Staying connected


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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I played at the weekend and my friend said my arms (mainly my left) is becoming really disconnected from my body through my swing. He suggested I put a towel or a glove under the left armpit and try and hit some shots with that, but every video I have seen talks about "staying connected" for nothing more than hitting an 8 or 9 iron down to chips.

Do I need to keep "connected" through the driver swing as well? Is there any merit in practicing with a driver whilst trying to keep the glove under the arm (until the end of the swing where you would expect it to drop)?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Keeping the left arm close to the chest, especially on the longer clubs/swings can cause more problems than cure.
What problem are you trying to fix?


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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A crippling slice. It's destroying my game and becoming my "stock shot" rather than my bad one.

I thought about trying the "gate" or "head cover" drill, but I was told I'm not coming over the top so that may not be the issue / cause of the slice.

I didn't realise, but it seems my stance is often closed and shoulders are often open (which I am sure doesn't help matters) and it was suggested the disconnection from the left arm causes my hands to get stuck behind me, so are late in relation to my shoulders (meaning open face at impact) so the glove / towel drill was suggested to improve my timing and turn through impact.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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It looks as if the ball starts right of the target. Is that normal?

It's probably the camera angle, but it will mainly go slightly left and then hard right. Occasionally it is more of a fade shape, i.e. straight then fading off to the right. When I get it right weirdly it's actually more of a draw shape.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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There's a couple of things going on there which aren't quite text book but what you need to do is improve the relationship between the swingpath and clubface at impact.
Try and keep your shoulders pointing at the target at impact, not left


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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There's a couple of things going on there which aren't quite text book but what you need to do is improve the relationship between the swingpath and clubface at impact.
Try and keep your shoulders pointing at the target at impact, not left

Yeah, my shoulders do get ahead of my hands, which is why I think my mate suggested the glove/towel drill to keep everything together and connected and prevent the need to get my hands catching up with my shoulders.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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The problem is if your hands catch up with your shoulders and they are pointing left, you'll slice/pull all day.
Get those shoulders straighter at impact and you will hit it straighter.
Start off with half power and half swings until you get the feel of it.
If you incorporate a little weight shift towards your left side through impact that will help also


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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The problem is if your hands catch up with your shoulders and they are pointing left, you'll slice/pull all day.
Get those shoulders straighter at impact and you will hit it straighter.
Start off with half power and half swings until you get the feel of it.
If you incorporate a little weight shift towards your left side through impact that will help also

Hear what you are saying. Weight shift through impact is a tough one (for me at least) as I know it is needed, but I guess it is subtle because whenever I consciously think about shifting my weight then I proper duff/chunk/top whatever, but that's probably more caused by me shifting off the lateral plane with my head. Just stopping the slice is what's needed for me currently because it is totally ruining my game. I can't even take an iron or a hybrid off the tee because I get the exact same result.


Tour Rookie
Aug 9, 2015
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Look at the impact.
Your hips have barely turned but your shoulders are way left.

For starters, personally I would get you to set up with your left foot way back from the right foot, ie very open stance with the legs and hips, with shoulders aligned right of target.
Hit some shots at 30% power like this, maybe feel like it's only an arm swing, and I'd expect to see a better impact position and ball flight.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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View attachment 16979

Look at the impact.
Your hips have barely turned but your shoulders are way left.

For starters, personally I would get you to set up with your left foot way back from the right foot, ie very open stance with the legs and hips, with shoulders aligned right of target.
Hit some shots at 30% power like this, maybe feel like it's only an arm swing, and I'd expect to see a better impact position and ball flight.

What would be the progression after that?


Tour Rookie
Aug 9, 2015
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What would be the progression after that?

About 8 shots lower each round :D

No seriously, through impact, if your hips and shoulders alignment was swapped from what it is in the pic above , that would be an improvement.

So if my suggested drill got your club on more of an in-square-in path, then it would be a simple case of seeing if you could maintain that awareness of where your hips and shoulders are through impact at faster /full swing speeds.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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About 8 shots lower each round :D

No seriously, through impact, if your hips and shoulders alignment was swapped from what it is in the pic above , that would be an improvement.

So if my suggested drill got your club on more of an in-square-in path, then it would be a simple case of seeing if you could maintain that awareness of where your hips and shoulders are through impact at faster /full swing speeds.

If I can stop my slice, I'd probably save about 18 shots!

So just to get it right in my head, you're suggesting set up square, but then move my left foot back say half a foot width? More? To open my stance, and then align shoulders right of target line, then swing and at impact my shoulders should almost align with my feet?


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 30, 2013
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If I can stop my slice, I'd probably save about 18 shots!

So just to get it right in my head, you're suggesting set up square, but then move my left foot back say half a foot width? More? To open my stance, and then align shoulders right of target line, then swing and at impact my shoulders should almost align with my feet?

This drill is effectively pre-setting where your hips should be at impact. They should have rotated left of target with your shoulders lagging behind. At the moment your hips stop turning and are overtaken by your arms and shoulders.


Tour Rookie
Aug 9, 2015
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This drill is effectively pre-setting where your hips should be at impact. They should have rotated left of target with your shoulders lagging behind. At the moment your hips stop turning and are overtaken by your arms and shoulders.
