Putting Issues #2 - Inconsistent Length


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 10, 2010
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Shame about the putting green. Then (if possible) I would just try not to worry about winter putting results and focus on my last summer seasons putting.

I'm interested in why it's different in winter to summer. Do you have pace issues in summer, but hole the returns?

A tip I read for winter or longer greens is to have the ball more forward in the stance. If the greens are longer the ball sits down more, you wnat to be catching it on the upswing to help it get rolling sooner and aid consistent length. Some people might even use a more lofted putter on such greens.

People are asking you to look at how you power your stroke. If you use a lot of wrists it can lead to inconsistency. Another way to check this is to putt with 1 ball normally and notice where your stroke finishes, then take a second ball with top hand only and try to play it the same distance. Ask yourself does it go the same distance? Is my follow through the same length? A yes to both questions is a good thing. I fyou come up short or are following through more you're arguably using unnecessary power sources.

Oddsocks when you say your backwing length is consistent do you mean it's the same for all putts? or gets progressively longer as you are further from the hole? *

*try not to get into the habit of watching your backswing, not a good thing.


Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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Well when I was having problems with length on putts I had a playing lesson and on the first green the thing he noticed was that my hands were behind the ball. He advised me to have a mickleson-esque forward press and presto all length problems were sorted out. Now just need to sort out direction :D


Journeyman Pro
Sep 22, 2009
East Yorkshire
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Imurg - its interesting you say this about the yes putters, like you i find off centre hits have no power at all, yet the middle of the club can fire the ball 20% further than anticipated.

That is very interesting to me as an inconsistent Yes! Putter owner. What putters are there out there that are forgiving?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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SGC001 - Generally through the summer pace putting was pretty good, not awesome but definately not bad. ones that were missed would normally be left within 2 foot from a long range. Re backswing range, i would say it its not the same length for all putts, longer back swing for longer putts.

Chris, will try the forward press later.

HRC - its funny that Yes owners find inconsistency, but that isnt yes's fault, it has to be technique related. but i do wonder if yes's are not a forgiving putter for off centre hits.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 22, 2009
East Yorkshire
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HRC - its funny that Yes owners find inconsistency, but that isnt yes's fault, it has to be technique related. but i do wonder if yes's are not a forgiving putter for off centre hits.

Without doubt, it is a reflection of my technique but I'm looking for every edge I can get whether technological or otherwise.

It's only my second putter in nearly 18 years so I'm not a chopper and changer. This also means that I don't really know much about other models on the market.

I only bought the Yes! putter because I quite liked the feel of it and it had a bloody great big line down the middle as I couldn't line up square to save my life at that moment in time! :eek:

I'd be interested to see how you could test the forgiveness of putters so I can test it out. Any ideas?


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I have a Yes! putter that I lose a lot of distance on with off centre hits, but I assumed (maybe wrongly?) that it was because it's a heel shafted blade with all the weight behind the sweet spot.

The feel of it though is streets ahead of my Ping (to me at least) and will be going back to it when I have a bit more confidence.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Region, mine is a rather strange shape (oooo'er) it's center shafted with equal weighting on the heel, toe and center. What I find strange with the yes is the C groove area gives the visual impression of a sweet spit around 2 inches wide, I reckon its more like the size of s 5p