Money List Winner
As it's made initially just down the road from me I suggest we stop sending it north for the next 7 days.
Who knows how the vote would go if lanarkshire sobered up.....
As it's made initially just down the road from me I suggest we stop sending it north for the next 7 days.
I think you really meant 'incredible'! But 'incredulous' could well describe at least 1 of the folk involved!
And don't forget that it wasn't a question about West Lothian - as it often seems to be portrayed. But it was a question raised by 'the Member for West Lothian' - Tam Dalyell during a debate. It's just as relevant to Northern Ireland or Wales too. But Scottish independence would 'solve' much of it - as the Scottish MPs would disappear!
Not sure it would go down to well with some on here as they are always after factual evidence rather than a light hearted comedy of how Holywood thinks it should have happened.
And if the powers (whatever they me be) that will be delivered to Holyrood following a NO are anything like what is being suggested then being a Westminster MP for a Scottish constituency is going to be a very PT job. And maybe along with the new powers will come a significant reduction in Scottish constituency representation at Westminster - who knows?
Clue to confused - think big gangly borders Scottish rugby player
There you go us in RUK never knew you played any other sport apart from curling in Scotland.
The problem with this will be one of cost, give an MP and a public sector worker something new and they will want new staff, new buildings and new equipment. Look at what that massive carbuncle in Edinburgh cost the UK tax payer. Mind you in the event of a Yes vote, selling it of as luxury apartments might get us a few bob back.I think all UK constituencies should elect an MP who sits in a local parliament 3 days a week (or whatever) to deal with devolved matters and the rest of the time at a UK parliament for UK-wide matters. Since devolution all we've had is even more politicians and all the cost and environmental impact (hot air) they generate.
Here's an interesting point of view on BBC "bias"
Look at what that massive carbuncle in Edinburgh cost the UK tax payer. Mind you in the event of a Yes vote, selling it of as luxury apartments might get us a few bob back.
as you like figures what about this.
only one poll had YES ahead.
it polled 1012 people.
you had to be registered with yougov to be in the poll (ok thats not a number but worth noting it's not representative)
The reality I think (hope) will be very different and nearer 61/39 for a no.
The only time I'll be shouting YES is on September 19th when the NO's win.
Unfortunately they cannot claim Gaelic as just there own language, I have enough problems with the one they speak now.I've been thinking.
I assume an iScot would revert back to speaking gaelic? They would surely want independence from the Language as well?
anyway on a lighter note, what night do you think The film "Brave heart" will be on TV
I've been thinking.
I assume an iScot would revert back to speaking gaelic? They would surely want independence from the Language as well?
I've been thinking.
I assume an iScot would revert back to speaking gaelic? They would surely want independence from the Language as well?
what do you mean revert back to speaking Gaelic, its only the Highlands and islands that spoke Gaelic in Scotland.
I'm thinking that it could be a fairly wide NO just because every vote counts twice towards the margin. Lots of voters going to be standing in the booth with pencil in hand, pausing and taking a deep breath. I think at that point more will go NO because of uncertainly than will go YES through 'I won't in my lifetime have this opportunity again'
My heart still hopes I am wrong.
Here's an interesting point of view on BBC "bias"
The NO telephone call my English wife fended last night was met with a polite southern English lassie saying 'of course I shall be voting for you' when she is in fact a keen Independence voter.