Putting Issues #2 - Inconsistent Length


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Ok, im at my teather with this. Last year while my long game was poop, my putting was very good with my average down to 30 in some rounds.

From ooctober to november i played very little golf and spent hours on the range ingraining the new swing changes to improve things but now my putting is well out the window. my my putts per round ar still around 34, i know my putting is bad because im getting alot closer with my wedges and approach shots, im just failing to turn the approaches and improved shot game into scores.

Last week while i shot a personal best im must have left around 5 or 6 putts short, or putted super long and had to putt back, and yesturday was the same. Our first is a par 5 and i was pin high uphill straight putt for 3, around 4-5 foot away, left it 6 inches short. the list rolls on and on.

6 foot putts - i would leave short by around a foot atleast
20ft plus i would be almost 10ft past the hole.

ive got a v easy but i havenet managed to try it out other than chipping on the range, i have been trying to hit our practice green but its always dark by the time i finish work so its a bit hard to guage your progression on a pitch black green


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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Are your greens in good condition, rolling nicely and consitent paced??

It is winter and I'd doubt the answer to all of those were yes, you may be searching for a problem that isn't there.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Yes putters aren't very tolerant of an off centre strike.

That said, I can't get that excited about putting at this time of year. The greens are slow and shonky, and I feel putts have to be hit, not stroked.

I had 4 putts stop on the edge on Sunday, if I had hit them harder, I would have shot 71 not 75. On the other hand, I holes out from off the green once, and sank two long ones. It all balances out.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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granted our greens wasnt the best yeterday, but last week they was pretty good for th time of year, pretty true and consistent and not very bobbly.

murph i agree they dont seem to be very forgiving with off centre putts, and now its mentioned the strike on teh putts has also become inconsistent. I wasnt overly worried about the putting over the last month or so as i had blamed it on the greens, but a playing partner mentioned that i wasnt taking the outter back on the same line as i was returning it meaning almost looping on the back stroke, and since then its blown my head to pieces.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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granted our greens wasnt the best yeterday, but last week they was pretty good for the time of year , pretty true and consistent and not very bobbly.

Our greens are excellent for the time of year. They are a long way off rolling true or consistently though.

If you want to improve your striking get two elastic bands and wrap them round your putter a number of times so they stand proud above the face. Put one each side of the sweet spot and you will get instant feedback if you aren't hitting them sweet.

The betteryou get the closer you move the bands together.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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robo, nice tip and one i shall try.

Murph, ive got the v easy but cant seem to find time or place to practice with it. Our house and my girl firends house is wood flooring all the way through, and when ever i finish work the course practice green will be dark. may just have to suck it up and practice in the dark to try and get better feel.

On sunday, all the guys in my group where not holing everything our, but were definately leaving them in a gimma position. the ones that did miss from the same sort of distance was only having 8-10 inch putts at most, often "still me" rang in my head like bl**dy church bells.


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 10, 2010
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P.P.R isn't or shouldn't be the only judge of putting.

P.P.G.I.R reflects your putts on greens you've hit (taking some of the just missed a green and got an easy up and down to bring the ppr score down).

Some people measure footage of putts holed (i.e hole from 18" = 18" hoe from 30ft = 3-ft)add it all together at the end of the round.

You can divide it into areas and see how your putting from 10-15ft range etc:

As has been said winter can reflect it, improving the number of greens hit can affect it.

For pace issues there are a few drills and games you can do. Ladder drills (up and down, past one another in a set area), trying to hit a putt as close to the green as close as you can without going past, Pelz's triangle putting, Pelz's safety drawback, 5 putts from 30 feet 5 from 40 feet, 5 from 50 feet blocked practice and then randomise to build up feel).

I like to start the season off with this warm up drill - it's good for confidence - the day after at least.
Hole 1 putt from 30 ft
Hole 2 consecutive putts from 15ft
Hole 5 consecutive putts from 9ft
Hole 10 consecutive putts from 6ft
hole 20 consecutive putts from 3 ft

Miss a putt re-start at the same level.

Stand upo and stretch your back out every 3 putts or so.

You can make the distance closer, not require to hole consecutive or reduce number of consecutive putts to make it easier if you wish or do the opposite.

It takes time, do it as a practice session or after a round not before. it can easily take an hour. Don't cheat leave enough time and finish it. You'll have hole about 95% of your last putts from inside 6ft - good for confidence.

