Social rules


Nov 3, 2008
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I'm purely a social golfer and have never played a competition. Almost always play with the same partner and we try to observe "most" of the rules of golf when we play.

We will however bend the rules somewhat usually in the interests of keeping the course flowing and not holding up better golfers behind us.

An example of this rule bending would be lost balls. Sure we'll hit a provisional when a ball is definitely in trouble but we certainly wouldn't dare trudge back to the tee to hit another if a ball that we thought would be fine can't be found. (particularly this time of year with fallen leaves everywhere etc) In that case we'd take a penalty stroke and drop a ball as close to where we think it should be etc.

So really just curious - on a social round what rules do you not observe to the letter? Also curious - on a social round do you always go off the yellows or do you still play the whites?



Tour Winner
Oct 3, 2007
I generally play to the same rules as you if alone, if I am counting my card I don't bend the rules as its just cheating myself and stick to the rules as I know them. I tend to play of yellow tee's all year round as I too don't play comps.

If a ball is right under a tree, I will take a drop to speed up play but I am doing it less and less to get used to the rules for when I start in comps.


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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I think most people do the same if there is nothing but a little bit of pride on the outcome.

I have to play off the yellow tees, Were not allowed to play the whites unless your in a comp.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I always play off whites.

If I am just bashing a ball around with my mates, and there is no money on it then the rules are loosley held onto, but ditto going back to the tee, or playing from a lie where I might damage a club.

Once there is a side bet, rules are rules.


Q-School Graduate
Jan 29, 2008
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If it's social then pretty much the only one I bend is regarding dropping. I won't bother to put tees in the ground, roll the driver over twice, drop, drop, place etc. Drop it down clearly less than two lengths away, quick nod from playing partner and get on with it. Always off the whites at my club, except when I play with a couple of mates who are beginners like today - it seems a different course at 400 yards shorter, but also makes me realise that my handicap is hard fought for.


Nov 3, 2008
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If it's social then pretty much the only one I bend is regarding dropping. I won't bother to put tees in the ground, roll the driver over twice, drop, drop, place etc. Drop it down clearly less than two lengths away, quick nod from playing partner and get on with it. Always off the whites at my club, except when I play with a couple of mates who are beginners like today - it seems a different course at 400 yards shorter, but also makes me realise that my handicap is hard fought for.

So if you get to some rough where you think your ball would be easy to find and it's not you'd walk back to the tee and drive again?


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I'm pretty much in agreement with everyone. A social game we'll play 3 off the tee if it looks to be in trouble and if we can't find it then move on to the next. If someone hits a shot that we think is fine but we cannot find (we lost one on the fairway on Saturday amongst the leaves) we'll allow a drop in the vicinity and move on.

On my own or for cash then its full rules no excuses. I keep stats as most people know and so I'd only be collating incorrect data if I don't enter penalty drops etc. As for tees, we are allowed to play off the whites at any time and I do 99% of the time. When I do play off the yellows it is a different course and my club selections get thrown way out on some holes. Whenever bring guests to Ascot we always play off the whites so they get to play the course to its full potential


Tour Winner
Aug 19, 2007
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I play the same rules more or less.

In the event of a lost ball (say) I'd offer dropping one on the fairway and playing 4, as if my opponent had gone to the tee and this time found the fairway!!!

We don't waste time with marking balls for "placing on the fairways" and we tend to play the first putt leaving the flag in if it speeds up play.

Other than that......(I might think of a few more!)


Journeyman Pro
Nov 1, 2007
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Well even in a social game as we always play for money not a lot,but it means we always play to the rules i dont see anyother way of playing the game if your playing with competent golfers.

As we are allowed we always play off the whites too.
However i have to and still do play with Guys that are just learning the game so always give them a bit of leeway but let them know how things should be played when they start to enter comps.

whenever we can my regular golfing partner and I go and have a practice round the day before a comp, and that what we do just treat it as practice.


Q-School Graduate
Jan 29, 2008
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If it's social then pretty much the only one I bend is regarding dropping. I won't bother to put tees in the ground, roll the driver over twice, drop, drop, place etc. Drop it down clearly less than two lengths away, quick nod from playing partner and get on with it. Always off the whites at my club, except when I play with a couple of mates who are beginners like today - it seems a different course at 400 yards shorter, but also makes me realise that my handicap is hard fought for.

So if you get to some rough where you think your ball would be easy to find and it's not you'd walk back to the tee and drive again?

I'd probably have hit a provisional. If I hadn't I'd just not score for the hole (we usually play stableford) but might drop one down on the fairway and play up to keep the rhythm.


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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If you are in a comp then the comp rules apply.

If its a social round then you can agree between yourselves what casual temp rulings you live by. As long as it affects no one else , who cares?

When I play my nephew for example, we often agree that anything oob we just drop one at an agreed spot and carry on with only 1 stroke lost, sometimes we play a round on fairway only, so if you hit in rough or a hazard you just drop at nearest point on fairway for 1 stroke and carry on.(this makes you try and stay on fairway to begin with as running off onto rough loses you a stroke even if you can still make the green from there lol)

You can come up with any ideas you wish in social golf and the key is not to affect others or damage the course and no one should really care. Just remember not to accidently do such things in a oficial comp!