Drills for swing improvement


New member
Oct 27, 2024
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I recently took up golf again after a very long sabbatical. Played a couple of games in a society but recently joined a local club and have the bug again. I played a fair bit in a much younger body and was alright. But as a middle ager i find myself still trying to
a) swing like im 20
b) not taking a full backswing

I still can hit the ball a decent distance but consistency is awful and misses are big.
So I'm looking for drills that will help reduce swing speed and increase swing rotation. Happy to be critiqued so have attached some links (excuse the belly 😃)

A lot of good moves there, well done.
One thing I did notice was the sound at impact, it sounds as if you're hitting the mat before the ball.
This was confirmed by the head movement on the backswing.
Try and keep your head still on the backswing and stay centred. This will help you turn better.
For a drill, try this.
Hit the front ball without hitting the back ball and finish balanced.
You might want to swap the back ball with something softer. headcover/small rolled up towel etc

Thanks Bobmac, that does make sense as in the winter I do find myself catching some too fat, especially wedges. Will give it a try.