Some more brain melting swing stuff!!!!

Haha, shop for new pants or eat poorly to put the weight back on!!?? Dilemma ;)

Similar to you, I gave up football after 20yrs up and down the country - piled on some weight and was left with a choice....36" waist trousers or getting the gym, chose the latter :)

That's it pal... Once I stopped playing ball after my 2 Achilles injuries I gained a few pounds.... I think playing as much as I did this season and carrying my bag as well contributed to the few lbs lost... Now down to 13 stone bang on the nose... Need to keep it tthere now over the winter...
You must be back by now.... video? :p

Didnt get one Pal.... Phone ran out of charge..... But i think i might have some of my issues sorted.....

Question for you..... When i should be a little closer and a little more bent over..... Does that also go for the longer clubs?
For instance the driver..... I hit this much better when im more upright vs bent over..... It feels like my hands are a bit too low if i bend over with the driver James.....

Iv also started lifting my left heel off the ground on the backswing about 2"'s...... My thought is to plant it to start the downswing....I think its harder to throw the hips out at the ball when doing this also. Which stops me from extending... Seemed to get some great shots with it.... I only use it from about the 6 iron to the driver though.....
The 3 thoughts i used tonight were Plant the Heel,Keep the head behind the ball until it was gone and Look out under the shot
The motions i could feel at impact were like i was backing into a wall behind me with my left hip....I was hitting the 7 iron about 160 yards with the range balls...