Straight right...



Last few rounds everything is going straight right. From Wedge to driver.
My alighnment is good, Grip hasnt changed, I dont feel like anything is different but everthing is going right.

No curve, just arrow straight to the right,

Any ideas?
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Nov 16, 2011
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If club gets to the ball late, then club-face is likely to be open, but square to path.

All sorts of possible reasons, but swaying, rather than turning, is a pretty common one! Turning without weight-transfer is common too, but that should be noticeable.


Ball position?

Somthing i was thinking of today as yet another well struck shot finished 10 yards right of the flag. with the good weather and long evenings I have haved played a round as opposed to practice. I think I'll hit the practise area tomorow evening and see whats what.


ive booked a lesson for tomorrow eve. I'll see what pro says and take it out for 9 holes after.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Worth double checking you haven't got the shoulders slightly closed at address. that could make the swing path come from inside then out of the ball/target line to the right, face angle square to path through impact & you'll push it.

If ball position had slipped back you'd more likely be getting some draws, overdraws in the shot pattern too, but still worth checking.

If the swing is fairly grooved to the pattern you usually swing at, then if the shot pattern changes the first thing to check is aim, both leading edge of the club & body's alignment (particularly shoulders) at address.

If it's the swing motion that is a little ways out, could be you're getting the hands/arms/club stuck behind you some coming down into impact, so you come in from the inside out to the right with face square to path.


Head Pro
Dec 23, 2009
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How spooky is this thread....same issue at the moment. I have been working with my pro to get the club face neutral from being closed previously. My swing path is in to out but now I am really struggling to release the club face/square it at impact. Never had to worry about it as it always arrived closed very in to out which resulted in a draw, but horrific hook if timing was out. Any good drills to get the swing plane less in to out (think cover drive in cricket, previous sport.....), or more in - out - in ? (I will also check shoulder alignment as I do hit it bullet straight 1 in 5).


I am hitting the ball with the club face open, making the ball go straight right... no real surprise.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I am hitting the ball with the club face open, making the ball go straight right... no real surprise.

Open to your ball/target line, but square to your inside to out swing path.

But still begs the question of what's exactly causing it, a 'static' misalignment from address with body or ball or both, or a swing motion issue from being correctly aligned at address.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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How spooky is this thread....same issue at the moment. I have been working with my pro to get the club face neutral from being closed previously. My swing path is in to out but now I am really struggling to release the club face/square it at impact. Never had to worry about it as it always arrived closed very in to out which resulted in a draw, but horrific hook if timing was out. Any good drills to get the swing plane less in to out (think cover drive in cricket, previous sport.....), or more in - out - in ? (I will also check shoulder alignment as I do hit it bullet straight 1 in 5).

Often happens when upper body arms hands club get stuck behind coming down into the delivery position, which itself often is a combination of the backswing being a little ways flat combined with a fast 'jump' to the left side with the lower body at transition, everything then then to get stuck & coming from a good ways inside the line depends whether then there's any 'rescue' move into impact with fore-arm crossover as to whether it goes straight right or the 'rescue' move quickly closes down the face angle to hook.

Assuming neutral-ish grip, going back feel the arm triangle keeps the club outside the hands to arrive at P1(when the club first gets parallel to the ground during backswing) that the club is also more inline & parallel to your toe line as well as the ground & your ball/target line.

Then when your left arm is first parallel to the ground in the backswing when the hands/wrists pretty much completely 'set' so the angle between left arm & club shaft is around 90º. A check at this point if you look along the left arm to your hands, you should see that the hands are pretty much inline with the middle of your chest & not back a ways towards your heel line.

{If back towards your heel line everything is a little ways too far behind you & will from here turn up to the top too far 'behind' you, a position unless there's some funky compensation move is likely to get stuck behind coming in a more grooved swing motion that's giving you your current shot pattern, so from here you've found a way of not throwing everything out over the top from this kind of top position something many folk do, but the way you've found is giving you the shot pattern issues you have.}

If you can get to the left arm parallel to ground shaft around 90º & look along to find the hands inline with the middle of your chest at this point.
Then just completing the shoulder turn will put the shaft more over the top of right shoulder so on a much better plane, so the hands/arms club you can keep more a ways 'infront' of your chest coming back down on a much more neutral swing plane.
So swinging more slightly in to square to back inside after impact.
Much less of a swing path angle coming back to the 0º ball/target line, coming from slightly inside say 2º or less rather than way inside coming from 7º+ of a pronounced (stuck) in to out path.

Much easier from the more neutral swing path to deliver a square club face angle to impact.

Put this vid up a few times as it's a good way to check those alignments of shaft, get the club down on the ground in the position you see, do some work with these positions (always keeping in mind they are just checkpoints within a complete swing motion) & you should be able to have a little more neutral swing path, so get rid of the stuck behind & pronounced in to out path that's the issue with the pushes, overdraws.
