So much negativity drags you down.[ Upbeat thread].

Meeting some new forumites tomorrow, will be wearing shorts, i dont even care if we get a quick thunderstorm, in fact, i will actually enjoy it!

Sunburn has developed into a farmers/golfers tan and its getting closer to pay day!

Life is good.
The sun is shining and it's lovely and warm
Ladies dress code on and off course bringing a big smile to my face
Dress code of some gents causing me to laugh
Our greens are fab and course looks gorgeous
I walk the course with the heavenly sweet smell of warm grass, heather, pine and gorse infusing my thoughts
Met a real good fun bunch of guys at Tyrells Wood
Probably going to buy a modern putter so the 21st Century beckons
Experienced advantages that DMDs can provide when playing Tyrells Wood
Golf is average but who cares
I am a lucky guy to be able to play golf
Say no to negativity!

thats a bit negative :whistle:

I'm off to the Open starting tomorrow:whoo:

I can outdrive most players with my 3 wood:whistle:

My putting woes are officially over........I've cracked it big, and I mean big time, looking for a low score this weekend:whoo:

...and did I mention I'm off to the Open:whoo::whoo:
Like it! Too much woes and more +ve stuff!

For me:

Ball striking is epic, the best its ever been.
Hitting the ball miles, with a lovely flight.
Full confidence in my distances.
Short game is improving after months of work - haven't fatted/thinned a chip in months.
Putting is now improving again, helping to convert birdie chances.
Played/ing these courses in 2013: Hindhead, Hankley, Coombe Hill, New Zealand, West Hill, Royal Porthcawl, St Pierre, Southerndown, Pyle & Kenfig
Ashes 2nd Test and The Open on Thurs.
Five BBQ days in a row (no cows left where I live :D)

- Played some really nice golf courses with a great bunch of lads up here in the NW already this year with hopefully more to come.
- Our course is actually looking pretty good for the first time (young course)
- I've been playing a few holes in the late evening in shorts and polo shirt with some good friends.
- I love playing evening golf so the weather is a massive plus
- I think I may have stopped looking at clubs to buy as like everything I have
- Had family and friends staying with us recently so living on BBQ and beers in the garden.
- My golf is pretty rotten but, all things considered, I couldn't give a flying one as that isn't important just now
- Lions series, Wimbledon, TdeF and Ashes have been great entertainment
- I'm off up to the Open for the weekend to see some good friends I haven't seen in too long
- My 10 month old daughter mastered walking in about 15 minutes this weekend (that may be a negative :))
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Off work all week so playing plenty of golf on the course and no practice.
Plenty of sun on my back
Madness at Sandown park tomorrow
Medal on Thursday
Can chill and watch all the Open on TV (four hours of the medal Thursday excepted)
Can switch over to the cricket
I have just successful worked my way out of an issue without too much drama and a smile on my face, I feel like the extra work I had to put in had taught me a lot and that it is gratifying that I can work through slumps like this much more efficiently now. I look forward to even better form because of this. Keeping a good attitude was key!

I have been loving the weather, even the really silly hot days on course.
I have a new wedge that has a really lovely look and feel and its making me practice chip a lot more.
I am really looking forward to meeting a load of forum guys tomorrow for a bit of a match and some laughs at Ian and Phil`s place.
Who cant be happy playing in this weather????

It's fantastic in the South at the moment, truly great weather, and the golf is just as good too.

Played twice at the weekend, once at a different course on Saturday in a mixed match. Only played 17 as it was quite slow and we won the match on the 17th being the final group out (last 2 groups were being held up by the 3rd from last, who had left a 4+ hole gap) BUT i was on course to beat 80 for the fist time. Only needed a 4 on the final hole (par 3) to shoot 79, so whilst it was nearly there i didnt really want to count it.

Then on Sunday, went out and shot 78 at my home course for my first score of below 80, the very next day!

