Small change - big difference


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
I've always suffered from a flat, too far inside takeaway. Today at the range I was doing my usual lining up routine, standing with feet together, clubface pointing at target, move left foot a bit left & right foot a bit more right. It occurred to me that, when placing the right foot, I was drawing it back, closing my stance.

Putting this right resulted in the feeling that the club wanted to go back more outside the usual line. Shots were higher, straighter & longer than usual & this worked through the whole bag. It even reduced the number of shanks I hit, which is good news. My usual miss, a low smother left, was nowhere to be seen.

We're talking about around 3 inches here, amazing that it can have such a big effect. I think it squared my hips up & opened up the body on the downswing /follow through.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I've always suffered from a flat, too far inside takeaway. Today at the range I was doing my usual lining up routine, standing with feet together, clubface pointing at target, move left foot a bit left & right foot a bit more right. It occurred to me that, when placing the right foot, I was drawing it back, closing my stance.

Putting this right resulted in the feeling that the club wanted to go back more outside the usual line. Shots were higher, straighter & longer than usual & this worked through the whole bag. It even reduced the number of shanks I hit, which is good news. My usual miss, a low smother left, was nowhere to be seen.

We're talking about around 3 inches here, amazing that it can have such a big effect. I think it squared my hips up & opened up the body on the downswing /follow through.

Next step is to take it to the course but glad you've got something to work with


Journeyman Pro
Aug 12, 2012
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I am too flat and I also notice my right foot is slightly further back than the left.

When I stand next to an alignment aide square. I still creep back an inch or so...

It’s like the trigger to start my back swing. Ha

I also feel closed


Range tomorrow to have a look. Have a lesson in the afternoon so will ask the big man what he thinks.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I had a 'small change' Eureka moment earlier this year also. Mine is working for me - not straight away though. It took 6 +0.1s in a row getting used to the change before it really kicked-in - and since it did I have gone 11 qualie rounds in a row playing in or below buffer.

Go for it; believe in it; and stick with it MiB.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Nice one MIB.

Next time you are at the range try standing a touch open to see what it does to your swing and ball flight.

Nothing to lose.


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 27, 2013
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EXACTLY the same for me last night. I was bothered by a pretty ruff round on Saturday in the rollup, mostly ruined by what felt like blocked tee shots that just skied off the the right. Unusual for me. Anyway, one of my PP's, a lady, told me to reload after a bad one and be careful about where I was aiming because she said my shoulders were pointing right and not at the target. My provisional went right down the middle with a really good connection. When I looked at my alignment during practice last night, I noticed that just before completing my set up I was drawing my right foot back a tiny bit, thereby closing my alignment to the target. It must have become an instinctive move, that I had not previously noticed.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
A miserable 29 points yesterday in perfect conditions, driving badly & missing irons left & right. Back to the range today & hitting them well again using the same technique. Think it just needs a bit more on course practice. It was a card & pencil job yesterday & I think my nerves got the better of me. Will persevere.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 16, 2014
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I've always suffered from a flat, too far inside takeaway. Today at the range I was doing my usual lining up routine, standing with feet together, clubface pointing at target, move left foot a bit left & right foot a bit more right. It occurred to me that, when placing the right foot, I was drawing it back, closing my stance.

Putting this right resulted in the feeling that the club wanted to go back more outside the usual line. Shots were higher, straighter & longer than usual & this worked through the whole bag. It even reduced the number of shanks I hit, which is good news. My usual miss, a low smother left, was nowhere to be seen.

We're talking about around 3 inches here, amazing that it can have such a big effect. I think it squared my hips up & opened up the body on the downswing /follow through.

I also have a flat swing but I wouldn't say I suffer from it , I'm a senior and always set up with my right foot set back a touch especially off the tee, I think it helps me start my backswing better.

Good though that you think you may have found something that helps, read your last post and seems you didn't get on so well, interested to hear if you keep to being more square at address.

Might try that next time I practice to see if there's any difference.



Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Funny enough I went to the range and felt I was turning flatter and able to rotate better onto the ball and clear the hips. Actually felt the club wasn't as steep as I normally get it but I would guess feel v real will disprove that. Strike was good though. Had the left foot a fraction back so I guess open (only an inch or so) and really felt like I had tome and space. Try it again tomorrow before the weekend


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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Moving your right foot back (for a right hander) will certainly flatten your swing plane. I sometimes use this when I need a draw as it promotes that shape. Conversely, moving it forward will steepen your swing, promoting a fade.
What do they say? GASP - Grip, Alignment, Stance, Posture. Getting those 4 things right solves a lot of problems.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
Much, much better today. Think that the other day I was subconsciously taking it back inside the line. One shot today, an 8 iron from semi rough into the wind, was one of my best for a long time, dead straight & fluttered down 4 feet from the flag. Glad I persevered.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
Almost 3 weeks later & it's still working well. Still feels strange, as if I'm going to hit it left but when I trust the swing the shots go very straight. My bad long iron shot was a smother, low & left & that has all but disappeared. Cannot believe how much difference a tiny change has made.

No professional, & I've had a few over the years, has ever suggested this. I've always thought that if you know your own game you can help yourself. Just wish I'd discovered this about 20 years ago!


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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Same thing my pro has me doing, this year I’ve been 3-5 shots better for 18 holes round the par 3 as I hit many more greens now. Used to turn them over and miss wide left but don’t do that more than once a round now.

Next thing is to build clubhead speed and hit the ball like philly169


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Almost 3 weeks later & it's still working well. Still feels strange, as if I'm going to hit it left but when I trust the swing the shots go very straight. My bad long iron shot was a smother, low & left & that has all but disappeared. Cannot believe how much difference a tiny change has made.

No professional, & I've had a few over the years, has ever suggested this. I've always thought that if you know your own game you can help yourself. Just wish I'd discovered this about 20 years ago!

Afternoon Bill, glad it going well, did t look a lot wrong when we ended up in Gravy county. Hope alls well up north.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
A month later & it's still working! It works through the whole bag. My problem shot was the short half wedge. For the first time I can remember I'm standing over these shots with confidence instead of wondering if I'm going to shank them.