Question for Lanarkshire / Glasgow folks


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2008
Wishaw, Scotland
Visit site
I was talking to a guy at work who told me that the golf course at Torrance Park at Newhouse was open for play.
Anybody know if that's true? and if so, have you played it and what's it like?

For non-locals - this was a hotel / golf / housing development by David Murray ( the Rangers owner) and a local developer which was started, the course was constructed but the council refused planning for the posh houses around the course so Mr Murray refused to open the course until he got planning for the houses. This was about 6 years ago and the course has been complete but closed since then.
Craig I live in New Stevenston and I have heard of a few guys who have paid £15 to play it. The course is 'looked after' but by gardeners and not greenkeepers. It is another expensive flop for the Rangers owner.
It needs a bit of work done to it as it is a clay based course similar to Dalziel and Colvilles so doesn't like the current weather we are having. I play at Shotts and it holds up better than most.

Is the £15 a bung for the gardeners who then turn a blind eye when you climb the fence or is it properly open??
I'll take a drive past on my way home tonight and see if there is any sign of life.

How is Shotts playing in this weather. It's been cold and raining in Wishaw all week so there must be snow up there unless the wind has blown it all away!
I haven't played Shotts for years ( even though I know a few members - my wife's uncle was the captain last year)
I remember it as a nice course though - real tricky compared to Wishaw.