push, fade or slice ?


Assistant Pro
Aug 1, 2014
South/West Yorkshire
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Me again. A little update from before.

I've been working alot on my right hand grip and my ball striking and grouping is alot better with the irons wahoo.

My knee still drops but I'm working on that.

But the main reason for posting here is my ball flight since changing my grip.

I was aiming at the 150yard hill at the range and was hitting an 8 iron towards it.
I had a club on the ground aimed at the target and my club face in the same direction.

Did my swing and the ball was starting left and working it's way back towards the target. Not massively left approx 3-7 yards. Very little wind too.

Does this mean I'm hitting my shots with a closed face?

Could it be the reason for my 3/4 swings with wedges have a divot to the left and the ball goes at the target?

Or am I hitting a push or slice.

P.s I'm a right handed golfer.

Cheers Ryan


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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you're hitting out to in face a little ways open to the swing path ball starts left curvature takes it back right. don't forget the club face is aligned square to your target so square to your club on the the ground. you may be doing already but your body, shoulders hips, knees, feet want to be aligned parallel left of that club on the ground, so body shoulders hips knees feet are not aligned at the target directly. the less loft on the club you use the more left to right curvature you're going to get.

you probably swinging on an out to in swing path because you are starting the downswing with your upper body, your hands arms & shoulders, rather than your lower body starting the downswing.
starting with the upper body, shoulders arms hands club first moves everything from the top outwards first towards the ball target line so then it swings downwards & in so swinging towards the left through impact.

you want to feel your lower body starts transition from the top, so little weight into left foot first which then moves your left knee back towards target & left hip little lateral bump before it turns & clears as you kinda feel from the top your back stays looking at the target a fraction.

so then the right shoulder arms hands club can move downwards first from the top towards the ground then when you get around halfways down towards impact when your right elbow is at & infront of you right hip shaft around horizontal to the ground your body turn through then sends the club head outwards to the ball & through impact.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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often how we take the club away, what direction etc. has then a huge bearing on how we are able to start the club down. takeaway really important don't want the arms to get disconnected from the body.
