Shape Control - Sanity Check



Hi all,

I am just after a quick sanity check please. If I hit a good shot at the centre of the green, lets say 150 yards I will miss the centre to the left by about 8-10 yards. I have been assured that its not a pull but a draw that is not starting on the correct line.

My setup is something like: feet pointing at about 1 o'clock or just a little less, hips and shoulders square to the destination, club head maybe a few degrees open.

I have then been asked to release the club at about 1 o'clock for better control over my shape. I am working on this but in the net so am short of information. Obviously I will work on the range later in the week but is my setup about right?

It appears the ball is starting a little more to the right.




Nov 16, 2011
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Sounds plausible.

You should be able to see the shape of the flight.

A (rightee) Draw starts starts to the right of the actual target and moves from right to left. So either moving too much or not starting right enough.

Try releasing at 1:30 or 2 o'clock. Slightly different for individuals, but a 'modern traditional' Draw is swung at 2 o'clock with club-face at 1 o'clock.


Sounds plausible.

You should be able to see the shape of the flight.

A (rightee) Draw starts starts to the right of the actual target and moves from right to left. So either moving too much or not starting right enough.

Try releasing at 1:30 or 2 o'clock. Slightly different for individuals, but a 'modern traditional' Draw is swung at 2 o'clock with club-face at 1 o'clock.

Thanks, I am working on the premis that I am not starting it far enough right. The setup sound about right to you?


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Thanks, I am working on the premis that I am not starting it far enough right. The setup sound about right to you?

you are not starting it far enough right (predominantly due to the over the top move as you start on the way down), you want to hit a draw but the move at the top makes that exceptionally difficult


Thanks bud, still wana check that the setup I describe is acceptable?


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Set up is fine, no disrespect, thats not where the issue arises from for you, though personally I dont see a great need to set up to the right, happy setting up square and hitting slightly in to out (ie set up to 12 o clock but hit to 1 o clock). To hit a draw you need the clubhead to be coming from slightly inside and then heading towards 1 o clock. That ultimately is contradictory to the slight over the top move. Leaves you 2 options; 1) lose the over the top move so that you can drop the clubhead onto a slightly inside to out path or 2) be happy hitting a fade from the over the top movement.


Money List Winner
Oct 20, 2009
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Trust it really works....I had my doubts to start with, but if you truly go for the one o clock (and release the club head), then it's almost impossible to lose it left......the ones I have hit left are the ones I didn't start it out at 1 o clock.

The only other thing I would add is your feet/ hips/shoulders can be square as opposed to 1 o clock as long as you feel like you are swinging the club head out to 1 o clock.

Good luck with WILL see results. :thup:

Edit.......just seen Fundy's post reiterating the square set up rather than pointing the feet at 1 o clock.
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Yep yep, I'm in good shape, just wanted a quick sanity check so I did not ingrain something silly. In my OP I described a good shot not a going after it showing off because I am with big hitters, over the top shot. I am very aware what my bad one is and regularly have a tangible number put on good and bad while in a calm situation.

As you say Rick, some of it for the start line is a bit of belief.

No drama and I am on the road and enjoying the journey as always. Thankfully there is a direct correlation to the ott and my aggression level so all I need to do to control that is get laid or get over myself.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Alex where exactly do you start the ball?

A little Left and it goes more left
Straight and it goes left
A little Right and it goes left

(square face hit from the INSIDE will miss to the left EVERY TIME.... might not be over the top at all)

...and you shouldn't really ever set up with your feet closed to your hips as you'll not be able to clear your left hip properly and you'll potentially be robbing yourself of both distance and control.
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Nov 16, 2011
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Set-up isn't an absolute priority - except to enable you to execute the swing in the easiest way.

I know folk who set up open and hit Draws and others who set up closed and hit Fades.

Generally though, slightly closed helps. The old style 'swing along the line of the hips and feet' is pretty sound - as long as the club-face is neither square to them nor pointing at actual target.


Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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I like this..... thoughts everyone?


Alex where exactly do you start the ball?

A little Left and it goes more left
Straight and it goes left
A little Right and it goes left

(square face hit from the INSIDE will miss to the left EVERY TIME.... might not be over the top at all)

...and you shouldn't really ever set up with your feet closed to your hips as you'll not be able to clear your left hip properly and you'll potentially be robbing yourself of both distance and control.

Not trying to hit a draw, trying to hit my target. I am not over the top, Steve knows I can get over the top but I am aware how to not be, this post is not about that move. I guess I am starting the ball straight and its finishing left. Both my pro and Steve`s pro have told me its a good shot shape just started in the wrong place and both have said I need a bit of guts and release the ball more right.

Bob, I am nervous about getting to closed to the target as it seems a little bit of a cheap way to play a golf shot. Its going to be tough to get my feet closed, hips square and shoulders open innit?

One Planer

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Feb 11, 2011
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Just a question on the above diagram.

How do you know, in the case of fig2, that the club face is exactly 6* open to stance and target? Or that the path is exactly 12* when you're standing over the ball and swinging the club?

I don't doubt the physics, just the application of them.


Just a question on the above diagram.

How do you know, in the case of fig2, that the club face is exactly 6* open to stance and target? Or that the path is exactly 12* when you're standing over the ball and swinging the club?

I don't doubt the physics, just the application of them.

They have to put a number on it or it would be a pretty useless bit of information. I think the six and 12 can be any number provided they are in the same relation. You dont have to stand on the practice ground with a protractor ;)

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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They have to put a number on it or it would be a pretty useless bit of information. I think the six and 12 can be any number provided they are in the same relation. You dont have to stand on the practice ground with a protractor ;)

That was, kind of, my point Al'.

As I say, I agree with the physics. It's the application where I have doubts.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I agree James.

I think I saw a stat somewhere saying 1* out on, I think, 6ft putt, will cause the ball to miss.

1° out on a 6' putt will cause the ball to be 1.25" wide of your target, so can still go in if a square face would have the ball bang in the centre of the hole.


Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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That was, kind of, my point Al'.

As I say, I agree with the physics. It's the application where I have doubts.

Agree with you to some extent and I think I would struggle to play 4 different shot shapes on demand by altering club face and path.

What I CAN do, is hit a reasonably consistent very soft push draw. I want to work on making it even more consistent but it's certainly my standard shot (Ok, ok..... 6 iron and up..... anything longer and I just hope to keep it straight!).

I can do this without measuring the clubface angle at address. It's just a 'feeling' for me.

I don't doubt the physics either but to be honest, I don't really want to understand it!