Senior Fiddle


Assistant Pro
May 14, 2007
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We run a senior fiddle every Thursday up to 25 of us ,plus or minus depending on holidays etc. We play for 2 trophies ,which are dedicated to past members, these trophies have nothing to do with our official club. We always had our own handicap system which we ring fence just to use for the fiddle ,ensuring everyone gets a chance of winning money and Trophies, handicaps change weekly, I am sure you know what we mean. We do use our official handicap when we play in the official club comps.
Last year the committee insisted we use our official club handicap for our fiddles, which is putting fiddle members off, same people winning the money, this year we are intending to revert back to our fiddle handicap ,just to use when we play on a Thursday,i.e if you win with more than 40 points you lose 2 shots ,down to the other end anyone with 34 point or less get plus .25 back, nothing new here...
What can the committee do official to stop us using our fiddle handicap for our fiddles????????? that's if they can do anything officially , nearly all the local clubs we play use a similar system without being instructed other wise by their committee....


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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Surely this is outside the remit of the club

You can play off whatever handicaps you like, and adjust them as you see fit... just like a society would

I wonder why the club would want to get involved?


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Do what you and your gang want.

Like your club seniors' competitions at ours run under official handicaps system are won by the same old crowd putting many off bothering to enter.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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I think your committee may have got confused with the new Congu ruling stating that scores from fiddles/ roll ups / swindles should be used when reviewing handicaps.

There is no Congu or R&A ruling which insists that Congu handicaps are used in non Qualifying Competitions.

If they insist call an EGM to discuss the issue. I would have thought that with more than 40 players you should be able to get enough signatures for one.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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They have no control over your fiddle handicaps.

However the cards should be submitted to adjust official handicaps, that seems like logical approach.

Your trophies, your money, your choice.

They can of course refuse to reserve your tee times but that would be only a minor hindrance.


Assistant Pro
May 14, 2007
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Thanks for your reply ,but we play off yellow tees so the results shouldn't effect official club handicaps ,as they are determined with your results off the white tees and we play stableford, and a 20 club handicapper could be playing off 16 with his fiddle handicap,so how can our fiddle cards effect our club handicap?
Do CONGU have a rule that states rollups fiddle etc cards ,that are played off yellow tees,should be submitted to club handicap secretary?

Deleted member 15344

Thanks for your reply ,but we play off yellow tees so the results shouldn't effect official club handicaps ,as they are determined with your results off the white tees and we play stableford, and a 20 club handicapper could be playing off 16 with his fiddle handicap,so how can our fiddle cards effect our club handicap?
Do CONGU have a rule that states rollups fiddle etc cards ,that are played off yellow tees,should be submitted to club handicap secretary?

Well if your yellow tees are measured then yes you can have your HC adjusted by comp rounds being played from yellows

But any clubs shouldn't have the authority to force any Swindle to play of club HC - it's ultimately a bunch of mates playing together in any way they see fit

SB is not correct in what he say in regards submitting cards

Congu and EGU did bring in rules that any round played using Comp conditions must be submitted to HC committee for AR purposes but tbh only really outstanding scores. There is no need for every Swindle or roll up card to be submitted.

But if people want to hand in social rounds there is nothing stopping those people doing so and then the HC committee can use them as evidence at AR time

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Thanks for your reply ,but we play off yellow tees so the results shouldn't effect official club handicaps ,as they are determined with your results off the white tees and we play stableford, and a 20 club handicapper could be playing off 16 with his fiddle handicap,so how can our fiddle cards effect our club handicap?
Do CONGU have a rule that states rollups fiddle etc cards ,that are played off yellow tees,should be submitted to club handicap secretary?

If your yellow tees are rated with an SSS then yes.

Calculations are their domain if they want any cards. Not complex and the principle is only to build a picture not perform precise handicap adjustment.

Ironically if you just used the club handicaps and returned the top 5 cards each week you would probably achieve what you set out to anyway!

Edit Phil typed quicker and clearer than me!


Head Pro
Oct 8, 2012
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If a fiddle is stableford, and some people are playing off fiddle handicaps lower than their official HCP, then they might be picking up on a hole when they could have scored a point on their official HCP. How can it then be right to submit their card?

Also, in our fiddles we have gimmes - surely these cards can't count for handicapping purposes?