repairing pitch marks on the line of your putt


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2012
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I had a pitch mark on my line today, I said "I can't repair this can I?" I was surprised when both my playing partners said yes you can.

Who was correct?

Colin L

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May 26, 2012
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They were. You can repair pitch marks anywhere on the green including on your line of putt. Rule 16-1a(iv) and Rule 16-1c are your references.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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So I'm just off the fringe of the green and want to putt - and the fringe is a battlefield of crater-depth unrepaired pitch marks - with all having 'greenside' raised edges (due to compression of the ground caused by the ball landing) - and I can do nothing about it?


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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So I'm just off the fringe of the green and want to putt - and the fringe is a battlefield of crater-depth unrepaired pitch marks - with all having 'greenside' raised edges (due to compression of the ground caused by the ball landing) - and I can do nothing about it?

only time this is possible AS FAR AS I KNOW is , you play your shot & it stops in the fringe , your partner plays & his/her ball pitches in front of yours & leaves a mark (& your sure it is this pitch mark) you can repair it .. you are entitled to the line & condition your shot had given you , previous to their shot been played

in your case it woud be very hard to prove which one your partner just made tho.. best not to touch them


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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only time this is possible AS FAR AS I KNOW is , you play your shot & it stops in the fringe , your partner plays & his/her ball pitches in front of yours & leaves a mark (& your sure it is this pitch mark) you can repair it .. you are entitled to the line & condition your shot had given you , previous to their shot been played

in your case it woud be very hard to prove which one your partner just made tho.. best not to touch them

hmmm - the thing is that that is not actually fair - the golfer has done nothing wrong and is getting penalised.

Taking scenario to another extreme - I'm twenty yds short of green and want to putt - but there are a few unrepaired divot 'scars' on my line - can I repair these? Because I probably would - but don't see why it is any different from the previous scenario.
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Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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hmmm - the thing is that that is not actually fair - the golfer has done nothing wrong and is getting penalised.

Taking scenario to another extreme - I'm twenty yds short of green and want to putt - but there are a few unrepaired divot 'scars' on my line - can I repair these? Because I probably would - but don't see why it is any different from the previous scenario.

No unfortunatly not , as far as i know (there are better guys here for rules than me) you cant repair anything on your line off the green like that, if it was there before you played your shot .. Jezz Mashie Duncan or Colin might clarify this if ye are reading it please ,


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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No unfortunatly not , as far as i know (there are better guys here for rules than me) you cant repair anything on your line off the green like that, if it was there before you played your shot .. Jezz Mashie Duncan or Colin might clarify this if ye are reading it please ,

But what counts as 'my line' when I'm short of the green - my line could be anything. Which means I can't repair any divots between myself and the green until I've played my shot?


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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The rules is the rules. But going back to being just off the green faced with a load of pitch marks. So I say to my playing partner that they are not on my line - and so can repair them - then change my mind about my line or say 'oops - mishit my putt but look - I clearly misread my line'...

Is it wrong for me to do such a thing to get round what is plainly an unfair scenario. This feels like another topic.
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Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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As i said earlier best not to touch them, if your in any doubt , play it as it lies , if you wana repair them do it after your shot , saves the issues if you do change your mind how to play it ..

IMO If you did change your mind & play over them it would be a penalty , have not come across this but i would think 2 shots .. just my opinion tho , im no rules guru

If you claimed to miss hit it off your line , id go by where it ended up , if it ends up well away from the hole ok you mishit it , if you knocked your miss hit stone dead .. mmm. ? id be wondering ha
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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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As i said earlier best not to touch them, if your in any doubt , play it as it lies , if you wana repair them do it after your shot , saves the issues if you do change your mind how to play it ..

IMO If you did change your mind & play over them it would be a penalty , have not come across this but i would think 2 shots .. just my opinion tho , im no rules guru

If you claimed to miss hit it off your line , id go by where it ended up , if it ends up well away from the hole ok you mishit it , if you knocked your miss hit stone dead .. mmm. ? id be wondering ha

Yes - and so would I. But if the situation was obviously unfair, and could get no help from the rules - but I could get around the problem by saying I'm doing one thing - then do another...hmmm...

In golf what we say/think we are going to do or wish to do - -and what we actually do are often very different things.


Tour Winner
Feb 14, 2012
Medway, Kent
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I didn't think you could touch anything on the green if you are off of it. E.g Rory getting a penalty for brushing sand off the green when he was on the fringe.

Best to play as it lies rather than getting penatly shots applied imho


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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I didn't think you could touch anything on the green if you are off of it. E.g Rory getting a penalty for brushing sand off the green when he was on the fringe.

Best to play as it lies rather than getting penatly shots applied imho

Rory brushed sand off the fringe not the green, sand that had been there before he played his shot ..

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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I didn't think you could touch anything on the green if you are off of it. E.g Rory getting a penalty for brushing sand off the green when he was on the fringe.

Best to play as it lies rather than getting penatly shots applied imho

bladeplayer is doing well, but just a little more clarity on this one.

Rory did indeed remove sand from the fringe in front of his ball, and immediately realised what he'd done. the reason it would be different on the green is because sand, and loose soil, are loose impediments on the green but not elsewhere.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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But if the situation was obviously unfair, ...........

you keep going on about this, why is it unfair? it's the same for everybody.

it's no more unfair than finding your ball in a divot in the centre of a fairway after your best drive ever, or finding a large branch directly behind your ball in the middle of a bunker...

as to your earlier comment/question - your line is the the intended line, with an appropriate degree of latitude either side ie if you were putting from 5ft off the green it might be a foot either side of the actual line (taking into account slopes etc ie the actual line of play) whilst for a 200yd approach shot it could be 40yds wide at the green!