Room For One More?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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well I am going full on for s&t, if it works then fair enough, had enough lessons trying a traditional (if there is such a thing) swing and I am still crap

I may be limited by lack of ability but the s&t swing seems more up my alley at this point in time :)

Ok, here's your first lesson on the S&T

Take away

Start with your weight 60-40 on your left side, both feet flared out 20 deg
Tilt your left side whilst dropping your left shoulder so it almost points to the ball, whilst flexing the left knee towards the ball pressing into your left foot and straightening the right leg and also straightening your spine, swing your hands back inside the line so when your leading arm is parallel to the ground, it will be 40 degrees to the toe line and do NOT let the shoulders and hips move back, they move forward and make sure your left shoulder (centre of rotation) moves in front of your sternum not forgetting to keep the weight moving forward while keeping the upper centre back.
I think that concludes the take away but I may have missed something.

However, I did read an article that says if you have an out to in downswing, you should fix that first before trying the S&T system.

$75 please ;)


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009

I see what you're doing there Bob although I wonder what the 'first lesson' checklist would be like for a more conventional 'Bobmac' type swing?

Set up with your weight 50/50, keep your left foot square to the target line, stand up quite tall so that your shoulders turn flat, now, without moving your head transfer the weight to the inside of your right foot, don't turn your hips - resist!.. whilst taking the club away lo-and-slow, one piece, (knocking a ball out of the way back if possible as a drill) and cocking the wrists early to get the club up on plane. Don't take it too flat else you'll cast from the top and need to use the head cover drill to learn how to control your path, so so lift it more with the hands. Transfer some weight onto your left foot, but not too much, try to drop the hands to the inside of the target line whilst bringing the club back to the ball with the hands not ahead of it ensuring that somehow you strike the ball in a downwards motion (stick a load of tees in the ground and try to miss some of them) remember to spin the hips open, square the face, roll the hands over through impact to a high finish posting up on the left foot with the club wrapped around your neck...without hurting your back... somehow.

$75 please ;)


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I see what you're doing there Bob although I wonder what the 'first lesson' checklist would be like for a more conventional 'Bobmac' type swing?

Set up with your weight 50/50 Yes, keep your left foot square to the target line Nope, stand up quite tall so that your shoulders turn flat Nope, now, without moving your head transfer the weight to the inside of your right foot, don't turn your hips - resist Nope!.. whilst taking the club away lo-and-slow, one piece, (knocking a ball out of the way back if possible as a drill Nope) and cocking the wrists early to get the club up on plane Nope. Don't take it too flat else you'll cast from the top Nope and need to use the head cover drill to learn how to control your path Yes , so so lift it more with the hands Nope. Transfer some weight onto your left foot, but not too much Nope, try to drop the hands to the inside of the target line whilst bringing the club back to the ball with the hands not ahead of it Nope ensuring that somehow you strike the ball in a downwards motion (stick a load of tees in the ground and try to miss some of them) remember to spin the hips open Nope, square the face, roll the hands over through impact to a high finish posting up on the left foot with the club wrapped around your neck...without hurting your back... somehow. Nope

$75 please ;)

So, start with the weight 50/50 thats the take away sorted. After all, who hits the ball on the take away.


I prefer to focus on the impact area

BTW, you must explain how you can do a one piece take away AND have an early wrist cock.
And a cast from the top is an early release of the angle set between the left forearm and shaft, not a throw where the club is thrown outside the line and above plane.

In my post I only described the takeaway, not the whole swing as you attempted. That why I only charged half price.

And do you have any comment about out to in swingers learning S&T ?
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Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
And do you have any comment about out to in swingers learning S&T ?

The basic S&T pattern is for a push-draw so people won't be swinging out-to-in. The swing pattern will fix their path and they should hit nice draw shots.

As for my tongue in cheek post above I thought there was at least 3 ways to take the club away in the 'standard swing', low-and-slow, early wrist cock, something in between? No one has decided which of these ways is actually the correct way however I believe these 3 different takeaways are for the variety of commonly played shots - fat, thin and topped :ears:


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I believe these 3 different takeaways are for the variety of commonly played shots - fat, thin and topped

And I always thought
the fat shot was caused by players swaying off the ball and not staying centred or as I call them 'the self taught'
the thin shot was caused by players moving the weight forward on the backswing then back on the downswing
and the top was caused by having too much weight on the front foot causing a steep out to in swing and deep divots after the 'top'

But seriously, for someone who is relatively new to the game and has an out to in swing, I think S&T would be a difficult method to master especially if learned from a book un-supervised.


Challenge Tour Pro
Apr 2, 2008
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I think S&T would be a difficult method to master especially if learned from a book un-supervised.

I think you have hit the nail on the head with that statement Bob and as much as I agree with the swing pattern and perform it to the best of my ability the biggest negative about it is the small amount of authorised instructors who can ensure you are on the right tracks.
Fortunately for me my club pro is one of the authorised instructors but even so if I try to implement certain elements of the swing between lessons I do not always get it right and have to be corrected further down the line.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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the biggest negative about it is the small amount of authorised instructors who can ensure you are on the right tracks.

For $750 a pro can take the first step to becoming a S&T teacher.
For that you get
a manual
A password to the secret members area of the website
Limited use of the S&T logo
a S&T email address
and a certificate proving you are a 'Network Instructor'

If you then pass all the tests and pay another $750 you will then become an Authorised Instructor

Finally, after another $750, you become an 'Expert instructor' which means you may host S&T golf schools, limited use of the logo and a few other bits and pieces

If you want to know more


Club Champion
Oct 20, 2010
For $750 a pro can take the first step to becoming a S&T teacher.
For that you get
a manual
A password to the secret members area of the website
Limited use of the S&T logo
a S&T email address
and a certificate proving you are a 'Network Instructor'

If you then pass all the tests and pay another $750 you will then become an Authorised Instructor

Finally, after another $750, you become an 'Expert instructor' which means you may host S&T golf schools, limited use of the logo and a few other bits and pieces

If you want to know more

You've failed to mention the time spent with Andy Plummer and Mike Bennett.

The above was not my journey.

I'm looking forward to spending more time with Andy this coming weekend in Spain and continue my learning.