee should know best - remember they are voted in by the members.
2. General Play cuts can still be - and are - made but on solid evidence and not on knee-jerk reactions or because the player wants one.
3. The player is the best judge? Anarchy rules. We all know players who have an inflated idea of their own ability and would want a low handicap as a badge of honour (look at the proliferation of websites "awarding" handicaps based on the player's say so). The current system is the best available to give an objective assessment of a player's playing ability.
4.Players winning comps with stupid scores? That's up to the club to ensure, for example, that initial handicap awards are properly carried out.
5. The CONGU UHS isn't perfect but it's as good as we're likely to get - and it's only ever going to be as good as the people running it at club level - and if it's not being properly run at club level, then it's up to players to do something about it.
6. Check your blood pressure.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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1.remember they are voted in by the members.
Maybe in some clubs but but not all and they still have to follow Congu rules.

2. General Play cuts can still be

I am aware of that but only in exceptional circumstances

3.The player is the best judge
I stand by that statement. If he has the cards to prove it why not cut him? If it's an ego trip he wont be winning anything for a while.

4. that initial handicap awards are properly carried out

How can they when the rules of Congu make it almost impossible except possibly at the annual review.

and it's only ever going to be as good as the people running it at club level

How can they run it properly when the congu rules dont allow it.
Oops sorry, they can if they haven't played enough qualifiers or have been injured or work stops them playing comps and they sign the form before they play with written permission from at least 3 committee members and they must play off the white tees as yellows dont count etc etc etc. :mad:

6. My blood pressure is fine. It's the poor cat I guys I feel sorry for today.
Luckily, I dont compete in h/cap stuff very often now but did do at cat I level for over 25 years.

A question for you sir.
Have you spent any time as a cat I golfer ?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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My point is if you had you wouldn't be defending the present system.
I think if you asked any number of Cat I golfers, not many would share your belief.

Every low h/cap golfer in the land knows what it takes to get that low and to see his/her chances of winning anything reduce the lower they get is just a farce. And to put the cherry on congu's cake, the bandits now get full h/cap in match play. :mad:

You're now going to quote me congus famous myths...dont bother. You can make statistics say anything.

I only know that when I was off 2 h/cap, the only comp I stood a chance in winning ALL YEAR was the club champs and even then, the net prize was of more value than the gross.

I guess some playing fields are just more level than others. :mad: