Legs hips and torso contribute about 85% of the power of a swing. Arms wrists about 15%. It has been well researched and quantified beyond debate at this stage. 3d motions, force plates etc, have measured it pretty accurately. It was suspected for a long time by some physics/academic researchers in the biomechanics, while the golf professionals were just more speculative and anecdote and feel based which fogged real understanding of the golf swing for so long. It was a case of the blind leading the blind, but a lot has changed in the last 10-20 years.In my opinion you must use your arms and wrists as the main speed and control generators in the golf swing, the body can only assist them. Good golfers can hit the ball almost as far when kneeling down.
The wrists and arms simply dont have the muscle power to generate the clubhead speed. For most high handicappers, wrist interference is more counter productive, slowing club release speed rather than acting as a simply hinge.