Self teaching vs Lessons.


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Hard one this. From my point. I am self taught, but and its a big but. I come from a golf family. 2 members have been club pro,s and everyone else in the family play as well. So yes I am self taught but how much has rubbed off, from playing most of the time when I was learning. With the pro,s I dont know.


Tour Rookie
Aug 6, 2007
Croydon, Surrey
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Self teaching has got be a dodgy road IMO.

There are three types of advice out there that can be obtained via mags & the net etc:
1) Absolute and utter bull
2) Reasonable articles that is not useful to the person.
3) As 2 but applicable.

The clever bit is deciphering amongst all the stuff, what is applicable, which is the dodgy bit. As for lessons, unless you are dedicated and know how to practice, then they are a waste of time too.

The average golfer therefore muddles around a course and on a good day, when their timing is right, can shoot a good score (for themselves). However, its just coincidence.

Guess work, lessons, or not to bother and just enjoy it? That is the question!:confused:
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Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Is it any coincidence that the top pros still have lessons with coaches. They know (allegedly) what their swing is about and how to play and yet they are still looking for the odd tweak and fix. For me, as someone with limited natural ability in all sports I've played success has always come down to good coaching, a lot of time and dedication to practice and some sheer bloody mindedness to want to be as good as I can.

I think I've overdone lessons in the pasts and that the last pro I had may not have been as good for my game as I thought at the time. Still hindsight is a great thing. All I can say is the guy I see now has radically changed the way I swing a club and see the swing. It has been an easy change to make, was instantly playable and I've got 100% more confidence in my game than I've had in years. Even in th ebad rounds I know what I should be doing and can usually find a way to nobble it round a lot better than I could before. The guy has taken the right side of the course out of play 90% of the time and so even if you are hitting it badly if you know where the miss is it means you can still play.

I would go for lessons everytime. A golf swing isn't something you can see as you do it and so there is no way you can understand if it is doing exactly what you want it to do. Even if you video and self analyse do most people on here truly understand everything needed to make a 100% accurate assessment. I know a bit (a little knowledge and all that) and so can pick some parts out on my swing that are wrong but it takes a good pro to see the bigger picture.

At the end of the day each to their own. If you get lessons it has to be with someone you trust implicitly to improve you and you do have to put the work in between lessons otherwise its a waste of time and effort in all honesty. I think self teaching can work but can only take you so far. A good pro can get you lower


Tour Rookie
Feb 1, 2012
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Hello ive been playing 2 years now, never had a single lesson in that time
My handicap is now 8,
It just shows you can do it on your own, but for so many lessons are needed
and if your able to go through the lessons route why not


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
If you have lessons it would solely depend on the knowledge of the instructor (things have changed) and your own ability to execute instructions.

There's no reason why anyone can't improve their short game. I would say that anyone who backs away from a driver really doesn't have it (not that they can't end up playing at a sufficient level).

Nothing wrong with being 'self taught' via the internet... however you need to take VIDEO... else it's guess work.

Can you please explain more what you mean James?

Pertaining to those who leave driver out of the bag because they can't hit it.


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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Hello ive been playing 2 years now, never had a single lesson in that time
My handicap is now 8,
It just shows you can do it on your own, but for so many lessons are needed
and if your able to go through the lessons route why not

Good going! But how low could you be with lessons? :)


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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The easiest/quickest way to get better at anything is to get professional tuition. How much/often depends on your talent for whatever it is you're trying to do.

Anyone unable to accept this is in self-denial, for reasons I can't understand.....

If you're not going to practise (which is 70% of my golf club) then lessons are pointless anyway.

If you are going to practise, why would you not want to know the best thing for you at that time to be practising?