Progress (I think)


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
You know more about the swing that I ever will but surely that address position is far too hunched down over the ball...

It's borderline... if that's a 7,8 iron. It would be OK if it was 9 or wedge. Biggest thought about that is loss of balance - too much weight forwards.

He actually makes an OK backswing and gets to here without his head really moving much at all, or losing his posture...


It's from here onwards where the problems lie. At least from where his new backswing is he has a CHANCE of flattening it.... previously he had no chance as he was swinging the club behind his knees on the takeaway.

What is causing the steepness Gary? No one has showed him properly what he's supposed to be doing from address to impact, not in a way that he understands (or embraces). His downswing is what he thinks it should be,.. to hit the ball as he thinks it should be hit.


Tour Winner
Dec 13, 2012
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Fair play for putting this up Homer, looks like an improvement.

You don't need advice from an 18 hcap like me, but for what it's worth you do stand up through the swing, just an observation. Good luck with your work on everything though.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Definate improvement Homer, well done :thup:

Looks like the time invested with your pro and on the range is begining to pay off.

As others have said, if you can fix the upward movement in the downswing, that would be pretty solid.

Question: Do you feel the standing up will be easier to 'fix' than the swing path?


Sep 11, 2011
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Nice to see you've narrowed the stance up a bit. As for ther lifting, I'm with Kellfire on that one. Its giving you the room you haven't got in (cramped) address position. Other than that, its looking good - plenty of repetition, which will give a consistent strike.

Good stuff Martin, stick at it.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Some interesting comments and nothing I didn't expect or already know. Yes the lateral movement is still and issue and yes it does seem in the video evidence to be caused by the last few inches of the backswing going on to far but it NEVER feels as though I am going too far back. If anything it is shorter and less across the line than a year ago. I am tempted to play about with a 3/4 swing at the range just to see where it could lead and have mailed my pro for his thoughts.

My swing has been like an onion and needed to strip the layers of problems and faults away to get to a place where I can give myself room to get the club back to the ball with room. Its been a longer journey and more layers than I hoped but I am in a happy place with that. As I said in the OP, pause swing 3 just before impact and the club is in a textbook position on plane (yes I know you need to ignore the body position but despite this I can hit good places).

It has become more repeatable and the contact and direction are improved which I guess is the main thing. My only concern about shortening the swing and stopping a lot of the movement is the fact this is now ingrained over 30+ years and so the amount of work, potential damage to my playability while I do this, and the length of time I'd need to invest may not outweigh the benefits at this stage of my golfing career. If I can invest that time on resurecting a more sustainable and trustworthy short game and just hone what I have in the longer swing, I think it will give the tools to reach single figures. I've seen plenty of 9 handicappers and lower with equally as obvious swing faults (not necessarily lateral movement but in terms of path and compensatory moves) who get it round efficiently and rely on a functional short game to help the score.


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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It has become more repeatable and the contact and direction are improved which I guess is the main thing.

My view which is in no way Educational Or Knowledgeable Maritn is your swing seems very mechanical , i appreciate thats what you are probably looking for in the long run ..
Im remembering back to the FoA and i thought you had a very nice rhytmic swing, one that i wouldnt mind having , and that you played nice and freely ..
As i often admit i know diddly squat re sings or swing mechanics but im very surprised any pro would teach that body lift at top of the swing ..
But if you have achieved a repeatable swing with better contact that can only be good ..

Best of luck
Last edited:


Global Moderator
Oct 4, 2007
Bangor, Co. Down
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My view which is in no way Educational Or Knowledgeable Maritn is your swing seems very mechanical , i appreciate thats what you are probably looking for in the long run ..
Im remembering back to the FoA and i thought you had a very nice rhytmic swing, one that i wouldnt mind having , and that you played nice and freely ..
As i often admit i know diddly squat re sings or swing mechanics but im very surprised any pro would teach that body lift at top of the swing ..
But if you have achieved a repeatable swing with better contact that can only be good ..