Happy days. My driving has improved massively lately, and on Saturday before my round I had a 10 minute session in the net with the driver and tried something different (to give it more power), which worked, so used it on the course, and hey presto, it worked, which sees me driving a little longer (10-20 yards further). Distance is irrelevant as it's only pertinant to me, the only figure which is of any importance is that my drives are a little longer :-)

How did I do this? easy really
whilst setting up to drive in the net, i made sure my left arm was really straight, locked straight, and at the end of my toe, so i would be hitting it on the up. face slightly closed and then took it back fully (not over extended) and rather than my usual smooth slowish swing, I put a bit more power in it and really went for it (not a wild haymaker type swing though). the result in the net for those few hits felt good so thought I would use it onthe course. Wow, it really did work, and I have seen some instant results, my driving has got longer, which is nice, and they were landing on the fairway and bouncing down a nice ways too. Tried it again on Sunday once I was warmed up after a few holes and it really made a difference.

Obviously it may just have been a weekend anomoly but I'll try it again this weekend and see if its the same. I hope so, but either way, it really made me happy at the weekend.

So another happy golfer here too...
Loads of +'s ere
H/c as dropped 6.5
Won 2 comps, my first ever, one of them a board.
New irons
New driver & 3 wood, bought with winnings
No whinging off the mooses because i haven't spent any "real" money.
New golf club great with loads of new golf buddies
Course in great nick
It hasn't rained for nearly 3 WEEKS
WHEN i'am successful at my interview tomorrow (see what i did there;)) i'll be working 10/6 so i'll be able to play everyday if i wish, grief free.
Whats to complain about??
Happy Days. :whoo:
I had 3 birdies and a hole in one on Sunday in a gross 73, 27 shots better than my last 18 holes.
I have just bought some new irons.
I am playing at Swinley Forest next Tuesday.
The weather is lovely.
The sea off Sussex is perfect for swimming in the evenings.
I have got Paella tonight for dinner.
All this positive stuff is positively depressing! :rofl:

I should be doing better!

Does this officially make me a Brit?
Isnt it great to read so many good stories,and so many upbeat posts.
Just another couple of possies for me.
I got engaged on holiday 3 weeks ago[happy days].
Have lost over a stone,and have been working out,so feel so much better.
God all this positivity is great.:):):)

:) :thup: :clap: Congratulations mate :D

congrats to you too Stuey. Being a Dad is great :D
I'm really enjoying my cycling at the moment..................... :whistle:
Same clubs
Same swing
Same results
Same wife (43yrs)
Same house (43yrs)
Lovely weather
Looking forward to the senior's match tomorrow at Cotswold Hills.
Being positive: looking forward to winter
After a while of struggling with swing changes, had a couple of chunky cuts and am now off my lowest handicap ever. Swing has started to feel natural and results are better than ever. Weather is great. A batch of new members at my club and the social side is better than ever. Long may it continue!
Had 3 cuts in my last 3 medal rounds and am now at my lowest ever h/cap (9.5),

broke 80 in two medals on the spin from the very back pegs when the course has been playing tough.

Played several rounds with forumers and have more to come.

Playing Wallasey in a couple of weeks

Peace, love and great golf to all!!!!
Just started up after a 3yr absence. Just bought new Clubs, hybrid and driver.

Played more this month than I did in the year of me apparently 'actively playing'.

Scored a 10 over in 18 on a par 3 course....that made me very happy!

Hit a birdie on a SI 9 on Monday (big for me!)

Got a lovely tan on mi baldy y'ed.

On a promise tonight...:cheers:

BUT, I found this forum and despite a patronising remark here or there (tiny, tiny negative) to a newbie, have found it thoroughly educational and a massive help in keeping my appetite to improve, up. Some excellent insights, great links to tutorials etc, great knowledge on loads of different kit and an abundance of love and enthusiasm for the game. :thup:
WHEN i'am successful at my interview tomorrow (see what i did there;)) i'll be working 10/6 so i'll be able to play everyday if i wish, grief free.
Whats to complain about??

It may be bad form to gloat, but sod it!! :lol:
Start next week. The power of possitive thought ? My winning personality ? :whistle:
Who cares, i can now be on the golf course for 7am every day if i wish.
Happy days indeed..:whoo: