Reducing an 'Over Draw' - What should I look for?

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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From the outset, I' like to make it clear that this thread is not about hooking!

Hook spin, yes. Hooking, No :)

Of late, my swing is in a really good place. I'm consistently hitting the ball better which has resulted in a great start to the season from a handicap point of view.

I'm hitting a nice baby draw on the back of a grip change that I've worked on for the last few months. If you consider a clock face with 12 being target, the ball starts to 1 and curves back to 12.

Of late, I'm launching the ball in the same initial direction, but the ball is curving more towards and finishing at around 11.

From my perspective, at address, it all looks pretty similar.

If I want to reduce the amount of hook spin I'm putting onto the ball what sort of things should I be looking at/for at set-up?


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Based on your last comp score leave it alone, keep playing well and enjoy it!!!

If you insist on tinkering then ultimately its altering the swing path or clubface to path relationship. It sounds as though you have probably got a bit more in to out pathwise than you were before so work on neutralising the path would be the obvious option (ideally half hour on trackman to check path and clubface and compare to the numbers for the above optimal scenario would be ideal)

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Based on your last comp score leave it alone, keep playing well and enjoy it!!!

If you insist on tinkering then ultimately its altering the swing path or clubface to path relationship. It sounds as though you have probably got a bit more in to out pathwise than you were before so work on neutralising the path would be the obvious option (ideally half hour on trackman to check path and clubface and compare to the numbers for the above optimal scenario would be ideal)

Oh, I don't plan on making any changes Steve. As I say I'm hitting it well just now.

I'm convinced the issue is at set-up and something I'm missing.

Perhaps alignment or the ball position has moved back a little, or my grip is a little stronger, or a combination :mad:

Hence the thread. At address my set up between the good and the over draw, it seems very similar but obviously isn't.


Nov 16, 2011
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That's not 'Hook' spin - simply 'Draw' spin, so the benefit of change is marginal! You could just aim slightly further right if you really want to compensate! :whistle:

On why it's happening....Did your Coach suggest you look for a feeling? If he did, or even if you have simply found one, it could be that you have got used to that feeling as 'natural', but are still trying to impose the (now extra) feeling!


Tour Winner
Sep 23, 2010
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Genuine question.

When does an over-draw become a hook!?

When it's going to 10 o'clock? :confused:

If I were you I'd just aim at 2 o'clock, job done.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Genuine question.

When does an over-draw become a hook!?

When it's going to 10 o'clock? :confused:

If I were you I'd just aim at 2 o'clock, job done.

Fair question.

To me, an overdraw is a flight that misses the target left by a small amount.

A hook, like a slice curves wildly and is shorter in distance.... Unless you're Bubba :)

Fair point about the aim :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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the more you aim right, the more the tendency becomes to increase the in to out path. this then leads to more shape, so you aim even further right and the shape continues to increase. sooner rather than later it is definitely a hook not a draw. having been through similar I would look to keep the amount of draw as minimal as possible personally

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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the more you aim right, the more the tendency becomes to increase the in to out path. this then leads to more shape, so you aim even further right and the shape continues to increase. sooner rather than later it is definitely a hook not a draw. having been through similar I would look to keep the amount of draw as minimal as possible personally

This is my worry Steve.

I currently align square to target. My worry is ill start to flip at it to sent it more to target if aligning to the right.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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assuming pretty centered strikes if generating that much curvature swing path gotta be in to out by some
plus face angle a ways shut down (to path)

this probably more likely to be through motion to delivery of clubhead - if as stated the alignments are parallel left to target line (would double check aim as most vids put up the natural tendency seems to be aligned to rightfield some as more of a norm tendency)

- if overdraw is currently a pretty ingrained 30' - 40' curvature - then to aim further right the outcome is the overdraw gonna get even more curvature so magnify the issue - but then if it gets blocked/pushed it's off the planet a good bunch more straight right

if ball position a real issue would guess there would have been some experience of a fair bunch of thin strikes -but could always put the ball off left chest and hit a few to see how that goes down
has there been a huge change of hold on the handle prior to issue - if not then likely grip not an issue

but also is the overdraw scenario an occurrence through the bigger percentage of shots through play & practice over some weeks - periodically through folks games the same issues appear as the motion or motion & timing is little ways more out of whack so the compensations needed don't get fed back in as they have been - so maybes the club is getting rerouted after transition too far down behind & back (that reroute after the transition initial out & over move) so delivering a bigger (6º/7º/8º/9º) in to out swing path - so has/is the lower body lateral move leftfield to target got a tad too much

way not to have an overdraw that's become an issue is to calm down the swing path (face angle) - one way would be to don't swing clubhead out to rightfield - swing to target and left
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Tour Rookie
Aug 9, 2015
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Of course it's a hook.

Starts right and finishes left that's exactly what a hook is.

Anyone who uses "baby draw" gets unfriended, so I'm out.

Trivially speaking :D