Best of luck

Bill, your swing is grand as it is, a good powerful turn and lots of speed.

Homer, yours seems to be all about height, there is no power there at all, as mentioned, the 3/4 swing might actually help you get more weight into the swing, by weight, I mean power.
Bill and myself (and some others I have seen at my own club too) hit it reasonable distances but neither of us reach the full straight arm suspension at the top of our backswings (built for comfort) nor stand up on the ball , I reckon if we did, we'd lose a fair bit of timing and yardage, never mind the more chance of plane differences on each swing likely causing even more random outcomes.
Give that 3/4 a go, what can you lose?


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I sent my pro a link to the thread and asked his thoughts on shortening the swing or addressing the lateral movement. Both of which I accept are issues but both of which after 30+ years on ingraining I'm not sure I have the time, patience and inclination to even attempt to eradicate or reduce significantly. Below is his reply. Please don't turn the thread into a "bash the pro" one as he has taught me for the last two years and so knows my game pretty well and what I can and can't do.

I am pretty happy with it as long as it's balanced and you can repeat your shots. It could be difficult for you to tear in to it again! We may tweak here and there but let's not strip It back.
We just need a bit more confidence in it and to hit more greens so that there is less pressure on your short game.

So maybe I've reached the end of the road in terms of changing the swing (Hoorah went the masses) and it's a case of learning to use what I have which is far more functional anyway, and getting a killer short game to compensate for any inaccuracies and off days.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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Consistency is both of your aims for your swing. That will be difficult with that much movement up & down.

Good luck though, you are obviously happy with it :)


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Homer, 1 question, do you stand up when hitting shorter shots (pitches and chips)? As if so then it definitely needs addressing imo, if not then go spend some time on the short game area based on your and your pros comments


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Homer, 1 question, do you stand up when hitting shorter shots (pitches and chips)? As if so then it definitely needs addressing imo, if not then go spend some time on the short game area based on your and your pros comments

Do you know what, I've no idea. Rarely if ever filmed a short shot with wedge or 9 iron as I tend to use mid irons 5-7 in lessons. Funnily enough I'm off for a pitching lesson on Sunday so I'll try and get something on camera. If not I'll film a few at the range but I am guessing not as much movement

Deleted member 15344

Agree with Rodobum - it's got to be very hard to replicate and find consistency with your swing with so much movement in it.

It's such a busy swing that has lots if elements in it that.

Has your pro not tried to stop you standing up ? It appears to be one of the big probs with your swing that would be the first part to try and sort out. Can see you getting higher and higher. Must take a lot of concentration - maybe too much. What are your "bad" shots


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Do you always swing with 100% power ? I often play 3/4 shots, punches into the wind or from under trees etc. Can't see the harm in trying these shots on the range, no change to your swing which will keep your Pro happy, video the results, and see what they look like. What you think is a 3/4 swing may be a full one to others, and I don't think you will lose any power. If nothing else you may master a shot that could come in handy during a round.

the smiling assassin

Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 15, 2013
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i think you've more talent than you give yourself credit for. your set up does look a little awkward, but your swing looks easily like that of a single figure golfer. you are simply struggling with getting over the mental hurdle of reaching your target, some thing i can relate to after choking my last few medals from excellent positions to get cut the last 0.3 (now 0.5!) that i need to reach my target handicap. personally i'd have thought it more than possible that you could improve further and aim for mid single figures. don't settle and think you've reached it. golf is an endless process of learning and discovering room for improvement as with any walk of life - a full stop just means you're about to start the next sentance


If I was you, I think I would change your pro. :)

Only kidding.

I agree with Richart and think you should try a much shorter swing. Fewer moving parts means less to go wrong. Turn away with the shoulders, turn back then hit with the hands. Simple!

I am definitely going to put my swing up on one of these posts too. I can't wait to find out what is wrong with it according to a load of blokes who get a shot every other hole or more! :)