Putter length


Q-School Graduate
May 28, 2010
Is there a scientific-ish way of working out putter length based on height and reach? I cut my putter down to 32" to get over the ball more, and while my putting improved slightly i just feel i'm not quite fully in control of it. I'm probably just a wee bit too over it.

So i was thinking about going back up to 34" as my stroke has improved markedly due to practice. Or maybe 33"!

I'm 6'2 if it helps. I suspect it may just be a case of messing about with a few lengths but i'd appreciate any thoughts

Yeah good post.
I went to a putting clinic at my club recently. Supposedly a lot of amateurs have putter length shafts that are too large for them, bought of the shelf they are 35" standard but most would need it shorter. If using a putter which is too long, it is likely to push the elbows out which is not recommnended at all.

Another question you need to ask yourself which is related to this is regarding your putter swing path. Are you an in to in swinger or straight back and through. It is an important question as the answer will give you an idea to what putter suits your swing path. Straight back and through would be suited to a face balanced putter, and the in to in would be suited to a toe balanced putter.
The reason I raise this is because with a face balanced putter you would want to be directly over the ball to allow straight back and through and therefore a short shaft whereas you would stand a touch more upright with toe balanced to allow in to in.

Hope this helps??

My advice would be custom fit putter, after all it is the most important club in the bag.
As a newboy...for what its worth i think the putt is entirely personal and just go with what suits your game. Maybe more putting than over the range to work out what suits you best. One thing though I do think the long handles should be outlawed.....
Good answers, slightly in to in. My main issue with my putting is those wee fiddle ones, i think this is where the extra length would help. I get the feeling i'm too hunched over the ball and an extra inch or 2 might give me more space to swing.

I definitely agree "shop" putters are on the long side. I've always preferred shorter.

I'm afraid a custom fit isn't possible at the moment.

Thanks for the replies, always good to hear a different point of view
My "ex" pro, who fitted my putter, doesn't go with the whole "whatever suits" idea. He does a few fittings every week on a all-in-one lesson/fitting session.
I'm not an expert, and it might be possible I've forgotten some of the stuff he said, but i.i.r.c. once he's sorted out the posture of clients and tweaked/changed their stroke and played around with various lies and lengths, most players around my height (6.0") come in at 33-34" with a degree or two upright.

I liked him, he was a good teacher and that 1 hour putting thing was excellent, for which I should thank Yes! partly for. I'd still be having lessons except he went from £35 p/h to £45 p/h and last time I looked £55 p/h.

I'm not putting well this year, but that's lack of practise.
I'm looking at 36 1/2 inches. But then i'm a bit weird.

Angel Cabrera uses a belly putter, but held at the end of the grip. So he likes a long putter too.
I used to think I knew what suited me. I liked a short putter to get over the ball better, mine was 32".
I prefer the look of blade putters, and I also have an in-out-in stroke so thought they suited me. I like to feel the ball ping off the face so always had no or hard inserts.

I went to AG courtesy of GM for a putter fitting, with a VERY open mind, and let them choose all the specs for me. I walked away with a 34" mallet type with a very soft insert and have never putted so well.

My point is, what you think suits you might not necessarily be what actually suits you, and I'd recommend being fitted to anyone.
i am putting with a 32" oddyssey half mallet and from mid range it's excellent. Long range i struggle, and 4 feet is hit and miss.

I've come to the conclusion it's the head style more than anythin so have gone back to basics and bought a Ping Pal!

You can add fancy inserts, ball type aimy things, mega zingy lines and 4 ar5eholes, but you just can't improve on an original Ping
Odyssey putter fitting module here;


33" seems spot on for me at 5'10". I'm changing from a mallet with insert though as my long range efforts are suffering. I've got a Scotty 1.5 on the way but I'll hang on to the Odyssey just in case.

That fitting thingy is awesome! thanks for posting.

Unbelievably for me it came out with a heel-toe black series, 35". Exactly the same design as the Ping Pal i've just ordered!
The fitting guide has changed a bit since I used it last. I'm sure it used to ask for your wrist to floor measurement when standing in your golf shoes. (It didn't specify if you had to be wearing anything else :))