Should i get a membership?


Aug 6, 2012
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HI All,

I'm a bit of a returner to golf. I was a member of a course 11 years ago, then the children came along and we moved area. My son is now 11 and has a real passion for the game, mainly through watching golf on Sky Sports. We have been to the local pitch and putt/driving range and I dusted off my trust Ping G10s and purchased some clubs for him. I decided to take him for lessons as I feel unable to help him improve as I am not great at the game myself. We went to a local course for lessons with the Pro and he loves it. The pro hasn't pushed membership but its £25 for him for a year and £615 for me. My dilemma is do I need a membership? I don't feel confident enough to get involved in competitions (as I did over 11 years ago) yet but like the idea if being able to play a few holes as and when we like as members, the Pro suggested that as members if we wanted to go at quiet times and play a few holes we could but as non member we would need to book a tee time etc. What other benefits would a membership give me? Would it be worth it yet?



Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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That membership fee is dirt cheap, as long as you plan to play at least two or three times a month, I'd say it's definitely worth it.


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Jul 14, 2021
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Does the club have a cheaper membership that is limited to social golfing? When I was looking to join my club last year I asked the secretary if they had a different tier as I can't play weekends/tournaments. They had a social (excluding Saturday/competitions) tier that was cheaper but gives same benefits except I don't think I get a handicap? Need to check that, but I can't enter comps/play Saturday, which suited me fine.

But as Orikoru says, need to figure how much you'll play, and compare the benefits/cost between membership and green fees.


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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Have a look to see if they have a new golfers membership that may include a few lessons. Ours is called pathway membership and is available for one year, after which you need to join as a full 5/7 day member. 2 lessons with the pro are included and only restriction is no mornings at the weekend and no competitions.

Deleted member 21258

Junior membership is a bargain, he would only need to play a couple of times to get value from it. Be mad not to, if he is enjoying it.

Its possible they offer a credit based membership as a club, worth an ask, will be cheaper if you only intend to play say 15-20 rounds a year.

At the stage when my son was trying golf, we only did pay/play, he went along to junior coaching sessions as well.

Loved those early rounds of golf I had with son (& then the wife started etc), so much excitement coming from him. Been going on/off for about 17 years now, great to spend time together, in a peaceful place, bit of exercise, playing a sport we can all play against each other, even though we are different standards.

Enjoy the time, they soon grow up and get better than you. Best of luck :)


Aug 6, 2012
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Many thanks for the comments, really helpful. I will speak with the membership secretary when we visit next, but, the only option in the information the pro gave me and the website suggest either a full membership or a weekday only membership, which wouldn't really work for us. As a prospective member i'll see if they throw me a bone........but in typing this i'm already feeling a new membership for me and my son might be on the cards.

Appreciate the comments about the father and son time - so far, that's really helped both of us enjoy our golf more than perhaps I might if I was playing without him.


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Jan 8, 2021
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Many thanks for the comments, really helpful. I will speak with the membership secretary when we visit next, but, the only option in the information the pro gave me and the website suggest either a full membership or a weekday only membership, which wouldn't really work for us. As a prospective member i'll see if they throw me a bone........but in typing this i'm already feeling a new membership for me and my son might be on the cards.

Appreciate the comments about the father and son time - so far, that's really helped both of us enjoy our golf more than perhaps I might if I was playing without him.

Can only speak for my experience but, after a 20 year hiatus due to having 3 kids very close together, I thought I had played my last game. Sons played cricket and football. Last year younger son got back into golf (had lessons with grandparents at about 10) and got me back into it. We joined our local club immediately before the last lockdown (the day before - hence 3 months of paid but no play) but have played loads since. The pleasure from playing with your son is like nothing else. We are close as it is but this has taken it to a new level. I am keen for him to beat me, but, he has to beat me when I'm playing well. We don't do gimmes as it teaches neither of us anything. I am dreading the day he goes back to Uni. Oh, and because he's 21 and rarely drinks, he can drive home from the clubhouse ! Everyone's a winner.

In short, go for it. I don't see any downsides (unless your partner thinks different of course).

Biggleswade Blue

Head Pro
Mar 6, 2013
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This is my first year as a member and it’s the best thing I’ve done.

Me too. A few years of nomad golf was ok, but ran a trial memebership from May last year, and am now a full member. I'm loving it. Played more, including trips out for an hour or so for a few holes, got a handicap, am in the semi final of the high handicap summer knockout, played my first drawn comp, played with some great people I would never had played with otherwise. What's not to love?!


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Jan 2, 2021
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I’m in the same position, didn’t play for years and now my son (12) loves the game. I’d planned a membership this year but after my mum passed away I’ve spent a lot of time visiting my dad so not been home to play. We are going to join a club next year though