Do you practice ont he putting green before a round? Do you tend to struggle on slow / long / bumpier greens? These could affect yor stats and confidence short term and may not be an issue inthe summertime.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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sgc, last summer and and autum anything from 6ft in would normally go in in percentages... 95%?

from 20ft i would never be more than 2 ft past meaning 20ft normally secured a easy 2 putt. i was pretty confident with most putts from 10 ft.

For some reason im really struggling on pacing the greens, ones that appear fast stop quick, ones that appear slow end up miles by the hole.

Our putting green is pretty much a pointless area on our course as it bares no relation to any of our greens. Its always super short, perfectly level, never wet as it drains well and so on. infact from the 2 x 18 hole courses, 1 x 9 hole course and a 18hole pitch and putt the green doesnt mirror anyway. i normally try and just have a few putts before a round for consistency if nothing else.

If for example i play for the same hole 3 times and im always a foot past that wouldnt bother me as it was consistent, whats killing me is the inconsistency. Not only that now im doubting my technique (which was good last year) im now changing where i grip the club, where i position the ball in the stance during the round to see if this is factoring it.

Maybe now is time to spend a few hours on the practice green, get a set up im consisntent with and work from that. Having no faith when left with a 3-4 putt is just shocking.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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If all you want is confidence for 4 foot and in, buy a putting mat. I have one, and it is a great confidence booster (no carpets either).
You can also use your v easy to check your stroke.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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I have an Odyssey putter with a soft insert, and have been putting terribly all winter. Leaving most putts short, or if i do get the ball to the hole the stroke is more of a half swing. Just been in the attic to rescue my old ping anser, and it will be getting an outing this Saturday. Definitely got more pop to it, which will hopefully get the ball to the hole, with a reasonable stroke.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I had a Yes Marilyn for a while and I suffered the same fate.
If you get the contact right, it goes where you want but just off centre and it's anyone's guess as to where it'll end up. Shame as I love the look and finish of the Yes putters but you've got to be on the money every time with them.
That said I'm starting to get some interesting "explosive" connections with my Sabertooth. Just occasionally the ball will shoot off the face much quicker than normal.


Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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sgc, last summer and and autum anything from 6ft in would normally go in in percentages... 95%?

from 20ft i would never be more than 2 ft past meaning 20ft normally secured a easy 2 putt. i was pretty confident with most putts from 10 ft.

For some reason im really struggling on pacing the greens, ones that appear fast stop quick, ones that appear slow end up miles by the hole.

Our putting green is pretty much a pointless area on our course as it bares no relation to any of our greens. Its always super short, perfectly level, never wet as it drains well and so on. infact from the 2 x 18 hole courses, 1 x 9 hole course and a 18hole pitch and putt the green doesnt mirror anyway. i normally try and just have a few putts before a round for consistency if nothing else.

If for example i play for the same hole 3 times and im always a foot past that wouldnt bother me as it was consistent, whats killing me is the inconsistency. Not only that now im doubting my technique (which was good last year) im now changing where i grip the club, where i position the ball in the stance during the round to see if this is factoring it.

Maybe now is time to spend a few hours on the practice green, get a set up im consisntent with and work from that. Having no faith when left with a 3-4 putt is just shocking.

Are your hands behind the putter head at address?


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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Two things:

Middle of the stance for ball position if it is not already (recent GM tip I think)

Practice aiming to go past the hole dont aim for it!

I always practice putting over a 5p coin. To get the "clink" I have to roll over it rather than stop on it, the coin is my hole and the aim point is a few inches past.

I always put the coin 3 feet away, I do two drills with it, the one above and using it for line where I hit putts of various strengths and they all have to pass over it.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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1.Do you vary the length of your backswing?
2. Is there a straight line from the putter shaft to your forearms?

Pfft what do you know about putting? :D

Its not like you have invented some magic training aid that everyone should own and that I will purchase from your website as soon as I have some spare cash.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Imurg - its interesting you say this about the yes putters, like you i find off centre hits have no power at all, yet the middle of the club can fire the ball 20% further than anticipated.

chris as far as im aware their bahine the ball inline with the putter head.

bob as far as i know my backswing as been consisntent, but since i have lost faith i have varied different length back strokes so to speak. Regarding the straight line, can you be more detailed here.