Southern Regional's


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 10, 2009
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Southern Regional's

I see the chat on regional matches has gone a bit quiet, understandably, as we have Ascot coming up.

But I played with Canford and Happless the other day and we agreed it would be good to try to get a few together from down here on the South Coast to give the South East team a match later in the year.

This is just to gauge interest first of all so no date in the diary just yet but I would welcome some feed back on who would be interested in joining in?
Re: Southern Regional's

I heard the Surrey team of HTL + Homer are strong and would wipe the floor with the South East / Coast around a Park Land track.
Re: Southern Regional's

I'm up for it. I heard that HTL, Homer, MWJ (fresh from his layoff, new clubs and new golf club) and leftie aka the Lydd posse will be a tough nut for any team to crack. Lets see if the South Coast are up for it. We have a number of options. Pick one course fairly central, play in the south east or down on the south coast. As an alternative though why not pick a south coast venue and a south eastern one and have a home and away challenge.
Re: Southern Regional's

Well so far the Coast side picks itself, and one thing is for sure SE boys you will have to give us a bucket load of shots!

Come on Coast dwellers surely there are more of us sneaking around in the background.

I am claiming as inland as Newbury and as far West as Swanage?