rescue wood or 7 wood


Assistant Pro
May 14, 2007
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I used to use a Ben Sayer 7 wood now ive aquired a Knight Evader trouble wood says 7 on it and 22 degrees,from the face to the back of the club measures 62mm,the Ben Sayer measures 80mm,should i use the troble wood or the ben sayer and which iron would it replace?where do you set the ball up when you use them?
Thanks 20 handicapper
Ohh, interesting one!

7 wood and 3 (21-ish) hybrid will hit the same distance approx.

The wood will generally have a degree or two more loft but a longer shaft by a bit. The rescues are a little easier to control and certainly better out of grassy (non fairway) lies.

In general terms the thinking is something along these lines

2I, 2H, 5wood about the same
3I, 3H, 7wood about the same
4I, 4H, 9wood about the same

BUT, the truth is, an average player will probably do better (a few yards) with the hybrid/rescue or metal wood.

Ball should be placed a little forward (towards left foot, for a right hander) of middle, but not as far as Driver.

Horses for courses with most of this information. I'm poor with long irons off the deck (fine off the tee, even have a 2I) so my 3I goes 175-180, 3H might get to 185 and 7wood possibly 190. Depends on your swing.

thanks dave the bensayers is a metal wood,what is a
21 2H

31 3H
41 4H
my irons are ping G2 high launch what would you recommend for the 3 iron (rescue replacement)4 iron (rescue replacement? and maybe my 5 iron?
Thanks Fred
a 3 (21-ish) hybrid is me saying a hybrid designed to replace a 3 iron. depending on the make, it may have as little as 19 degrees loft or as much as 22.

If you are playing g10 irons, then the swing weight is D0.

If you have a full set of the pings, start with the 3 iron replacement.

here's the chart from Ping

Loft, Iron Equivalent, Fairway wood

15° 1-iron 4-wood
18° 2-iron 5-wood
21° 3-iron 7-wood
24° 4-iron 9-wood
28° 5-iron
32° 6-iron

So, reading this (it's the same for all makes, more or less) the 21° G10 hybrid replaces the 3 iron or 7 wood.

If you don't want Ping, look at any other makes with the same swing weight (ideally). Taylor Made r7 draw rescue and macgregor UT utility are both matches.

The burner rescue, the cobra DWS and cleveland models will all be heavier to swing.....ok for most people, but I've binned these as choices.

Hi Dave thanks again,my irons are G2 not G10,could you tell me where i can get the chart for ,as i have a wedge a sand iron and a utility wedge says (U) on the bottom of the cluband i would like to know there degrees of loft
My Driver is the new Cobra and i can hit it well(some times)I thought about looking at the Cobra range of Baffler utility woods,i am a reasonably strong retired 61 yrs would you recomend i keep my 5/6irons upwards and replace my 3 and 4 irons with utility clubs?thanks again
Well it depends on how well You personally hit your long irons. If you find you struggle then yeh hybrids will benefit you. If you dont struggle then unless there going to help you its a waste of money.

My friends dad has totally irons and a putter. 1-Sw. Very good striker of the ball. Plays of 12.

As much as this hurts me to say, and will get me shot around here.....I'd seriously consider the senior flex (C9) as opposed to the regular mens (D2). Regular mens is going to be suited to players with heavier/stiffer clubs....which might explain why they are so well loved around here.

QED, I thank you.

C9 and D2 are the swing weight. Your pings are D0.
Which way to go (if you can't get the same) will come down to a trial hit.
If I remember correctly the cobra DWS R shaft is 65g which is also good news if you aren't a monster hitter.
Try both (preferably on a computer monitor machine) and see which gets the better launch and direction.

I've spent hours on this, this weekend.....trying out the Taylor Made tomorrow.

I would choose the hybrid over the 7 wood. Reason being that I have tried both and hit the hybrid better out of the rough.

100% agreed. If I thought a 7 wood would be as useful, I'd have picked up an old warbird heavenwood for £20 on ebay.

I will buck the trend here and tell you that I am going back to a seven wood. I have had a couple of hybrids, Mizuno and Sonartec but feel I had much more consistancy with the Callaway steelhead 7 wood. I just found that I got better results from both fairway and semi. Also found the 7 wood stopped quicker and flew higher.

All about horses for courses. Golf is a great game and opinions are like @ssholes - we all have one!!!!!
I don't think this is bucking too much! I had a helpful email from the good chaps at snainton, and they reckon I should stay well clear of the R7 draw and Macgregor, as both have quite a draw bias (and my bad shot is a hook!!).

Might be left with the £20 ebay 7 wood option after all.

It's not of importance....we all should use what suits us, not what we think we should.
