Stupid ways I've zapped my back


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2020
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1. Mowing the grass
2. Vacuuming
3. Picking a case of beer out of the car trunk
4. Putting golf clubs in the car

About twice a year I trigger it (just lasts a couple of days), and I have no idea why. Just getting over one of those. I can usually feel it coming on with a little pain on the left side at the top of the pelvis, then a few days later...kaput.

I've never liked stretching, although I've been forcing myself most days to do a little bit. Really need to get back on the core exercises.....especially since I will hopefully be swinging a golf club again soon. A couple of guys I play with have taken large breaks from golf with back for 1.5yrs before he could play again.
I feel your pain.

I had a prolapsed disc many years ago, and it was never heavy lifting which caused me a problem. I ended up in agony and immobile on one occasion when I leaned into a shopping trolley to pick up a tin of beans, and on another occasion when I sneezed walking to the shops. And once when I was putting my socks on.

And then there was my GP telling me that the best thing for a bad back was bed rest. He point blank refused to listen to me when I said that really aggravated the condition and lo and behold, all these years later, bed rest is frowned upon.

Nobody knows what a genuine back complaint is until they’ve had one. It’s the only pain I’ve ever known which made me physically sick. Awful.

Good luck managing the pain when it comes, because it’s not nice.
I've learnt over the years that you cannot be too careful when it comes to backs. worst time for me was simply bending down to pick up a piece of paper - one year off playing.

Once I get the twinge I stop what I am doing immediately. Once getting the clubs out of the car and they were put straight back in the car and I drove home.
Then not doing anything that might aggravate it for a few days.
And then there was my GP telling me that the best thing for a bad back was bed rest. He point blank refused to listen to me when I said that really aggravated the condition and lo and behold, all these years later, bed rest is frowned upon.


I agree with that. All the physios over the years and my osteopath recommended gentle exercise and one of the best is walking at a brisk pace.
Let me clarify one thing no way has my back pain been SERIOUS. I had 2 bulging discs that evidently eventually got better....I get some pain at times from that. My wife has had to put my socks etc on a few times, but I can still move after a few days. no way.....has my back EVER been as bad as some people. No shooting pains down the legs etc. For spot....hurts for a few days and goes away. When I first did the discs in, that was most of a month before I could put my socks on....but steadily got better. It's just a little weird how I've done the back in (and so many other people) by doing something vacuuming.

I'm just getting lazy in my old age (63). When I was running all the time I used to stretch etc because I had a lot of time invested in running. Now.....I've been working on what I call my golfing body. I just need to plop down on the floor once a day and crank out tons of stomach/back work and stretch at least a little bit. Once a day. Heck, I've been walking most of 10 miles a day.....but I find that easier than stretching....

Taser Gun??? Need some details on that....
Playing wrestling on a trampoline at school :ROFLMAO:
Trying to Snatch 100kg

I'm very lucky not to have a bad back - I got into yoga after the snatch incident and did mobility after going to a class at goring rehab centre.
The worst was maybe 25+ years ago when I was leaning down to pick up my house keys early morning (when my back is always most vulnerable) and sneezed at the critical point - actually saw stars and was out of it for weeks.

More recently I was using the new trolley self-checkout at the supermarket, which meant movng back and fro sideways from the trolley to the bagging area via the scanner. That was a week of pain!

I don't put the trolley into the docking station any more, even though the staff keep saying that's the best place.
Asking for a friend....

All these back problems, was there anyone ever who said your ailments could be fixed?

I have read about people who have had back surgery, discs hollowed out, vertebrae fused etc, do the rest of us just get fobbed off?
Asking for a friend....

All these back problems, was there anyone ever who said your ailments could be fixed?

I have read about people who have had back surgery, discs hollowed out, vertebrae fused etc, do the rest of us just get fobbed off?
Not an expert of course....but yes, a lot of back issues are fixed either through exercise/stretching etc or surgery. Generally is supposed to be the last last last thing you even think about since it can cause things to be worse. I've no idea what caused my 2 bulging discs 10 years ago.....but time pretty well did the job, although they still bother me a little bit at times. I'm still trying to get myself to spend more time doing "basic" stomach/back exercises and stretch would only take about 20 minutes a day for the stretching/exercises I should be doing. I currently do "some" stomach work (nowhere near enough).....and have started working on some hip strength every other hopefully I will keep adding to it. My issues with bulging discs were nothing compared to some other issues people have. Even a few months after they went kaput I was able (after warming up) to split wood, dig holes, lift heavy items took about 2 years before I could finish a round of golf without a fair amount of discomfort.....standing around is the worst thing for me (like shopping). If I'm moving around constantly I stay loose.