Puma Golf Clothes

George, you have added credability to my argument with regards Poulter. When did making the cut become a success ? That should be STANDARD for their profession !!!

Poulter has his own clothing brand !!! Its a JOKE !!

Birdieman, I think we have poked some people with a big stick on this one.
Well I guess the argument is null and void as the top sold in a matter of hours. The Puma stuff is quality, very fashionable on and off the course and I am in love with it tbh.

Birdieman you may be fat and white but some of us have a bit of flair and enjoy dressing in a modern way on the golf course. I do it for the craic, the joy of turning the heads of some of the old has-beens (yourself included ;)), and basically i live by the moto, look good feel good play good! So I'll continue to wear my Puma gear, Lindeberg belts and white trousers as thats what makes me feel good and you wear your dull stuff if thats what you like, lets be honest dressing like a 60 year old man isn't doing Tiger any harm.

Live and let live I say!
Interesting that Poulters clothing line, IJP, has been very toned down from what he would normally wear. One could almost call it dull. I was looking for another pair of snazzy trousers, and was a bit disappointed really.

I have some of Tigers stuff too, but sometimes when the sun shines.....
Silliwilli, happy you sold your top. I expect the buyer is now thinking 'what the &*&* have I done'.
In your effort to be trendy and non-conformist I expect you will end up looking like all the other wannabee Poulters and Clarkes and all end up looking the same in your Lindeberg uniforms.
For your information I am white, I could lose a pound or two and not miss it like most of us but probably not fat in the general scheme of things.
More interested in how many shots I take rather than recieving plaudits from other trendies as to who can wear the most ridiculous clothing on the course. I did wear a yellow Callaway polo shirt once till someone said -look it's Thomas Levet and I didn't wear it again.
I agree with a lot of the points made here.

J. Lindeberg stuff looks great on guys who can carry off tight trousers and neat fitting polo shirts. Doesn't look so good on someone with a bit of middle aged spread. But, if you're going to wear ostentatious clothing you have to be able to back it up on the course. Someone wearing white strides a JL belt and a pink shirt looks cool until they card a 95.

I like the classic golf look, really hate Nike and Adidas stuff - far too sporty, it's more like tennis gear than golf garb. That's why JL is so cool - stylish yet obviously for golf.

Poulter likes to think he is stylish - just isn't. Same as Darren Clarke: terrible dress sense.

Puma golf gear looks great.

Tiger Woods is a style free zone - pleated trousers and baggy shirts. Not cool. But, he is American and none of them have any style.

What I really don't like are those round neck golf shirts, Tiger's guilty of sporting those sometimes too.
Birdieman you are a bore. I agree that Poulter and Clarke are fashion disasters but the likes of Edfors, Ogilvy, Parnevik (2007 rather than in the old days) etc are wearing really stylish contemporary gear.

Sorry but some of us are young and like to dress fashionably, I just like clothes, they are a passion as is golf.

And tbf... the top was black with purple on it, hardly union jack trousers!
Siiliwilli, 27 posts and counting ain't half as boring as a lot of topics on this forum, I quite enjoy a bit of banter, nothing more, lighten up and go and wash the mud out of your white trousers!
Just put J Lindeberg into Google. First site listed 'Trendy Golf Clothes' - says it all really.
95 quid for a pair of trousers (even if water-resistant breathable material) says a lot more.(Try Milletts or Blacks of Greenock - in my case same material, less designer £22 Hatfield Galleria!)

Let's get back to basics
Boots - brown leather, brads fitted from the inside
Socks - (optional) v hairy wooly, long
Trews - sturdy (jock frock optional)
Gaiters - obligatory
Smock - hand stitched by 'loving' wife (well she does need something to do while we're communing with nature)
Bonnet - of course.
Ahhh the old clothing debate again. I say wear what ever golf brand you like and let the scores do the talking.

I was it a shop in Manchester the other day looking at some William Hunt trousers. I nearly fainted when I saw the price. it was the same as.... 48 pro v 1's or 6 lessons with our club pro or a 2nd hand ping g5 driver, or a scotty cameron putter.
I think it's a bit naughty of the clothes manufacturers to charge so much when they are aiming it at young kids. However, if people are going to continue buying it we can all expect to see the prices continue to rise. It's a shame because it's good stuff.

Also, more importantly, because Lindburg is so popular everyone looks the same. That's not cool
I agree on the so called 'mock' necks. They don't look too bad on Tiger, but on a middle age spread they look terrible.
Why do only fat people buy them.
This is solved at my club, where they are banned on the course, although surprisingly not in the club house. Explanations anyone?
We used to have a geat rule about shorts in the dining room. You could come in, walk around, order breakfast, eat it, but you couldn't sit down. Awesome. And people think golf is full of silly rules.
Murph - What would have happended if you had sat down? Electric shocks, armed guards, bollo*king from Captain.....what?
Down here i the south it seems to be the kids though that are buying all this trendy gear. How they can afford it I don't know. There's no way my pocket money would have stretched that far.

Good point someone made about Tiger looking like a grandad but then all the younger US golfers do. Have you noticed the preppy buttons all the way to the top look! Europeans look much cooler.
We used to have a geat rule about shorts in the dining room. You could come in, walk around, order breakfast, eat it, but you couldn't sit down. Awesome. And people think golf is full of silly rules.
I've heard some daft rules but this one takes the biscuit!
What on earth was the thinking (?) behind it?
No idea, just evolved I suppose. Bit of a cracker though. As to what happened if you sat down, the steward came over and asked you to leave. Refusal to obey the steward is a suspendable offence, so you couldn't just tell him to stop being stupid, and anyway, he was only responsible for enforcing 'our' rules.